2016年8月21日 星期日

(148 )谚语 Proverb: 圣人千虑,必有一失;愚人千虑,必有一得。 Saints have one thousand of consideration, there must be a loss ; fool people have one thousand of consideration, there must be a gain into account .

谚语 Proverb:

Saints have one thousand of consideration, there must be a loss ; fool people have one thousand of consideration, there must be a gain into account .

朝代Dynasty:先秦 Qin Dynasty

相关熟语 :千虑一得 、千虑一失。
Relevant idiomatic phrase:  a thousand of considerations may have a gain, a thousand of consideration may have a loss.

语译 Interpretation :

圣人在上千次的考虑中,必定会有一次失误 ;愚笨的人在上千次的考虑中,必定会有一次是可取的。
Saints must have a mistake/loss in a thousand of consideration; Fool people must have a gain in a thousand of considerations.

劝告 Advice :

People should be humble, not self-righteous, especially after the success shall be more magnanimous to listen to the views of people from different levels, and then do a comprehensive measure, so as not to make the wrong decision. 

比如 example:
Although position level is low but can also share views on the company.