2016年1月29日 星期五

( 139 ) 【汉字中的哲理 Philosophy in Chinese characters 】

【汉字中的哲理  Philosophy in Chinese characters 】

【忙 busy】心亡则忙,心亡易忘,
Heart death is due to busy, when the heart die will have lots of things to be easily forgotten, no matter how tired, remember to let the heart to take rest ;

心 heart + 亡 death = 忙 busy

【骗 cheat】一旦被人看穿,“ 马” 上就会给人看“扁”;
Once the deceptive conducts were seen through by people, it will let people immediately looking down at those deceptive conducts;

马 immediate + 扁 look down = 骗 cheat

马 : horse but here indicates 马上 :immediate
扁 : flat but here indicates 看扁 : look down

【值 value】人站得“直” 行得正,才能体现活人的价“值”;
Man stands " straight" and do right, to reflect the price "value" of the living people ;

人 man + 直straight = 值 value

"Willing" to " give " others, life can be pleasant ;

舍 willing to + 予 give = 舒 comfort

舍:home but here indicates 舍得 : willing to.
予 : give
舒心 : heart feels comfortable means pleasant;

【起 up】起点虽底,但不放弃不抛弃,自“己”就能“走”出自己的路。
Although the beginning is low, but never giving up and never abandoned, since the " self " will be able to " walk " out of his/her way.

己 : 自己 self
走 : walk

走 walk + 己 self = 起 up

2016年1月26日 星期二

(138) 名句 famous phase : “ 用人不疑,疑人不用” Use people do not suspect, suspected people do not use

名句 famous phase : “ 用人不疑,疑人不用”
拼音 pronunciation:yòng rén bù yí,yí rén bù yòng

Choose to use a man, should not suspect him while a suspected man should not be used.

意思 Meaning:
For untrusted man cannot be appointed; for those appointed people should be fully trusted, bold use of them, no doubt will do something bad or wrong.

When someone you trust to do wrong, he/she will reflect more insight to improve.

Since ancient times, " employer do not suspect a man used by him, when the man is suspected, the man cannot be used " as a principle of Chinese talent to employ people, but this is also the standard of employing people by Chinese officials and business leaders.

Because of no doubt, so rest assured, can make good achievements, so business can continue to develop better.

Any man with talent likes to be trusted. Trust can give people confidence and power to make people stop at nothing to reach their potentials. The trust also allows top and bottom united to overcome the difficulties.

不信任是信心的一种打击,疑心重重只会让人感觉不安心,不是用人所长。在古代战争时代,讯息联系沟通都很困难,所以“用人不疑” 的确派上用场。如果对冲锋陷阵的将士心生疑窦,是很难齐心协力、克敌制胜的。因为这是一种很自然的心态,你不信任人,人又怎能放心去信任你呢 ?
Mistrust is a blow of confidence, suspicions will only make people feel uneasy/worry. This is not the strength of employing personnel. In the ancient war era, contact information and communication are very difficult, so " employing no doubt " is really useful on that occasion. If causing suspicion to the soldiers in striking to make a frontal attack, it is very difficult to unite and defeat / conquer the enemy. Because this is a very natural state of mind, you don't trust people, how can the people trust to you ?

US Top General Electric CEO Jack Welch's operating principle is : " Managing less " is " Good Management". This is the dialectics of management, and also such management is one of the most ideal realm, but it is also a relying on corporate strategy, corporate culture to build a management platform.

If an employer is suspicious, " the top does not trust the bottom, the bottom does not trust the top, the top and bottom become centrifugation, that will cause failures" . Because sometimes the status is unclear, perhaps rumors may arise, especially listen to the slanders framed by the jealous that  hurt people without intention, those careers/enterprises were destroyed since ancient times are numerous to the list.

【成语 idioms 】:
诬陷进谗 framed into slanders
举不胜举 numerous to the list
流言蜚语 rumors
齐心协力 make concerted/united efforts
克敌制胜 defeat / conquer enemies

孔子与其弟子——颜回的故事 :
The Story of Confucius and his disciple, Yan Hui :

Confucius was at his one time trip, the situation is miserable, often on an empty stomach. One of seven days without eating, he couldn't go on walking, Confucius lie down on the road side, called Yan Hui going to get something to eat. Yan Hui finally got few bowls of white rice from the people in vicinity,  then he made a fire to cook hurriedly.

Confucius is an old man, abdominal hunger in heartbreak. On the trip, it was so hard,  unconsciously he fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw Yan Hui cooking while coughing was caused by smoke inhalation, and looked, Yan Hui put his hand in a wok to pick up a handful of rice into his mouth to eat.

Confucius thought deeply, Yan Hui is an honest man and an educated person, not having to steal  something to eat first ! On second thought, this is wicked world, man's heart is unpredictable,  especially when those are in the affliction is hard to say that ?

Confucius asked Yan Hui coming to his front, saying : " I dreamed my father in a dream just now, feeling in the heart is very uncomfortable, I need some fresh rice to worship him, you get to prepare it ! ”

Yan Hui was anxious and said : " No, in cooking just now, there were some ash on the rice, regrettable to throw it, , I had eaten it, and now the rice is not clean, and cannot be used for ritual ! ”

When Confucius heard the word of Yan Hui said, heart was startled, this was to figure out what happened, almost misunderstood Yan Hui, to understand that just his own judgment was wrong, it seems that trust is not easy to do.

但圣人就是圣人,能马上顿悟。孔子曰:"这人心的判断有时也是靠不住的,在这世上怀疑是每个人的天性啊 !"
But the Saint is saint, can have an epiphany/awareness immediately. Confucius said : "The heart of judgment is sometimes unreliable, suspected to be in this world is everyone's nature !"

After that, Confucius wanted to make a  summary of today's things for reminding later generations. So he called all his disciples to the front, with full of feeling and solemnly said :

" People believe their own eyes, but the eyes see may not be right. People who rely on their own judgment in the heart, but sometimes such judgment would be deceptive too, wanna seek truth from the facts is not easy ! ”

Yan Hui quickly recorded the exact words of what Confucius said : " Those who believe eyes but eyes are still not credible ; The judgement from the heart, the heart is not enough can be relied on. Disciples have remembered that to know a person is not easy !"

可见即使是孔子之圣,面对颜回这样的贤人,也不能做到:“用人不疑,疑人不用”! 但是圣人就是圣人,能马上顿悟自己的错误 。
Can see that even is the Saint of Confucius to face with Yan Hui, such a sage, is also can't make it : " use people do not suspect, suspect people do not use" ! But the saint is saint, can immediately realize his mistakes.

Personally, I think :
In today's world, we need to trust a person really needs to be smart to avoid believing untrusted people or hurt the people who trust on us.

However, we need team work to develop more better development in this world and also need concerted efforts in a team can't without trust !

2016年1月23日 星期六

(137) 只要在对的事情上,去做就对了 ! Just on the right thing, go to do it, it is right !

题目 Title :
只要在对的事情上,去做就对了 ! Just on the right thing, go to do it, it is right !

这只黄金猎犬看到有个孩子溺水时,毫不犹豫就跳入水里救人了 !它的精神是不是很棒啊 ?
When this golden retriever saw a child drowning, it did not hesitate to jump into the water to save life ! Its spirit isn't that great ?

在它的世界里并没有受任何宗教教育…… 但它的慈爱精神并不输给人类 !在对的事情,它做对了 ……
In its world where it has no subject to any religious education ……but its spirit of kindness does not lost to a mankind ! On the right thing, it has done right ……

反而现今有许多人误用了自己的同情心,失去了“慈爱的精神”和“大爱的精神” !许多年轻人因为贪念,把自己的怜悯心断送给了恶棍,还断送了许多人的生命 !
But today, many people misuse of their compassion, lost "Mercy Spirit" and the "Spirit of Great Love" ! Many young people because of greedy mind, his / her compassion heart is given for the villain, but also has ruined the lives of many people !

请想一想 Please think of it :

如果您把怜悯心送给了恐怖分子,将会有什么样的世界 ?
If you give mercy heart to terrorists, there will be what kind of world ?

如果您把怜悯心送给大爱精神,世界又会有什么变化呢 ?
If you give mercy heart to the spirit of Great Love, what will the world change into ?

如果每个人都劈除宗教歧见,拥护大爱的精神,这世界肯定可以救助更多的人,世界才会向和平迈进 !
If everyone is splitting apart from religious dissension and embracing the spirit of Great Love, this can certainly help to save more people in the world, will move towards peace in the world !

……只要在对的事情上,去做就对了 !Just on the right thing, go to do it, it is right !
如果宣扬宗教会带来战争,这种宣扬还有什么人生意义呢 ?
If promoting the advancement of religion will bring war, such promoting has what the significant point ?

如果宣扬大爱的精神会带来和平,那我不会再迟疑了 !
If you preach the spirit of Great Love to bring peace, then I won't hesitate !

狗狗救人的精神,您认为上帝没看见吗 ?
The spirit of dog rescuing people, you think God didn't see it ?

不同宗教信仰都说有他们心中的上帝,几千年来都是这么说,那么上帝肯定是存在着,但是有任何一个人能证明不是同一个上帝吗 ?
Different faiths of different religious always said that have their God, such saying has left for thousands of years, then God must be there, but is there any one who can prove that it wasn't the same God ?

难道人类就不能劈除讲宗教吗 ?……只留住爱和宣扬上帝要我们做到的“慈爱精神” 和“大爱精神”,难道对人类来说真的很难吗 ?
Can't humans split apart from preaching about religion ? …… just keep loving and preaching God wants us to do that the "Spirit of Mercy", the "Spirit of Great Love", is it really so hard for humans ?

无论如何,为世界和平付出点滴的努力,就是对的事啊 !
In any case, pay a bit efforts for world peace, it is the right thing !

……只要在对的事情上,去做就对了 ! Just on the right thing, go to do it, it is right !
小小个人分享 little personal sharing :

我曾经去过几个地方都是宣扬各自的宗教。当然不同的宗教都会说他们才是最真最好的真理,时常摧促人们入教 !但是,他们却忽略了宗教信仰里最重要的“大爱精神”,所以我离开了 !因为,我知道以他们那样的方式去宣扬宗教,几百年后的世界还是会为了宗教冲突而战争的啊 !
I've been to a few places which are preaching their religion. Of course, different religions will always say that they are all really the best truth,quicken people to proselytize their religion ! But, they overlook the most important religious beliefs " the Spirit of Great Love ", that's why I left ! Because I know in their way to promote the advancement of religion, hundreds of years later the world still going to religious conflicts and wars !

最后,我来到了一个地方,就是教导人们不求回报为"大爱精神"而付出的地方 !这里的举办人虽然是佛教徒,但是这里并不是为了宗教而宣扬宗教或摧促人们入教,反而是宣扬的是“大爱的精神”……不分宗教的爱,我成为了他们的志工一分子 !
I came to a place, is a place to teach people giving their "Spirit of Great Love" without expecting anything in return ! Although the organiser here is Buddhist,  here does not preach about religion because of religious beliefs or quicken people to proselytize the religion but preaching the "Spirit of Great Love" …… without differentiation of the religion love, I become a part of their volunteer !

这里不宣扬宗教,只宣扬“大爱精神” !我很喜欢这里,因为我认为“好”又“正”的宗教精神是不需要摧促或强逼人们入教或枷锁人们的日常生活方式 !……而是教导人们慈爱的精神、大爱的精神,还有个人的操守修养 !
Here does not promoting the advancement of religion, just promoting the " Great Love Spirit " ! I like here so much because I think the " good " and " right " of the religion spirit is no need to quicken or force people to proselytize religion or shackle the way of people's daily life !

通过做志工就能把大爱精神培养了出来,也会让人有所顿悟改善个人的操守修养 !
Through to work as a Volunteer can cultivate out the Great Love Spirit, it also makes people to have an epiphany/awareness to improve their conduct of individual accomplishment !

当一个人有所顿悟,他 / 她自然知道什么是正确的事 !
When a person had an epiphany, he / she will know what is the right thing !

2016年1月20日 星期三

(136)信心和信任 Confidence and Trust

Knowing oneself's children need to build up confidence along their growing process and how can a heart to hurt other's confidence.

Children will lose confidence because there is no feeling of trust, the heart will still be hurt, pain ……

2016年1月13日 星期三

(135) 志工的大爱精神 The Great Love Spirit of A Volunteer

上个星期六是我上义工的第一堂课,想不到我就这样爱上做义工了 !回到家的心境也真的不一样了!
I joined as a Volunteer last Saturday was my first lesson, I can't believe I just fell in love with such a volunteer job ! When back home, feeling seems really different !

也许某些人起初做义工时没有真正的爱,但是从做义工里学习到付出真正的爱,流的是真汗水,兑现所学习的真理,领悟大爱的精神 !
For someone's volunteering, at first may not have true love, but from volunteering to learn to pay the real love, Sweat flows is true, keep to realize the truth have learned, grasp the spirit of Great Love to the World !

大爱需要每个人的点滴努力 !
Peace World needs Great Love Spirit,
Great Love needs everyone to put little effort !

如果您认为人们需要宗教的教育,可是我认为不同宗教界更需要大爱的精神让这世界更和平 !
If you think that people need religious education, but I think among the different religion communities need more Great Love Spirit to make this world more in peace !

这比起因为我们的信念而互相残杀会更好 。
This is better than to kill each other because of our belief.

2016年1月3日 星期日

(134) 宽容胜于容忍 Tolerance is better than endured / borne

Tolerance is better than endured / borne

Liberal / Mind broadness is better than wealth 

◆ 胜 : win
   胜于 : is better than

◆ 容忍 / 忍受 : endure / bear

◆ 心中阔达 / 心中豁达 : Liberal / Mind broadness 

(133) 当四周围的人都不是真心听你的心声时 When people around you're not really listening to your heart,

当四周围的人都不是真心听你的心声时,最重要是你如何调好你的心活得健康快乐 。
When people around you're not really listening to your heart, the most important thing is that how you set your heart to live happily and healthily.

Happiness has broad definition but it must not deviate from the track of conscience.