2015年4月29日 星期三

( 104 ) 谚语 proverb : 王者以民为天,而民以食为天 。 King's life depends on people, people's life depends on food .

谚语 proverb :

王者以民为天,而民以食为天 。

King's life depends on people, people's life depends on food .

出处 source :  汉书 * 郦食其传
作者 author : 班固
朝代 dynasty : 汉朝 (202 - 220 年years)

语译 interpretation :
君王要得到人民的拥护才能拥有天下,人民要有足够的食物才能养家糊口 。
King wants to get the supporting of people to own the world, need  to have enough food for people to feed their family.

意义 significant :
君王要关心人民的疾苦,让人民要安居乐业,国家才能安定富强 。
King should concern about the sufferings of the people, let the people to live and work in peace, so the country will be in stability and prosperity.

生词 vocabulary :

王者 : king / 国家领袖 country leaders

以 : can be used as : 用 use,
                                    依靠 depend
                                    可以 can

民 : 人民 citizens / people

食 : 食物 food

天 : sky / day
but here means : 依靠的对象 objects that depend on

养家 / 养家糊口 feed family ( earn money to feed family )

关心 : concern / care for

疾苦 : sufferings

安居 :live in peace
乐业 :enjoy works
安居乐业 :live and work in peace / live a prosperous and contented life

安定 / 稳定 :stability
富强 :rich and strong = 兴隆 / 兴旺 prosperity
安定富强 :stability and prosperity

劝告 advice :
建立一个多元化的国家也很重要,只要不同种族的权益没受到边缘化,民心就很自然地归向他 !
The establishment of a pluralistic nation is also very important, as long as the rights and interests of different races do not be marginalized, the hearts of people will naturally turn to him!

……人民的眼睛永远都是雪亮的,而身为国家领导者千万别还迷失在政治混杂的局里 !……而是应该关注人民的食物、教育、房屋提供、环境安全措施 ……
People's eyes are always sharp, and as the national political leaders don't get lost in the sophisticated political game  !
It's about getting to care about people's food, education, housing provided, environmental security ……

带领不同的种族和宗教信仰能和睦相处,不但能提升人民之间的心态容能度、知识和智慧也会随着增加 ……,而且国家还能继续繁荣昌盛 !
Guide different races and religions can live in harmony, not only can enhance people's mentality of tolerance, will also increase along with the knowledge and wisdom -- and the country can continue to prosper!

经过不同宗教信仰和文化熏陶下的环境,奶育出来的孩子们与不同种族在语文沟通表达及态度上也与众不同——温和、中庸、尊敬的态度 !
Under the environment which is after the influence of different religions and cultures nurturing out of the children expressing in language communication and attitudes to different races are also distinctive ---the attitudes of mild, moderate and respect !

但是如果只顾及单一的宗教信仰,渐渐地将会更容易奶育更多的宗教极端分子 !
But if you take into account only a single religion, gradually it would be easier nurturing more religious extremists !

当人民对其他宗教缺乏认知,人民在生活上渐渐地也将会对其他宗教不经意的事项感到更敏感,导致互相斗争,最终破坏了国家的安宁,国家又怎能繁荣昌盛呢 ?
When people are lack of knowledges against other religious, in the life of the people will also gradually be more sensitive to the non-purposes of other religious , this  may lead to fight each other, ultimately destroy the tranquillity of the country, how does the country get to prosper ?

Religious education is to teach the hearts of the people to be peaceful coexistence, rather than being used in political objectives, interference with the rights of others or spaces!

身为君王或国家领导者必须明白,要人民的心自然地归向他,就不应该以强逼的方式掠夺人民的权益,而是带领不同种族互相爱护及尊重人民的意愿才是上策 !
As a king or the state leaders must understand that, want the hearts of the people naturally turn to him or her, should not  plunder the people's rights and interests by the ways of compelling , but guide different races to love each other and respect the will of the people is the best policy !

一个人或少数的人认为是错的,也许他们判断错误,但是当大众都不认同的事项,那大众都不可能全都判断错误 !
A person or a small number of people consider it's wrong, may be their judgement is wrong, but when all people do not agree a certain thing, the public is impossible to have it all wrong !

君王或国家领导者都希望拥有天下,但是他要知道利用强权并不是得到民心最好的方法。有谁会喜欢过被强逼或个人空间受到威胁的日子呢 ?
King or state leader hopes to own the world but he must know that the use of forced power is not the best way. Does anyone like to be forced or their space to be threatened in their living ?

一位睿智的明君成为国家的领袖……是人民的福报,很自然民心也会归向他 !
A sagacious, wise and farsighted man become a national leader -- is the blessing of the people, naturally people's hearts would turn to him!

2015年4月12日 星期日

( 103 ) 小小的分享 small sharing :

小小的分享 small sharing :
很感恩今天的有缘人邀请我和孩子来到这个地方——静思堂 ……让我上了宝贵的一堂课 !
Today, very grateful to someone who has invited me to this place, Meditation Hall ! ……let me to learn a precious lesson !

静思堂里的桌椅是采用了幼儿般的桌椅,坐下去时,让人感觉回到幼儿时期,感受到那难买可贵的童心 ——赤子之心 !
The furniture like tables and chairs are used as well as in early childhood, when you sit down there, make a person feeling to be a young child, feel the precious innocence heart can't be bought by money-- A new born baby's heart !

虽然这里是由佛教创办,却设有让不同宗教敬拜的地方,融化了不同宗教信仰的那份大同世界的心,但是并没有针对或要任何人改变本身的宗教信仰,反而还能互相学习,真是难得的好地方 !无论是佛教,回教或基督教 的信徒都能到这里来静思 哦 !
Although here is founded by Buddhist, but
provides the places which are available for different religious worship, melting of different faiths share of the world's heart, but not  to ask for anyone to change their religious beliefs, in contrast can learn from each others, it's a good place ! Whether Buddhist, Muslim or Christian believers are welcome to come and meditate here !

由于上半世纪,许多国家的领袖都忽略提供子民不同宗教信仰互相融洽相处的教育,导致今天世界角落嚎啕种族歧视及宗教歧见 !
Since the last half century, leaders of many countries have ignored provide education for people of different faiths get along to live in harmony with each other, leading to the corners of the world today crying due to the discrimination against the different racial and religious !

不同宗教的信徒必须明白尊重和了解基本不同宗教信仰的分别以便避免冲突 !
The believers of different religions must understand that respect and understand the basic difference between the different religious beliefs to avoid conflict !

例如 : 佛教徒有如素的,还没如素的也有如荤的但不吃牛肉;回教徒不能吃猪肉的;基督教徒也有许多食物可以享用及不能喝动物的血 ……
( 请宽恕及留言如我有哪里说错了)
Example : there are vegetarian Buddhists but some who are not yet to be vegetarian still having meat but do not take beef; Muslims do not take pork; Christians could take many types of food but do not take animal's blood .....
( pardon me and give comments if I have mentioned any mistake )

哈哈,我吃到今天41岁了才知道 “浴佛节”的真正意义 !
Haha, I eat until today the age of 41 then just got to know the real meaning of  Buddha bathing festival !

……浴佛的真意义: 洗涤我们这些凡夫俗子的心,好让我们谨记观自反省自己的心,从而得到清净的心 !
佛的心已是清净,又何须要我们来洗涤呢 !
-- the true meaning of the Buddha bathing : washing the rest of our such mortal hearts so that educate us to remember to view and aware our own heart, resulting to gain a pure heart! Buddha's heart is already pure, that why  we shouldn't wash it !

劝告 advice :
检讨反省自己的错误才是最重要的,自己才能进步,但是责怪别人、责怪宗教对自己、对社会都没有任何的帮助 !
Review and aware upon own mistakes is the most important thing, so can give self-progress, but to blame others, to blame religious, nothing could help to ownself and the society !

大同世界是来自每个人的努力 ——爱 : 尊敬 : 宽恕 !
The world of Great Harmony is from everyone's effort, love : respect : forgiveness !