2015年6月21日 星期日

( 109 ) 谚语 proverb : 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛 People inherent in a death, or be weightier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather of Anser Cygnoides.

谚语 proverb :
人  固  有 一 死,或    重   于  泰   山,或   轻  于   鸿    毛

rén  gù  yǒu  yì   sǐ,     huò  zhòng  yú  tài  shān,  huò  qīng  yú  hóng  máo

People inherent in a death, or be weightier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather of Anser Cygnoides.


Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather than a feather of Anser Cygnoides .

◆ 鸿毛 = 鸿雁的羽毛 feather of Anser Cygnoides
◆ 鸿雁 Anser Cygnoides ( goose family )

出处 source : 《 报任安书 》
作者 author : 司马迁
朝代 dynasty : 汉朝 (202 — 220 年years )

语译 interpretation :
People will die, some people get very valuable dead, heavier than Mount Tai ;

Some people died for nothing, lighter than a feather.

劝告 advice :
每个人都有生命终结的一天,然而每个人的生命价值有别。我们应该好好把握有限的生命,创造一个有价值的人生 。
Everyone has to die one day, however, the value of life is different for everyone. We should make good use of limited life, creating a valuable life.

无论你是来自贫穷或富有、缺爱或幸福的家庭、幸运或不幸……但是你的生命是宝贵的 !
Whether you are from poor or rich,
the family with lack of love or with happiness, fortune or misfortune …… but your life is precious !

如果生命死于嬉戏或自杀性的,那就辜负了你自己和关爱你的人了 !
If life is death due to play games or suicide, then failed yourself and the people who care about and love you !

◆ 嬉戏 : playing games
◆ 辜负 : failed / fail to live up to expectation / disappoint
◆ 关爱 : 关心 care
               爱 love

2015年6月16日 星期二

( 108 ) 情谊无价 关怀无价 Friendly sentiment is priceless, care is priceless.

情谊无价    关怀无价
多一分的关怀,多一分的内心平和 !
Friendly sentiment is priceless         care is priceless
A little more care, a bit more of inner peace!

情谊 friendly sentiments
内心 inner
无价 priceless

2015年6月2日 星期二

(107)成语 idiom : "孺子可教 Child could be taught "

成语 idiom : "孺子可教 Child could be taught "
孺 子 可 教
[rú zǐ kě jiào]
出处 source:西汉·司马迁《史记·留侯世家》
语译 interpretation :
[ 孺子 : 小孩子 child ]
[ 教: 教诲 = 教导 teach ]
Children can be taught and also described the young man with good  prospects, talent is able to be cultivated .
【近义词 Synonyms】:
成语 idioms :
尊师重教 = 程门度雪  respect teacher and his / her teaching .
拼音 Pinyin :
   尊   师     重     教
zūn  shī  zhòng  jiào
   程      门      度   雪
chénɡ mén  dù  xuě
【反义词 Antonym】:
朽木不雕 rotten wood cannot be carved / fool grows without watering .
不堪造就 Can't be trained.
拼音 Pinyin :
朽  木  不   雕
xiǔ mù bù diāo
不  堪   造   就
bù  kān zào jiù
故事 story :
One day, Zhang Liang took a walk and came to a bridge which was near to Xia Pei, he met an old man on the bridge, who wore coarse clothes. The old man walked to the front of Zhang Liang, he directly throw a shoe under the bridge, then he asked Zhang Liang : ' Hi! Young man, you go and pick me the shoe ! '
Zhang Liang was surprised, want to hit that old man . But seeing the old man was very old so he refrained himself. He picked up the shoe off the bridge, then he reverently kneel down to put on the shoe for the old man. As the old man's shoes were on his feet, then he smiled and turned away.
Zhang Liang was even more surprised and stared at the back of the elderly leaving away . The old man walking in the road, then turned back to said, ' You are a very good boy, worth me to teach . Come to meet me at the bridge in the morning 5 days later. ' Zhang heard, hurriedly agreed.
On the fifth day's morning, Zhang Liang arrived on the bridge. The old man had first arrived, said angrily, ' appointment with old man but is late, what's the deal? Five days later,  come again to see me earlier! '
Five days later, the rooster crowing,  Zhang Liang go to the bridge. But, the old man had arrived first, the old man said, ' You are late again, what's the deal? Five days later to come ahead.'
Five days later again,  Zhang Liang arrived at the bridge to wait at midnight . After a while, the old man came and said happily : ' Boy, that's it! '
老人说着,拿出一本书交给张良,说:“你要下苦功钻研这部书。钻研透了,以后可以做帝王的老师。十年后有大成就。十三年后,小子你将再见到我,济北谷城山下的黄石就是我啦。” 然后老人就离开不见了。
The old man took out a book to Zhang Liang and said : " You have to work hard to study this book. Once after studying hard, you can work as an emperor's teacher. You will have great success ten years later. 13 years later, you will see me again,  located at the city of the valley yamashita, Jibei ( Jibei Gokseong foot of Yellowstone) the Yellowstone is mine. " Then the old man had left away and gone.
The next morning, Zhang read the book, The Grandfather's Military Strategy and Tactics. Zhang Liang thought this was peculiar, so he studied hard on this book.
Later, Zhang Liang got a great effectiveness for his success from studying hard on  this book, The Grandfather's Military Strategy and Tactics, became the important advisor of Han emperor Liu Bang,
has achieved a lot of contribution and established the dynasty of Han for Liu Bang.
《太公兵法》 : The Grandfather's Military Strategy and Tactics ==> [ The  Grandfather's Art of War ]
[ 太公 : Grandfather ]
{I have a little knowledge, if there is any translation error, please leave a message and hope that your magnanimous.}