2015年2月27日 星期五

( 95 ) 成语 idiom : 夜长梦多(A long night brings many dreams )

成语 idiom :
 夜        长         梦         多
(yè) (cháng) (mèng) (duō)
A long night brings many dreams

出处 source : 《家训真迹》
作者author : 吕留良
朝代 dynasty : 清朝 ( 1638 - 1911年year )

意思 meaning :
A prolonged time, adverse changes in circumstances that may occur.

 警惕 alert :
If do not eradicate evil as soon as possible, the evil will have more opportunity and time to spread rapidly and do more preparation....

生词 vocabulary :

 夜  :   夜      晚     =     晚          上 :  night
(yè) : (yè)( wǎn ) = ( wǎn ) ( shàng )  

长 (cháng) : long
延 (yán ): 延长 / 拖( tuō )长 : prolonged

梦( mèng ) : dream
多( duō ) :  many

不( bú )利( lì ) :  不利 adverse

变( biàn ) 化 ( huà ) / 改( gǎi ) 变( biàn ) :
变化/改变 changes

情( qíng ) 况( kuàng ) :
情况 circumstances / situation

发( fā ) 生( shēng ) : 发生 occur

尽( jìn ) 早( zǎo) : 尽早 as soon as possible

铲( chǎn ) 除( chú ) : 铲除  eradicate

恶( è ) 势( shì ) 力( lì ) : 恶势力 evil / vicious power

机( jī ) 会( hùi ) : 机会 opportunity

扩( kuò ) 散 ( sàn ) : 扩散 spread

迅( xùn ) 速( sù ) : 迅速  rapidly

2015年2月21日 星期六

(94) 华人新年祝贺语 the words of Chinese New Year wishes

华人新年祝贺语 the words of Chinese New Year wishes

在农历新年期间,当你有机会拜访你的华人朋友时,你可以祝贺他们如下 :
During Lunar New Year, as you have the chance to visit your Chinese friends who are celebrating Lunar New Year ( Chinese New Year ), you can wish them as the following :

成语 idioms :

新春飞扬 …… 在新年兴奋得意,精神饱满 
                       焕发 。
                       Excitement in the New Year,
                       glow with full of energy.

三阳开泰 ……  寓意吉祥,有好运即将降临
                        Auspicious, the meaning of
                        good luck is about to befall.

喜气洋洋 …… 充满了欢喜的神色或气氛 。
                       Filled with joy look or

洋洋得意 …… 称心如意和开心 。
                      One's heart is in
                      accordance with wish and

名扬四海 …… 荣誉名声传遍全国各地。
                       Honor fame spreads all over
                       the country.

扬眉吐气 …… 吐出怨气,摆脱了压力,
                       高高兴兴 。
                       Spit out grievances, get rid of
                       the pressure, to be happy.

如意吉祥 …… 如意 : 美满称心 happy in heart
                       祥:祥瑞 auspicious
                       吉 : 吉利祥和 auspicious and peaceful

恭喜发财 …… 恭贺他人喜事开心,恭祝
                       Congratulations to others
                       happy with good things,   
                       wish earn money.
Note :
Chinese : can be interpreted as 中国人 but also 华人for the Chinese people which are non-China citizens.

农历 : Lunar calendar
农历新年 = 华人新年 : Lunar New Year = Chinese New Year

春 Spring
新春 : 初春 = 早春,春节过后的一二十天。
the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year’s Day .

2015年2月20日 星期五

( 93 ) 名句 famous phrases :君子有所为,有所不为;There are certain things that gentleman would do and not do;小人亦有所为,亦有所不为。There are also certain things that villain would also do and not do.


名句 famous phrases :


There are certain things that gentleman would do and not do;


There are also certain things that villain would also do and not do.

意思 (语译)meaning :
Gentleman will know how some things can do, those things which cannot be done.
When already know and understand something can do then get to do;
When already know that something can not be done (eg: the things against own conscience) then will not do it, this is the standards and guidelines of a gentleman to do and not do.
As a villain also know that somethings can be done, those things which cannot be done.
但是小人所做的事都是为了贪图自己的利益, 不讲求道义,无信用。
But the villain get things done for only their own interests, without regard to moral, no credit ( no trust ).
When villain encounters disaster will be the first to stay away from it, nothing can not do, only for his or her personal interests.
劝告 advice :
Gentleman is to be wisdom, reasonable / sensible, distinguish right from wrong, emphasis on moral, to do what should do, not to do what should not do.
People need to know that the life to live in this world is limited, to grasp the time to do meaningful things ....... fulfill the morality of a gentleman.
When you feel that life has no meaning or bored, should know that there are still  many more meaningful things waiting for you to do in this world, do not disappoint your valuable life.

警惕 alert :
如果你尽心尽力而是为小人去杀人放火或做伤天害理的事,最后你也是满足他目标的其中一个棋子吧了 !
If you dedicate to murder and arson or doing wicked things for the villain, you are only the one of his pieces of chess to meet up his goal!

(切记 : 把握自己的人生,尊重别人的生命, 帮小人做事不如帮君子做事 。)
(Remember: master own life, respect for the lives of others,to help gentleman to work better than to work for villain. )


生词 vocabulary :

君子 gentleman
小人 / 恶棍 villain
有 has / have
有限 limited
有意义 meaningful
为 : 做 do ( but in term of 为什么 why )
       做事 do thing
       不做 not do
所 : 所以 so
       所有 all = 全部
       (can be used as 厕所 toilet )
亦 : 也 also
知道 : know
了 can be used in the meaning of 'already 已经 ' : 知道了 already know
             吃了 already ate
些 : 一些 some
些事情 / 某些事情 something
违背 against
良心 / 良知 conscience
标准 standards
准则 guidelines
贪 greedy
贪图 covet
无信用 no credit ( no trust )
道义 moral
利益 interests / benefit
遇到 encounters
灾祸 disaster
避开 stay away
睿智 wisdom
通达 accessible : 合理  reasonable / sensible 明智的
明辨 / 分辨 distinguish
活在 to live in
把握 to grasp
光阴 / 时间 time
觉得 feel
不 / 别 do not
辜负 / 失望 disappoint
宝贵 valuable
履行 / 实现  fulfill
世: 在世上  in the world
      世界 world
( can be used in term of 'pass away 去世')

2015年2月13日 星期五

( 92 ) 我想推荐的是EC dictionary,可以从游戏商店免费下载到您的手机上! Here I would like to recommend an EC dictionary can be free downloaded from play store on your phone !

我很感谢那些谁喜欢在我的网页里阅读和学习华文的朋友。这里,我想推荐的是EC dictionary,可以从游戏商店免费下载到您的手机上!
本英汉词典的扬声器可以帮助您华语发音,如果您没有其他的设备来帮助您,不妨试用这个 EC dictionary.
I am gratitude to those friends who like to learn Chinese words on my profile. Here I would like to recommend an EC dictionary can be free downloaded from play store on your phone !
The speaker of this EC dictionary can help you to pronunciate the Chinese words(Mandarin) if you don't have other device to help you, how about to try this.
If you still need Chinese Han Yu Pin Yin for whole paragraph or other essays, you are welcome to  message me for more information.
However, this dictionary help you to learn pronunciation but sometimes it can't give accurate translation.

(91)名句 famous phrase :纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。Knowledges obtained on the papers always feel shallow, must know this thing to practice.



名句 famous phrase :

Knowledges obtained on the papers always feel shallow, must know this thing to practice.

出处 source : 《冬夜读书示子聿》
作者 author : 陆游
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279 年 year )
意思 (语译)meaning :
The knowledge gained from the book is always plain, want to grasp thoroughly must personally go to practice.
意义 significant :
Although the book holds a house of gold, but eventually must truly master a  knowledge through practical skills
劝告 advice :
Whether it is learning in which knowledge or truth, as the circumstances permit, it is the best to be able to practice and experience personally, in order to truly grasp the esoteric part of the knowledges.
警惕 alert :
Of course, the people of good will would apply the knowledge or truth that they have learned to the good side, helping to more people;
However, the malicious people would have learned the knowledge or truth applies only for their own interests, will harm many people.


生词 vocabulary :

纸 : 纸 / 纸张 paper   
       一张纸 a piece of paper
上 : on
纸上 : on the paper
觉 : 觉得 feel
浅 : 浅 shallow
       浅显 = 浅白 plain
来 : come
得 : 得来/ 得到 obtained / gained
绝 : 绝对 / 一定 / 必须 must
知 : 知道 know
       知识 knowledges
此 : 此次 this time = 这一次
       此事 this thing
       此事件 this event
躬 : 躬行  practice
       鞠躬 take a bow
要 : want
从 : from
始 : 开始 begin / start
终 : end
      终于 / 终究 finally / eventually
      始终 from beginning to the end /
      throughout / always 常常
亲自 : personally
透彻 : thoroughly
掌握 : master / grasp
黄金屋 : a house of gold
自 : 自有 own
真正 : truly
真理 : truth
透过 /  通过 through
实践 : practice
实践技能 : practical skills
体验 / 经历 experience
情况 : circumstances
允许 : permit
深奥之处 = 深奥的部分 : esoteric part
知识的深奥之处 : esoteric part of the knowledges
善意 : good will
恶意 : malicious

利益 :  interests
为 : for
己 : 自己 own
为己的利益 : for own interests
应用 applies
害 harm 

2015年2月8日 星期日

(90)华人新年就要来临了 Chinese New Year is coming up ...


还有两个星期左右,华人新年就要来临了,不同的种族一起享受特别优惠的价钱买各自需要的用品 !
Chinese New Year is coming up around in two weeks' time, different races are together to enjoy special discounted price to buy their supplies needed!

左右 = 大约 approximately / around
来临 coming up
特别 special
享受 enjoy
优惠 / 折扣 discounted
价钱 price
用品 supplies
需要的 needed
同 : 同样/ 相同 / 一样 same
不同 : not same / different

(89)生活里的魔鬼与天使 :The devils and angels in life :


生活里的魔鬼天使 :
The devils and angels in life :

在日常生活里,有些人就是偏偏选择听了魔鬼讲的话,结果还不清醒 !
Some people just choose to listen to the devil's spoken words, the result is still do not aware of it !


例子 examples :
 1)天使告诉他/她买那间屋子很快升值,结果他听了魔鬼的话买了间升值低的屋子 !
The angel told him / her that to buy a house with upvaluation soon, he / she listened to the devil, then buy a house with low valuation!

2)天使告诉他们要买那些会赚钱又稳的基金,结果他们却听魔鬼的话去买了不赚钱的投资基金 !
The angel told them to buy those funds which will be profitable and steady, but they listened to the devil to buy the investment fund does not make money!

 3)天使劝别走那条危险的路,却还是走上那条邪恶的路,最终还得付出悲惨的代价 !
Angel advised do not go through the way which is dangerous but still go down that road of evil, finally had to pay a miserable price!

Angel's good advice, but those advices are biased as malicious advices !


只要魔鬼转用天使般的语气去诱惑和说服人们,人们就以为他/她是天使了 !
As long as the devil with an angelic tone switch to temptation and convince people that people will think he / she is the angel!


劝告 advice :

这里是暗喻指 Here the metaphor means :
The devils are also people, but to prejudice, first for himself / herself, selfish, jealous, slander others ......with the heart of the villain with suspicious mind to treat people !

( 可疑的不良动机对他人 )
( suspiciously bad motives to others )
 当这样的小人一但有了钱和势力,将会害人不浅 !
When such a villain has money and power, will do infinite harm to people !

天使也是人,但是以善意、通达、感恩、宽恕……君子之心待人 !
Angels are people too, but in good faith, accessible, gratitude, forgiveness ...... treat people with the heart of a gentleman!
(魔鬼或天使可以是你的家人或朋友, 当然明智地选择、宽恕和祈祷才是最重要的……)
(devil or angel can be your family or friends, of course wisely choose, forgiveness and prayers are the most important ……)
 要听取魔鬼还是天使的话只有一条细线之差 !
To listen to the devil or an angel, then only a thin line of difference!


生词 vocabulary :

偏偏 just / only
选择 choose
讲 speak / 说 say
讲的话 spoken words
结果 result
还 still
清醒 / 反省 / 觉悟 aware
升 go up X 降 go down
值 : 价值 value
升值 upvaluation X 降值 devaluation
低 low
赚钱 profitable
稳 steady
投资 investment
基金 funds
被当成偏见 are biased as
恶意 malicious
诱惑 temptation
说服 convince
转用 switch to
天使般的语气 angelic tone
想 / 以为 think
偏见 prejudice
多疑 / 可疑 suspicious
小人 / 恶棍 villain
自私 selfish
妒忌 jealous
中伤 / 诽谤 slander
无限 infinite
害 : 伤害 harm
势力 / 力量 power
善意 good faith
通达 accessible / reasonable / good sense
感恩 / 感激 gratitude
宽恕 forgiveness
君子 gentleman
祈祷 prayers
明智 wise
明智地 wisely
悲惨 / 痛苦 miserable
代价 price ( if used as selling price : 售价)
最 most
重要 important
细 / 瘦 / 薄 thin
细线 thin line 
差 : 相差 difference 
别 do not
别人 / 他人 others

2015年2月4日 星期三

( 88 ) 你想知道中国远祖(大约4500年前)是怎样教导他的后裔吗?Do you want to know the Chinese distant ancestors (about 4,500 years ago) was how to teach his descendants?


Do you want to know the Chinese distant ancestors (about 4,500 years ago) was how to teach his descendants?

Traditional Chinese sages education can be traced back to 4500 years ago, passed from generation to generation.
在汉武帝时代 { 汉武帝刘彻 (前157年-前87年)},正式将儒家学说确立为教育政策。
In the era of Emperor {Han dynasty (157 years ago - 87 years ago)}, Confucianism was formally established as education policies.
Unfortunately, until about 70-80 years ago, this educational policy was gradually abrogated away.
What does the Confucian sages education teach us?
Teach people how to obey the laws of  nature, the humanity's fundamental morality, do not violate the principles of life, this is called as morality. (here without forcing mind to learn virtues.)
人与人之间,不论贫富贵贱或任何种族,都会自然产生五种关系 :
Between people, no matter rich, poor or any races, will naturally produce five relationships :
(一)父子:父慈子孝 (是指父母和孩子之间的关系,父母对孩子的爱及孩子对父母爱和孝顺。)
( 1 ) father and son: father is mercy, son is filial piety (refers to the relationship between parents and children, the love from parents to the children and the children's love and filial piety to their parents.)
( 2 ) the monarch and vassal : between the leaders and the people are led, the monarch treats his vassal with courtesy, the vassal treats his monarch with loyalty.
( 3 ) couples: men and women are different, the couple can do the best of their each part.
(4)Brothers: seniority, brothers and sisters live in harmony and fraternity.
(Five) Friends: the interaction between people, keeping promises / credit, talk about the moral honor.
This is the human relations avenue, is also the human fundamental virtues.
这五种关系也都不能航离 “德行教育” :
These five relations could not flight from the "moral education":
孝:孝顺父母 filial piety to parents
悌:尊敬 (敬爱哥哥 / 尊敬长辈)respect (respect brother / elders)
忠:忠诚 faithfulness / 忠实 loyalty
仁:仁慈 仁爱 merciful and kindness
爱:爱心 the heart with love
礼:守礼 keep courtesy /
        礼义廉耻 sense of propriety, justice, honesty and honour;proprietym, righteousness, probity and the sense of shame ;
智:明智、睿智: 通达,分清是非黑白。
Wise, sagaciousness : Mastery, to distinguish between right and wrong.
信:信用 keep promise / trusty/credit
义:正义 righteous
和:和平、和睦共处、温和 peace, harmony, mild
平:平定 = 平稳安定 (可以指平稳个人情绪、秩序或社会的安定)Pacification = smooth stability (can refer stable emotional, or social order)
While we can't do our best to 100%, but if contrary to the five natural relationships and the virtues of education, people would be difficult to conduct themselves in society; family discord; social disorder; moral turpitude; the stability and prosperity of the country will lose the root.
劝告advice :
Any formal religious education can not teach people to flight from the five natural relations and the moral education.
Religious education is a diversified education are advocating love and peace, so that the World of Great Harmony will need everyone's efforts.
Although people believe in different religious, compliance and faithful to their religion, there is a lot when come to not just use a simple explanation will be able to understand the truth, the most important thing is that we respect each other, do not forget the fundamental virtues of human relations, and advocate for great harmony and peace in the world is not difficult ah!

2015年2月1日 星期日

( 87 ) 名句 famous phrases : 其身正,不令而行;Self is correct, no order is given but follow;其身不正,虽令不从。Self is incorrect, although give orders but not obey.


名句 famous phrases :

Self is correct, no order is given but follow;

Self is incorrect, although give orders but not obey.

出自 source :《论语·子路》

意思 (语译)meaning :
      When the manager himself / herself is  upright, showing a good example of making good, not under command, the managed people will follow the action;

Conversely, if the manager does not correct himself / herself, but asked people to do correctly, then, even repeated the orders, the people would not obey.


        when own self is doing correctly, even if not issued an order, citizens will buckle down, but if own self is not doing correctly even order is released, citizens will not obey. "

When he/ her is not positive, but let others to do the positive, others would not obey. When himself / herself is positive, others will consciously follow.

注:这里没有任何种族@宗教的任何偏见,只是谈到美德和品德,没有强迫性 。
Notes : Here without any prejudices to any races @ religions, just talk about virtues and moral characters without forcing mind.

劝告 advice :
Although the education is closely related with the religious and the cultures of different countries, but which is wanna to educate people or kids who want to live in great harmony is not difficult. As long as we learn, understand, know how to "mutual respect" people or children from different religious and cultures.

Only this way, the peaceful world to be continued to next generation.
Although the moral books used in different places are different, but the basic moral education is to teach people or children to learn good  virtue and moral aspects.
In fact, the greatest impact on poor people or children are not religious or ethnic cultures, but led by a bad conductor, negative information, family environment, parent's negative mind...... etc.
Especially as a teacher should set a good example, pay attention to his demeanor, because the teacher is the student's lead by example.
Parents and teachers should teach children to distinguish the right and wrong, when met a problem, should use the proper method to solve wisely.

警惕 alert :
没品德的人会叫你去做犯罪活动的人,你认为他们会跟你讲信用吗 ?……他们的信用是 -0%, 记得你没有向他们身上相信和贪心任何东西,就是远离麻烦 !
People without virtues, who will ask you to do criminal activities, do you think they would give you credit ? ...... Their credit is -0%, remember you do not have to believe and do not be greedy anything to them……that is,  stay out of trouble !

生词 vocabulary :

其 : 其他 the other
       其他人 others
       其身 someone himself / herself
正 : 正确 correct / right
       正直 / 端正 upright
       正当 proper
       正面 positive
令 : 命令 order / command
       不令 no order / no command
成语 idiom : 三令五申 give repeated
                      orders and injunctions
行 : 实行 implement / follow to apply
       行动 action
虽 : 虽然 although
从 : 服从 obey
       不从 do not obey
好榜样 : good example ( showing good character)
管理者 : manager
被管理者 = 被管理的人 the managed people
老百姓 : citizens
最大 : greatest
影响 : impact
负面 : negative
自 : 自己 self
自觉 : consciously
效仿 : follow
延续 / 继续 : continue
德 : 美德 virtues
       品德 moral characters / virtues
       道德 moral / morality
       德行 moral integrity / moral conduct
       德治 rule of virtue
以身作则 : set himself / herself as a good example
言行举止/ 风度 : demeanor
强迫 : forcing
强迫性 : 强迫的想法 forcing mind
明智 : wisely
正当 : proper
辨别 / 分辨 : distinguish
是非 : 是 right, 非 wrong ( can be used as : non, non-living things 非生物 )
远离 : keep away / stay out of
麻烦 : trouble
信用 : credit
有 : has / have
有别 : 有差别 has difference / there is different