2015年2月13日 星期五

(91)名句 famous phrase :纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。Knowledges obtained on the papers always feel shallow, must know this thing to practice.



名句 famous phrase :

Knowledges obtained on the papers always feel shallow, must know this thing to practice.

出处 source : 《冬夜读书示子聿》
作者 author : 陆游
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279 年 year )
意思 (语译)meaning :
The knowledge gained from the book is always plain, want to grasp thoroughly must personally go to practice.
意义 significant :
Although the book holds a house of gold, but eventually must truly master a  knowledge through practical skills
劝告 advice :
Whether it is learning in which knowledge or truth, as the circumstances permit, it is the best to be able to practice and experience personally, in order to truly grasp the esoteric part of the knowledges.
警惕 alert :
Of course, the people of good will would apply the knowledge or truth that they have learned to the good side, helping to more people;
However, the malicious people would have learned the knowledge or truth applies only for their own interests, will harm many people.


生词 vocabulary :

纸 : 纸 / 纸张 paper   
       一张纸 a piece of paper
上 : on
纸上 : on the paper
觉 : 觉得 feel
浅 : 浅 shallow
       浅显 = 浅白 plain
来 : come
得 : 得来/ 得到 obtained / gained
绝 : 绝对 / 一定 / 必须 must
知 : 知道 know
       知识 knowledges
此 : 此次 this time = 这一次
       此事 this thing
       此事件 this event
躬 : 躬行  practice
       鞠躬 take a bow
要 : want
从 : from
始 : 开始 begin / start
终 : end
      终于 / 终究 finally / eventually
      始终 from beginning to the end /
      throughout / always 常常
亲自 : personally
透彻 : thoroughly
掌握 : master / grasp
黄金屋 : a house of gold
自 : 自有 own
真正 : truly
真理 : truth
透过 /  通过 through
实践 : practice
实践技能 : practical skills
体验 / 经历 experience
情况 : circumstances
允许 : permit
深奥之处 = 深奥的部分 : esoteric part
知识的深奥之处 : esoteric part of the knowledges
善意 : good will
恶意 : malicious

利益 :  interests
为 : for
己 : 自己 own
为己的利益 : for own interests
应用 applies
害 harm 

