2014年12月31日 星期三

( 70 ) 谚语 proverb : 温故而知新,可以为师矣。By reviewing to the old can gain the knowledges of the new and is fit to be a teacher.


谚语 proverb :

By reviewing to the old can gain the knowledges of the new and is fit to be a teacher.

出处 source : 《论语 * 为政》
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 年 year)
相关熟语 related idiomatic phrase :
Gain new knowledge by reviewing the old/ understand the present by reviewing the past.
意思 meaning :
劝告 advice :
People have to review the old knowledge, so that can comprehend the new truth.
警惕 alert :
Now many people have some sense into evil, and because the heart is evil --
Hardworking man needs encouragement of learning,  lazy people need more encouragement to learn, but there's no need to stop hard working man to learn.

生词 vocabulary :

故 : 已经学过的知识          
          the knowledge of already knew

为 : 成为 become / to be
         ( also can be used as 'for' )

矣 : 了 (古汉语助词)
       ( Auxiliary words in archaic Chinese )

师 : 老师 teacher

知 : 知道 know         知识 knowledge
知新 : know the new
新 : new

温习 : review / reviewing ( do revision)
领悟 : comprehend
了解 / 明白 : understand

道理 : truth ( 真理 )
(truth can't be evil mind 真理不能是邪理)
evil mind 邪理

勉励 / 鼓励 : encouragement
阻止 : stop (停止)

( 69 )谚语 proverb : 黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书少。During black hair do not know learn hard early, when hair has turned white to regret reading less.


谚语 proverb :

During black hair do not know learn hard early, when hair has turned white to regret reading less.

出处 source : 《劝学》
作者 author : 颜真卿
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 (618 - 907 年 year )
意思 meaning :
Do not know how to learn hard when young, wait for the old age, to regret it too late.
劝告 advice :
Young people should take the time to study hard, avoid to regret at the old age, it will be too late. 
生词 vocabulary :
黑发 black hair > >年轻 young
白 : white
白首 : 头发都白了
hair has turned white >> 年老 old
首 =头 head
悔 : 后悔 regret
勤 : 勤劳 hard working = 努力
读 : read
书 : book 读书 : read book (study)
学习 : learn / study
早 : early
少 : less
年轻 : young
以免 : avoid
不懂 : do not know

( 68 ) 成语 idiom : 翩翩起舞 / 手舞足蹈 / 载歌载舞 merrily dance to the music.

成语 idioms :
翩翩起舞 / 手舞足蹈 / 载歌载舞
意思 meaning :
merrily dance to the music.

2014年12月27日 星期六

( 67 ) 谚语 proverb : 知彼知己,百战不殆。Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat.


谚语 proverb:

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without defeat.

出处 source:《孙子 * 谋攻篇》
作者 author:苏武
朝代 dinasty:先秦 ( 前 before 221 年year)
意思 meaning:
To understand each other's situation,
also know own situation,
even to battle hundred times will not fail.
劝告 advice:
fully understand all the situations or aspects of everything,
so to get things done smoothly without obstacles / blocks.
生词 vocabulary :
了解 / 知道 know
了解 / 明白 understand
敌人 enemy
通畅 unobstructed = 顺利 smoothly
战斗 fight (动词 verb )
战斗 battles (名词 noun)
百 hundred  
次 times          hundred times 百次
无 without
殆 / 失败 defeat / fail
情况 situation
凡事 everything
阻碍 obstacles / blocks
就算 / 即使 even

( 66 ) 谚语 proverb : 物极则反,器满则倾。Things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme, when a container too full, decumbent will spill over.


谚语 proverb :

Things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme, when a container too full, decumbent will spill over.

出处 source : 《资治通鉴 * 唐则天后长安二年》
作者 author : 司马光  (1019 - 1086 年 year )
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279 年 year )
意思 meaning :
The development of things to the extreme, will shift to the opposite direction ;
Container too full, decumbent sure will spill over.
劝告 advice :
People want everything in moderation ( enough is enough), not too harsh, so as not to have the opposite effect.
生词 vocabulary :
事物 / 东西 things
相反 / 对立 opposites
方向 direction
极点 / 极端extreme
到达 reach
容器 container
太 (太过 )too
满 full
外倾 decumbent
溢出 spill
发展 development
适可而止 / 适度 moderation ( enough is enough)
足够 enough
苛刻 harsh
效果 effect

2014年12月26日 星期五

(65)谚语 proverb : 朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨。Behind the vermilion gates meat and wine go to waste while out on the road lie the bones of the frozen.


谚语 proverb :

Behind the vermilion gates meat and wine go to waste while out on the road lie the bones of the frozen.

出处 source:《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》
作者 author:杜甫 ( 712 - 770 年 year )
朝代 dinasty:唐朝 ( 618 - 907 年year)
意思 meaning:
Rich people have too much meat and wine that could not be finished till smelly, but on the outside of the road there are many bones freeze to death.
劝告 advice:
The disparity between the unreasonable phenomenon in society.
相关熟语 related idiomatic phrase :
Taken from the community, giving back to the community……
如果你 / 您 活在舒适的生活里,
If you are living in a comfortable life,
don't waste resources on personal desires,
Should make good control and use of these resources to help people in need.

生词 Vocabulary :

 朱门 vermilion gates  =富裕家庭的红色漆门 red-lacquered doors of wealthy homes

红色漆 red-lacquered
门 door

家 / 家庭 home
富裕 wealthy
肉 meat
酒 wine
浪费 waste
骨头 bones

冻结 frozen     
冷冻的骨头 bones of the frozen
=冻死 freeze to death

悬殊 / 悬隔 / 差距 disparity
不合理 unreasonable
现象 phenomenon
社会/社区 society / community
舒适 comfortable
个人 personal
欲望 desires
控制 control
使用 use
帮助 help
需要 need
资源 resources

(64)谚语 proverb : 路遥知马力,日久见人心。As distance may know a horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart.


谚语 proverb:

As distance may know a horse's strength, so time reveals a person's heart.

出处 source:《争报恩》第一折
作者 author:无名氏
朝代 dinasty:元朝 (1271 - 1368年 year )
意思 meaning:
After leaving far away,
will know how much horse power / strength,
After to live in after a long time,  could know that a good or bad of the heart.
劝告 advice:
To go through after a long period of observation, can judge the heart of loyalty, wicked, good and evil.
生词 vocabulary :
相处 live together
离开 / 走了 leave / leaving
远 / 遥远 far
力气 / 力量 power 
实力 strength
发现 reveals
经过 / 通过 through
长 long
期间 / 时间 period         time 时间
长时间 long period
观察 observation
判断 judge
忠实 loyalty
奸邪 wicked
善良 / 好 good 
邪恶 evil

2014年12月25日 星期四

(63 ) 谚语 proverb : 泰山不让土壤,故能成其大。Mount Tai does not to let the soil, how can it become large ?

谚语 proverb:

Mount Tai does not to let the soil, how can it become large ?

出处 source : 《谏逐客书》
作者 author : 李斯
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 年 year )
意思 meaning :
Mount Tai does not exclude the soil, thus to become a big mountain.
劝告 advice :
To absorb all aspects of knowledge, so knowledge will be in broad erudition.
也指要懂得吸收各方的人才,才能使国家 / 公司壮大阵容。
Also must know how to absorb different talented parties for the country / company to grow lineup.

泰山 Mount Tai
排斥 exclude
知识 / 学识 knowledge
博学 erudition  
学识渊博 broad erudition
吸收 absorb
人才 talented parties / talented people

( 62 ) 谚语 proverb : 春种一粒粟,秋收万颗子。Spring sowing a millet, autumn harvest thousands of millets.


谚语 proverb:

Spring sowing a millet, autumn harvest thousands of millets.

出处 source : 《悯农二首》
作者 author : 李绅
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 (618 - 907 年 year )
相关熟语 related idiomatic phrase :
a work , a harvest / gain
意思 meaning :
When a seed planted in the spring, to fall in autumn there can be a lot of millet harvest.
劝告 advice :
Hard work, there must be rich with fruitful.
父母也要培养孩子从小就要勤劳工作的行为,让他们习惯勤劳的重要性,而娱乐只占人生的10% 而不是人生的全部。
Parents also need to develop the child's behavior of hard work, get them habitted to the importance of hard work, and entertainment accounts for only 10% of life, but not all of life.
春天 spring
播种 sow / sowing
粟 / 小 米 millet       a millet 一粒 粟 / 米
秋天 autumn
收获 harvest / gain
工作 / 耕耘 work
勤劳 / 努力 hard          hard work 勤劳工作
种 plant / plants / planted ( verb 动词)
植物 plants ( noun 名词)
种子 seed
丰硕 / 丰富 / 富有 rich
成果 fruitful

2014年12月24日 星期三

( 61 ) 谚语 proverb : 健儿须快马,快马须健儿。Valiant fighter / good athlete needs a speedy horse, a speedy horse needs a valiant fighter / good athlete.


谚语 proverb

Valiant fighter / good athlete needs a speedy horse, a speedy horse needs a valiant fighter / good athlete.

出处 source : 《折杨柳歌》
作者 author : 乐府民歌
朝代 dynasty : 北朝 (386 - 534 年 year)
意思 meaning :
Strong man need to ride the speedy horse then can  play on his strengths;
Speedy horse also needs the strong man to spur onto its strengths.
A man of talent to go with an excellent environment properly, can make a good performance, or achievements.

生词 vocabulary :

健儿 strong man = 英勇的战士 valiant fighter /
                               = 好的运动员 good athlete
快速 speedy        快速的马 speedy horse
须要 need
鞭策 spur
实力 / 技术 strength
才能 then can             ( in nouns means : talent)
优良 excellent
环境 environment
表现 performance
成就 achievements

(60)谚语 proverb :由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。It is easy to go from frugality to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.


谚语 proverb :

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.

出处 source : 《训俭示康》
作者 author : 司马光 ( 1019 - 1086年 year)
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝  (960 -1279年 year)
意思 meaning :
By frugal life into a life of luxury is easy , however, from a life of luxury into a frugal life is more difficult.
劝告 advice :
People should form the good habit of frugality, abandon the bad habits of luxury.
Frugal living is not only healthier but also save resources.

生词 vocabulary :

节俭 frugality / frugal
奢侈 extravagant
困难 difficult
容易 easy
生活 life
豪华 / 奢侈 luxury
摒弃 abandon
进入 into
养成 / 形成 form                   = 养成 / 培养 cultivate
不但 is not only
健康 healthy                       比较健康 heaithier
节省 save
资源 resources

2014年12月23日 星期二

( 59 ) 祝你成功 wish you success

祝你成功 wish you success

Keep working,
Keep striving,
Keep believing,
Things may look the same,
But you are getting closer and closer to your dreams as long as you keep going on ......

生词 vocabulary : 

keep 继续 / 收藏 / 收养/ 维持 / 遵守
( keep pet 养宠物 / keep in order 维持秩序 / 遵守秩序)

things 事情 / 东西

getting 越来越                      
closer 接近

dreams 梦想
work / working 工作
strive / striving 努力
believe / believing 相信
same 一样
keep going 坚持

(58) 现代名人的金玉良言 Modern celebrity advice


现代名人的金玉良言 :
Modern celebrity advice :

(文章来自新闻报章 Articles from newspaper)

1)巴菲特 Warren Buffett :

A lifetime to accumulate how much wealth,
not depend on how much money you can earn, but depending on how you invest money and financial management,
money looks for you is better than you look for money,
要懂得钱为你工作,而不是你为钱工作 。
to know how money works for you rather than you working for money.
(Of course, is advising people here when you work hard, earn after you have used, you must know how to invest wisely and finance.)

2)李嘉诚 Li Ka-Shing :

在20 岁前,事业上的成果百分百靠双手勤劳换来的;
Before 20 - year-old former career achievements fully replaced by hardworking hands of ;
20 - 30 岁,事业已有些小基础,那十年的成功……10%靠运气好,90%仍然是靠勤劳得来。
20 - 30, small business has some basis, that the success of the decade -- 10% luck, 90% are still got by a hard-working.
After that, will gradually increase the proportion of opportunity.

3)比尔盖茨 Bill Gates :

Good habit is a fortune of wealth,
一旦你拥有它, 你就会受益终生。
once you have it, you'll last for a lifetime.
To cultivate the habit of " immediate actions " habits,
your life will become more meaningful.

4)马云 Jack Ma :

If you want to do the rich, is a constant of learning.
古人说:“ 读万卷书不如行万里路 ” ,
The ancients said : " To read thousands of books why don't go traveling thousands of miles "
A man must have long run high and big heart,
Must see and run more, vision is coming out,
胸怀是游泳之后撑大的 。
Mind is stretched after swimming
Must be willing to invest in own head
Exchange for open eyes and insights
In order to make their point of view gained customers recognition.

生词 vocabulary : 

积累 accumulate
多 much         多少 how much

财富 wealth
取决于 / 依靠 depend
赚 earn
舍得 / 愿意 willing

投资 invest
财务 / 金融 financial / finance

管理 management        financial management 财政 / 理财

明智 wise        明智地 wisely

事业 career
成果 / 成就 achievement
勤劳 hardworking
逐渐 gradually
提高 / 增加 increase
比例 proportion

机会 opportunity            机会的比例 proportion of opportunity

基础 basis
成功 success
立即 immediate         行动 action

撑大 / 伸展 stretched
远光 / 远见 vision
获得 gain / gained
认同 / 承认 recognition

观点 point of view                     point : 点 / 指  
                                                     view : 看法 / 看

2014年12月22日 星期一

(57)谚语 proverb : 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。Even a prairie fire cannot burn all the weeds, it grows again when the spring breeze blows.


Even a prairie fire cannot burn all the weeds, it grows again when the spring breeze blows.

出处 source : 《赋得古原草送别》
作者 author : 白居易 (772 - 846 年year)
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝  (618 - 907 年year )
意思 meaning :
even a prairie fire cannot burn all the weeds, when the spring breeze blows, weeds vigorously grow up again.
In this case, do not completely eliminate evil forces, if there is a chance, they will rise again.
 原野 / 草原 prairie
火 fire                野火 prairie fire
烧 burn    
全部 all              烧完 burn all
野草 weeds
生长 grows
又 / 重新 again
春天 spring
微风 breeze             春风 spring breeze
吹 blows
蓬勃地 vigorously
彻底 /完全 complete            
彻底地 / 完全地 completely                 
清除 / 消除eliminate
邪恶 evil
势力 forces              恶势力 evil forces
机会 chance
崛起 / 升起 rise                  

2014年12月21日 星期日

(56)太极帮助健康和心灵平静 Tai Chi helps to keep healthy and peace of mind

太极能帮助个人健康和心灵平静以达到修身养性。 Tai Chi can help to keep personal heathy and keep peace of mind for spiritual practice.
Although tai chi is a martial art originating in China but this is a type of good exercise  for spiritual practice which is  regardless with skin colour, race and religion.
太极 Tai Chi
能 / 可以 can
帮助 help
个人 personal
健康 healthy
心灵 soul / mind
peace 平静          
心灵平静 peace of mind
achieve 达到
修身养性 spiritual practice

(55)大学 (4)和 (5):古人要想使天下人都能够德性明郎,先要治好自己的国家;The ancients want to enable the people's moral virtues of the world to be bright and clear, have to fix their own country first;

出处 source :   《 大学 》
作者 author : 曾子 /(孔门七十子后学者所作)

朝代 dynasty : 春秋战国时期 (公元前770年 - 公元前221年)又称东周时期

4)     古 之 欲 明 明 德 於 天 下 者,  先 治 其 国;
           欲 治 其 国 者,先 齐 其 家;
           欲 齐 其 家 者,先 修 其 身;
           欲 修 其 身 者,先 正 其 心;
           欲 正 其 心 者,先 诚 其 意;
           欲 诚 其 意 者,先 知 其 知。
           致 知 在 格 物。


5)    物 格 而 后 知 至, 知 至 而 后 意 诚,
          意 诚 而 后 心 正, 心 正 而 后 身 修,
           身 修 而 后 家 齐,家 齐 而 后 国 治,
           国 治 而 后 天 下 平。

意思 meaning :

4 )
The ancients want to enable the people's moral  virtues of the world to be bright and clear,  have to fix their own country first;
Want to cure own country, first have to heal own family ;
Want to cure own family, the first to cultivate own moral virtue ;
Want to cultivate own moral virtue, must be first to keep own soul free from emotional disturbances ;
Want to keep soul free from emotional disturbances, must be the first to be honest in own thoughts ;
Want to be honest in own thoughts, must be the first need to enhance own knowledge ;
To enhance knowledge is lie in to research and study the truth of everything.
Research and analysis have tact to understand the truth of all things,  knowledge will be to everything there;
To all knowledge,  ideas / thoughts are to be honest and no false ;
ideas / thoughts are to be honest and no false, then the soul will not be affected by emotional disturbance ;
the soul will not be affected by emotional disturbance, then could promote / improve own moral virtues ;
Only after to promote / improve own moral virtues ; then could govern the family well ;
Only govern the family well, then could administer the country well;
Only administer the country well, then could make world in peace.
From the emperor down to the civilians, all want to be cultivated by the moral virtues as the fundamental.
例子 example :
Tai Chi can help to keep heathy and keep peace of mind for spiritual practice.
劝告 advice :
最基本的修身养性都做到,那才能够走出更好的路达成人生目标 。
The most basic self-cultivation are all done, it will be able to make better way to reach goals in life.
好的德性是终身财产 …
Good moral virtue is a lifelong property ...

(54)出处 source :《三 字 经 》人 之 初 性 本 善 When people are born, nature is originally good hearted.

出处 source :《三 字 经 》
作者 author : 普遍认为是——王应麟 (1223 - 1296 年year )
朝代  dynasty : 南宋 ( 1127 - 1279 年 year )

人 之 初 性 本 善          性 相 近 习 相 远
苟 不 教      性 乃 迁     教 之 道     贵 以 专

意思 meaning :
人 之 初 性 本 善          性 相 近 习 相 远 :

When people are born, nature is originally good hearted.
All natures have not much different, only because of their environmental impact causes the different of each other's nature gradually far apart .

苟 不 教      性 乃 迁     教 之 道     贵 以 专 :

If do not teach well, the good nature of a person will turn bad .
教育的方法, 最重要就是专心一意,始终不懈。
Education way, the most important is to close application,always untiring .
人 person / people / human
初 early
性 = 本性 nature
刚 = 刚刚 just
当 ……时候 when
出生 born
原本 originally
善 = 善良 good-hearted / kindness
相 = 相差 different
相差不多 not much different
远 far
近 close to
习 = 习惯 habits
教 teach 不教 not teach
迁 = 变 turn / change
贵 = 珍贵 precious
专 = 专心 pay attention to focus on
专心一意 close application
环境 environment / environmental
影响 impact
始start / beginning 终 end
but here 始终 means : always 常常
不懈 untiring
逐渐 gradually
最 most
重要 important

( 53 ) 熟语 idiomatic phrase : 害人之心绝不可有,防人之心不可无。A heart to harm people absolutely must not own, but could not without take precautions against the bad people's attacks.


熟语 idiomatic phrase:

A heart to harm people absolutely must not own, but could not without take precautions against the bad people's attacks.

Everyone only has a heart,
但是最怕人的就是人心 !
but the most fear is people's hearts !
Kindness heart brings joy and peace !
Evil's heart not only destroy own home,
but also destroy the peace and many others'  life.
As parents must educate kids' heart well,
avoid to do bad things to harm people when grow up !
As long as your and my hearts stop beating for a minute,
never see this world again !
Love your heart, respect your life, respect people's life !
Save your life, save people's life !
不分肤色,种族 和 宗教的“伟大的爱”…… 你能做到吗 ???
The "Great Love" of regardless to skin colour, race and religion ...... Can you do that ???
Unrepentant heart will lead to more people to get hurt…

( 52 ) 谚语 proverb : 负笈从师,不远千里。 Carry a case of books to visit a good teacher, no matter how far the way.



Carry a case of books to visit a good teacher, no matter how far the way.

出处 source : 《 资治通鉴 》
作者 author :司马光 ( 1019 - 1086 )
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279年 year )
意思 meaning :
carrying a case of books drop thousand miles of way to seek / visit a good teacher to acquire knowledges, no matter how far the way / journey.
劝告 advice :
a determined person will go for visiting good teachers to learn craft ( / trade ) or knowledges, not afraid of how far and how hard the journey, must learn from him or her.
( 喜欢读书和学习知识@技能都与肤色,种族和宗教无关,在此没有任何的偏见)
(love to study @ learn knowledges @ skills are regardless with any skin colour, race and religion, here without any prejudice)
负 = 背 carry
笈 = 书箱 case of books
拜访 visit
寻找 seek
老师 teacher     
不管 no matter
多么遥远 how far
路途 way / journey
怕 afraid            不怕 not afraid
艰辛 hard
学习 learn
求取 / 获取 acquire
知识 knowledge
技能 skill =  手艺craft / trade
学艺 to learn craft / trade
艺can be used to match as 艺术 = art

( 51 ) 成语 idiom : 昂首怒放,独具风采。Hold up head in full bloom, solely elegant demeanour.


Hold up head in full bloom, solely elegant demeanour.

意思 meaning :
the flowers are in bloom, showing their unique elegant demeanour.
头 head
昂首 = 抬起头 hold up head
满 full          绽放 / 盛开 bloom
绽放 / 怒放 in full bloom
独具 / 独有 / 仅 solely = 独特的 unique
优雅 elegant
风度 demeanour
风采 elegant demeanour

( 50 ) 谚语 proverb : 临河而羡鱼,不如归家织网。Near to a river to envy the fish, better go back home to weave net.


谚语 proverb :

Near to a river to envy the fish, better go back home to weave net.

出处 source : 《 淮南子 * 说林训 》
作者 author : 刘安
朝代 dynasty : 汉朝 (前 before 202 - 220 年year )
意思 meaning :
Standing by the river and merely envy how plump the fish in the water, better go home to weave net to catch fish.
劝告 advice :
People should not merely fantasy, should take practical action to achieve the ideal.

生词 vocabulary :

临 = 靠近 near to
羡 = 希望得到 hope to get / 羡慕 envy
 去 go
归 = 回 back
家 home
织 weave
网 net
站 stand / standing
河 river                       河边 by the river
肥美 / 丰满 plump     多么肥美 how plump
捕 / 捉 catch
鱼 fish
实际 practical
行动 action
理想 ideal
空想 / 幻想 fantasy

2014年12月18日 星期四

( 49 ) 谚语 proverb : 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。The thread in the hands of a loving mother, wanderer‘ s clothes.


谚语 proverb

The thread in the hands of a loving mother, wanderer‘ s clothes.

出处 source : 《游子吟》
作者author : 孟郊
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 (618 - 907 年 year )
意思 meaning :
a loving mother is holding a needle and thread to sew clothes or knit a sweater for her child who will be out of town.
Each needle and thread is a mother's love.
劝告 advice :
This is a mother‘s love to her child's care. As a child should not let his or her mother to worry him or her. Although busy with work,  also spend time with her and knew her.

生词 vocabulary :

针 needle
线 thread
手 hand         在手中 in the hands
母亲 / 妈妈 mother
慈母 loving mother
游子 wanderer                wanderer‘ s 游子的
拿 take           握 hold              拿着 holding
衣服 clothes
毛衣 sweater
缝 sew
织 knit
出 out                             出去 go out
远 far
门 door        
市镇 town                      出远门 out of town
花费 spend
时间 time                     播出时间 spend time
牵 holding
intestines 肠
hang 挂
stomach 肚                                  牵肠挂肚  feel deep anxiety / worry 担心

( 48 ) 谚语 proverb : 水清出石鱼可数,林深无人鸟相呼。The stones out of the clear water and could count the fish, deep forest no man but birds' ECHO-singing.

谚语 proverb :

The stones out of the clear water and could count the fish, deep forest no man but birds' ECHO-singing.

出处 sourse : 《腊日游孤山访惠勤惠思二僧》
作者 author : 苏轼
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279 年year)
意思 meaning :
clear stream can see the bottom of stones and count the number of the fish in the water;
in the deep forest without human shadows, only birds' ECHO-singing.

生词 vocabulary :

石头 stones
出 out
清 / 清澈 clear
水 water
深 deep
森林 forest
无 / 没有 no = without
无 人 no man
鸟 bird            birds' 鸟的
唱歌 singing   
小溪 stream
可以 can
看 see
底 bottom
数 count
数目 number   
人 / 人类 human
影子 shadow                

(47)成语 idiom : 山明水秀 Green hills and clear water


成语 idiom :

山明水秀 Green hills and clear water
(风景如画 pictureque scenery )
Scenery joys person

警惕 alert :
the earth has beautiful scenery,

everyone should take good care of it;

responsibility of caring for the earth is belong to the world of great harmony, the hapiness in great harmony.

regardless of skin colour and race, regardless of religion;

do not let the advanced technology and war destroy our beautiful earth.

生词 vocabulary :

山 hills
清澈 clear             水秀 clear water
风景如画 pituresque
风景 / 景色 scenery
风景如画 picturesque scenery
怡 joy ( 使人愉快 make people happy )
愉快 / 快乐 happy

地球 earth

爱护 take good care of / caring 爱护 /关心

责任 responsibility
属于 belong
世界 world

大同 great harmony 和睦共处 harmony

幸福 happiness
不分 regardless

皮肤 skin
颜色 colour 肤色 skin colour

种族 race
宗教 religion
先进 advanced
科技 technology
战争 war
毁灭 destroy

2014年12月16日 星期二

(46)每一天都是一天的决定 Each day is a day of decision,


Each day is a day of decision,
和 我们的决定将决定我们的命运。
And our decision determine our destiny.

早安 Good Morning

Each 每一
Day 天
Decision(noun 名词)决定
Determine (verb动词) 决定
Destiny 命运
Our 我们的
And 和 / 及

( 45 ) 谚语 proverb : 信言不美,美言不信。Trustable words are not beautiful, beautiful words do not believe.

Trustable words are not beautiful, beautiful words do not believe.

出处 source : 《老子 * 八十一章》
作者 author : 李耳 ( 500 - 580 年 years )
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 ( 前 before 221 年 years  )
意思 meaning :
The true words may not be nice to listen but nice words may not be true.
劝告 advice :
To be able to distinguish the discourse of authenticity, true words may be unpalatable to the ear, sweet talks are unreliable.
If listen to the bad guys' sweet talk, fall into their trap , there will be a miserable fate.

生词 vocabulary :

可信的 trustable

美丽 / 漂亮 beautiful                     美好 nice

文字 / 词 / 言  words

相信 believe

真实 true

能 able

分辨 distinguish

话语 discourse

真实性 authenticity
真实性的话语 discourse of authenticity

不愉快的 unpalatable                  耳朵 ear
逆耳 unpalatable to the ear = unpleasant to the ear

甜 sweet                 讲 / 说 / 说的话 talks        
甜言蜜语 sweet talks


听 listen

坏人 bad guys                         bad guys' 坏人的

掉 fall        

入 into

圈套 trap

悲惨 miserable
命运 fate

( 44 ) 谚语 proverb : 积财千万,不如薄伎在身。Amass millions of wealth , better to have skills on body.


Amass millions of wealth , better to have skills on body.

出处 source : 《颜氏家训 * 勉学》
作者 author : 颜之推
朝代 dynasty : 南北朝 (420 - 589 年years)
意思 meaning :
Savings of millions of assets, better to master a skill.
劝告 advice :
Can't rely on parents' wealth, should go to master some skills to earn a living.

生词 vocabulary :

积聚 amass = 累积 accumulate
积蓄 savings

财富 wealth                               富 rich

家产 / 家财 assets                   家 home        财 wealth / money

千 thousand   一 万 ten thousands
(but here 千万 means ten millions or millions upon millins)

掌握 master

薄 little / thin         /  一些 some

技能 (伎)skills

身 / 身体 body

不能 can't

依靠 rely

应该 should

赚 earn

生活 living

谋生 to earn a living

好 good    更好 / 比较好 better    最好best

(43 )谚语 proverb : 金玉其外,败絮其中。Rubbish coated in gold and jade, foul within.

谚语 proverb

Rubbish coated in gold and jade, foul within.

出处 source : 《 卖柑者言 》
作者 author : 刘基
朝代 dynasty : 明朝 ( 1368 - 1644 年 year)
意思 meaning :
as beautiful as the gold and jade on the appearance but as the tattered cotton inside the heart.
劝告 advice :
do not be deceived by the beautiful or gorgeous outlook.
垃圾 rubbish
披上外层coated            外套  coat 
动物的皮 animal's coat
金 gold
败絮 / 肮脏和恶臭 foul             肮脏 dirty                恶臭 stench
在内 within
美丽 beautiful
外表 / 外貌 appearance / outlook
破烂 tattered
棉絮 / 棉花 cotton
内 / 里面 inside
心 heart
欺骗 deceived

( 42 ) 谚语 proverb : 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。Desire for a grander sight by going up a higher floor.

谚语 proverb


Desire for a grander sight by going up a higher floor.

出处 source : 《登鹳雀楼》
作者 author : 王之涣
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 (618 - 907 年year)
意思 meaning :
desire to view the scenery outside the thousand miles, must climb up a higher floor.
劝告 advice :
to achieve greater success, must dedicate all by redouble our efforts.

生词 vocabulary :

欲 desire = 要 want
景物 scenery
外面 / 以外 outside
千里 thousand miles
登上 / 爬上 climb up
层 楼 floor      一层楼 a floor           第二楼 2nd floor
高 high / tall
更高 higher

But here means 穷 :尽 :尽心 dedicate / try to do the best = 尽力

达成 achieve
成就 / 成功 success
加倍 redouble     加 add      倍 double
努力 effort

2014年12月15日 星期一

( 41 )谚语 proverb : 千里之行,始于足下。A thousand miles of journey is started by taking the first step.

谚语 proverb :


A thousand miles of journey is started by taking the first step.

出处 source * 老子 * 六十四章
作者 author : 李耳 (500 - 580 年years )
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 年year)
意思 meaning :
To move the foot of thousand miles away have to take the first step to begin.
劝告 advice :
Make up your mind to do good in the beginning, then will have the chance to achieve ambitious goals.
A good beginning may not have a good harvest but usually the bad beginning may not bring good harvest.

2014年12月14日 星期日

( 40 ) 谚语 proverb : 坐以待毙,不如创造奇迹。Sitting to wait for death is not as good as to create miracle.


Sitting to wait for death is not as good as to create miracle.

This phrase is always familiar by many people. I very like this phrase.
If this phrase is used in positive ways may save a life or change your life.
劝告 advice :
don't be trapped by your surrounding environment, circumstances or difficulties.
Good to face and solve it, will be out of the woods.
坐 sit / sat / sitting
待 = 等待 wait for
毙 death
创造 create
奇迹 miracle
常常 always
熟悉 familiar
喜欢 like
被用 is used
正面 positive
救 save / rescue
一 a / an / one
改变 change
命 / 人生 life
面对 face
解决 solve
脱离 out of

( 39 )谚语proverb :记人之善,忘人之过。Remember the kindness in people, forget the faults of people.


Remember the kindness in people, forget the faults of people.

出处 source *** 三国志
作者author : 陈寿,
朝代 dynasty : 晋朝 (265 - 420 年year)

意思 meaning :
Remember the good in people, forget the faults of people.

劝告 advice :
People want to be magnanimous to forgive others.

生词 vocabulary :

记 :记住 remember      
         记录 record
         忘记 forget

善 :善良 kindness
         善心 the heart of kindness
         善事 = 好事 good deed

好 :good     好处 : benefit

过 :pass
过失 :false

宽宏大量 : magnanimous
原谅 : forgive

other : 其他 / 其它
others : 其他人 / 别人

( 38 )谚语 proverb : 一人传虚,万人传实。A person passes on a false message, ten thousands of people may pass it to real.


A person passes on a false message, ten thousands of people may pass it to real.
出处 source * 景德传灯录
作者 author : 道原
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279 年year)
意思 meaning :
a person's transmission of  rumor probably is the false rumor, but when too many people pass the same rumor, people will wrongly think or believe it was real.
万 / 一 万 ten thousands
多 many
或 or
是非 / 谣言rumor
同样的 same
传 pass on / transmission
虚假的 false
误信 wrongly think / wrongly believe
信 believe
真实的 real

( 37 ) 别把你的想像力用在无聊的事上。Don't use your imagination on silly things.

Don't use your imagination on silly things.
用 use
想像力 imagination
无聊 / 傻 silly
事 things

2014年12月11日 星期四

( 36 ) 谚语 proverb : 自知不自见,自爱不自贵。Self-know but not from view, self-love but do not significantly vanity.


谚语 proverb :

Self-know but not from view, self-love but do not significantly vanity.

出处 source * 老子 * 七十二章
作者 author : 李耳
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 )
意思 meaning :
Understand own abilities without showing off self-vanity and know humility;
劝告 advice :
要洁身自爱,而不骄矜凌人 。
want to love yourself but not arrogant / haughty
when self-knowledges and experience more mature or richer than others, to turn the humble like the mature paddy rice.
虚荣 vanity
显示 showing
炫耀 showing off
自己 / 自我 self
谦卑 humunity
能力 ability / abilities
骄矜 / 傲慢 arrogant / haughty
要 want to
爱 love
洁 clean
洁身自爱 love yourself
成熟 mature
学识 / 知识 knowledges
经验 experience
丰富 rich / richer
稻 paddy
米 rice

2014年12月10日 星期三

( 35 ) Notes : Let us to learn Chinese words together!

Let us to learn Chinese words together!
Stay at your own house or place, you still can learn to speak good in Chinese Mandarin !
If you think the words / idoms / proverbs help you, just give your generous 'like ' to it !
If you think which proverb could help your friends, just give a kind share to them !
Thank you so much you spend time to read @ learn ......

( 34 ) 往往一切的付出变得白费时... When all efforts were often in vain...


When all efforts were often in vain......are due to the intelligence and talent used in the wrong ways!
...... Only harvest was "self reflection + review + improve yourself"
Fortunately, you still have chance to repair and improve !!!

( 33 ) 当你换了很多份工作后, When you have changed for a lot of jobs or industries,

当你换了很多份工作后,你发现你的生活的困难还不能被改善时 …… 那你就必须改变自己 !!!

改变行业,不如先改变自己才改变行业 !!!

When you have changed for a lot of jobs or industries, you find lots of difficulties in your living still can't be improved ...... you have to change yourself !!!

To change your job or industry, it is better to change yourself first, then to change job or industry !

( 32 )谚语 proverb :出淤泥而不染。Came from mud but it is not stained.


Came from mud but it is not stained.

出处 source * 爱莲说
作者 author : 周敦颐 (1017 - 1073年year )
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝(960 - 1279年year)
语译explaination :
莲花从烂泥中长出来却没被污染 。
Lotus grows out of the mud but it is not stained by the mud.
意思 :
品格高尚的人不被恶劣的环境所影响,不与世俗同流合污,而能洁身自爱 。
Meaning :
Moral noble-minded person who is not affected by the harsh environment, not in cahoots with the secular, but can love himself or herself.

( 31 ) 理直要气和,得理要饶人;Need to be amicable and forgiving, even reason is on your side ;

Need to be amicable and forgiving, even reason is on your side ;
Not do despicable, hate-free in the future;
Future without enmity, natural peace in heart.

( 30 ) 习语 idiomatic phrase : 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。The early bird catches worm.


The early bird catches worm.

意思 :勤劳的人会珍惜时间去做事,所以先掌握机会。
Meaning : hard-working people will cherish the time to do something, so the first chance to master.

( 29 ) 谚语 proverb : 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。Who know the dishes in the meal from a hard-journey.


Who know the dishes in the meal from a hard-journey.

出处 source * 悯农二首
作者 author : 李绅,
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝(618 - 907年year)
Each capsule meters are used to sweat hard to change, do not waste rice
劝告 :
人们要珍惜食物, 别浪费食物。
Advice :
people cherish food, do not waste。

( 28 ) 熟语 idiomatic phrase : 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。Forbearance temporary calm without large waves, take a step backward to get a brighter future.

Forbearance temporary calm without large waves, take a step backward to get a brighter future.
劝告Advice :
It is very good if people could keep calm and make a concession when a conflict occurs......this could help to free from trouble of fighting and will get a brighter future.

生词 vocabulary :

width 阔
sea 海
sky 天空
good 好
concessions 让步
free from 远离
trouble 麻烦
fighting 战斗

( 27 ) 谚语 proverb : 物以类聚,人以群分。Things of a kind come together, people of a mind fall into the same group.

Things of a kind come together, people of a mind fall into the same group.
出处 source ***周易 * 系辞
朝代 dynasty : 先秦(前before 221年year)
相关熟语 :
Related idiomatic phrase :
                     同声相应, 同气相求
                     like attracts like
                     the same ideals follow
                     the same path
                     be birds of a feather /
                     interests are congenial
意思 : 好人因为志同道合而聚合;
              凑合在一起 。
Meaning: Good people come in together
                  because like-minded and
                  The villains come in together
                  due to like-minded and
                  collusion, naturally joined in

(26 )谚语 proverb : 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。Who close to cinnabar to be dyed in red, who close to ink to be dyed in black.

Who close to cinnabar to be dyed in red, who close to ink to be dyed in black.
出处 source * 太子少傅箴
作者 author : 傅玄,
朝代 dynasty : 晋朝(265 - 420 年year)
意思 Meaning :
Environment will affect a person's habits, close to good-minded friends will get good influence, close to villains will cantaminate lots of bad influence.
朱= 朱砂 cinnabar
近 near / close
靠近 near / close
习性 habit
环境 Environment
影响 affect / influence
沾染 contaminate
坏 bad = 不好not good
益 benefit
but when it is written as 益友 means good-minded friend / positive friend / mentor friend
损 lost, when it is written as  损友 means villain friend
多many / much / lots

( 25 ) 谚语 proverb : 不经一事,不长一智。Without experiencing an incident, can't grow a wisdom.

Without experiencing an incident,  can't grow a wisdom.
出处 source * 红楼梦, 第六十回
作者 author : 曹雪芹,
朝代 dynasty : 清朝(1636-1911年year)

意思 meaning :
不经历一件事, 就不能增长对事件的见识,智慧来自经验。
can't gain knowledge without experencing of an incident, wisdom comes from experience

劝告advice :
people should learn from life experience, and learn from their mistakes, so can grow in wisdom.

吸取learn from
生活life / living

( 24 )谚语 proverb : 一 寸 光 阴 一 寸 金; An inch of time, an inch of gold; 寸 金 难 买 寸 光 阴。An inch of gold can not buy an inch of time.

一 寸 光 阴 一 寸 金
An inch of time, an inch of gold;
寸 金 难 买 寸 光 阴。
An inch of gold can not buy an inch of time.

(23)熟语 idiomatic phrase : 一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春,一生之计在于勤。A day's plan lies in the early morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, a lifetime's plan lies in diligent.

A day's plan lies in the early morning, a year's plan lies in the spring, a lifetime's plan lies in diligent.
劝告advice :
people should always stay to work diligently, maintain a regular life so can live in happiness.
在于lie in
活得live in

( 22 ) 谚语 proverb : 小不忍则乱大谋。Can't bear small will make scheme in disorder. / 一个小漏洞将会弄沉一艘大船。A small leak will sink a great ship.

Can't bear small will make scheme in disorder. /

A small leak will sink a great ship.
出处 source * 论语 * 卫灵公
朝代 dynasty:先秦(前before221年year)
意思meaning :
can't bear a little thing will ruin a scheme and affect the overall situation.
劝告advice :
people have to be patient to avoid a small incident in disorder to lose the greater affecting the overall situation.

( 21 ) 谚语 proverb : 君子交绝,不出恶声。Gentlemen break off relations, no bad sound.


Gentlemen break off relations, no aloud bad sound.

出处 source ***战国策 * 燕策
朝代 dynasty : 先秦(before前 221年year)

意思meaning :
The morality of people, even break off relations won't cuss about each other to spoil his or her reputation.

Ordinary people should keep such demeanor and morality training, moreover, the martial art people do not make bad sound but also do not just do killing each other in order to win.

生词 vocabulary :

出 out :出声 aloud
               出去 go out
君子 gentleman / gentlemen
恶声 bad sound ( cussing)
恶bad / evil
道德修养 morality
即使 even
绝交 break off relation
说坏话/咒骂 cuss
破坏 spoil
名声 reputation

( 20 )谚语 proverb : 己所不欲,勿施于人。What self does not desire, do not unto others.

What self does not desire, do not unto others.
出处 source * 论语 * 卫灵公
朝代 dynasty : 先秦(before 前221年year)
意思meaning :
do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire;
treat others as you would have them do unto you.
劝告advice :
people do not apply the things that they don't like to be imposed on others or animals.
例子examples : 过期的食物 及 虐待人或动物
                               expired food and human or
                               animals abuse

( 19 ) 谚语 proverb : 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。Do not wait during free time, white juvenile's head, empty with sadness.

Do not wait during free time, white juvenile's head, empty with sadness.
出处 source * 满江红
作者 author : 岳飞 (1103 - 1142年year ),
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝(920-1279年year)
意思meaning :
别虚度少年的时光,等到头发都白了才悔恨伤悲已太迟了...... 别浪费宝贵的时间。
do not waste the time of early youth, wait until hair white then regret with pain already too late......don't fritter away your precious time.
劝告 advice :
Juveniles or teenagers have to cherish the time to enrich himself or herself, work hard, so as not to regret in old age.

( 18 ) 谚语 proverb : 劝君莫打枝头鸟,子在巢中望母归。Advice you not to hit the bird on branches, its nestlings in the nest to look for their mother back home.

Advice you not to hit the bird on branches, its nestlings in the nest to look for their mother back home.
出处 source*** 鸟
作者 author : 白居易( 772-846 年year)
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝( 618-907年year)
劝告advice :
people should protect life, stop indiscriminate killing the cretures.
枝头 branch
鸟 bird
打 hit
巢 nest, 巢中 in the nest
望 to look
母 mother
归 back home, home 家
保护 protect
停止 stop
滥杀 indiscriminate
生物 creatures
子 nestling, can be used for child 孩子

(17 )谚语 proverb : 三人行,必有我师焉。Three people walk together, must be one of my mentor.

Three people walk together, must be one of my mentor.
出处 source * 论语 * 术而
朝代 dynasty : 先秦(before前 221年year)
意思 meaning :
few people walk together, which must have a person can become the object of study.
劝告 advice :
people should learn things humbly from others.
(当然是向好的方面或正面学习。of course, learn the better or the positive things. )