2014年12月11日 星期四

( 36 ) 谚语 proverb : 自知不自见,自爱不自贵。Self-know but not from view, self-love but do not significantly vanity.


谚语 proverb :

Self-know but not from view, self-love but do not significantly vanity.

出处 source * 老子 * 七十二章
作者 author : 李耳
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 )
意思 meaning :
Understand own abilities without showing off self-vanity and know humility;
劝告 advice :
要洁身自爱,而不骄矜凌人 。
want to love yourself but not arrogant / haughty
when self-knowledges and experience more mature or richer than others, to turn the humble like the mature paddy rice.
虚荣 vanity
显示 showing
炫耀 showing off
自己 / 自我 self
谦卑 humunity
能力 ability / abilities
骄矜 / 傲慢 arrogant / haughty
要 want to
爱 love
洁 clean
洁身自爱 love yourself
成熟 mature
学识 / 知识 knowledges
经验 experience
丰富 rich / richer
稻 paddy
米 rice

