谚语 proverb:
Mount Tai does not to let the soil, how can it become large ?
出处 source : 《谏逐客书》
作者 author : 李斯
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 年 year )
作者 author : 李斯
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 年 year )
意思 meaning :
Mount Tai does not exclude the soil, thus to become a big mountain.
Mount Tai does not exclude the soil, thus to become a big mountain.
劝告 advice :
To absorb all aspects of knowledge, so knowledge will be in broad erudition.
To absorb all aspects of knowledge, so knowledge will be in broad erudition.
也指要懂得吸收各方的人才,才能使国家 / 公司壮大阵容。
Also must know how to absorb different talented parties for the country / company to grow lineup.
Also must know how to absorb different talented parties for the country / company to grow lineup.
泰山 Mount Tai
排斥 exclude
知识 / 学识 knowledge
博学 erudition
学识渊博 broad erudition
吸收 absorb
人才 talented parties / talented people
排斥 exclude
知识 / 学识 knowledge
博学 erudition
学识渊博 broad erudition
吸收 absorb
人才 talented parties / talented people