谚语 proverb :
It is easy to go from frugality to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality.
出处 source : 《训俭示康》
作者 author : 司马光 ( 1019 - 1086年 year)
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 -1279年 year)
作者 author : 司马光 ( 1019 - 1086年 year)
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 -1279年 year)
意思 meaning :
By frugal life into a life of luxury is easy , however, from a life of luxury into a frugal life is more difficult.
By frugal life into a life of luxury is easy , however, from a life of luxury into a frugal life is more difficult.
劝告 advice :
People should form the good habit of frugality, abandon the bad habits of luxury.
People should form the good habit of frugality, abandon the bad habits of luxury.
Frugal living is not only healthier but also save resources.
Frugal living is not only healthier but also save resources.
生词 vocabulary :
节俭 frugality / frugal
奢侈 extravagant
困难 difficult
容易 easy
生活 life
豪华 / 奢侈 luxury
摒弃 abandon
进入 into
养成 / 形成 form = 养成 / 培养 cultivate
不但 is not only
健康 healthy 比较健康 heaithier
节省 save
资源 resources