Dog keeps a round-the-clock vigil, rooster crows in the morning. If a person does not learn, how is the person called to be a person?
Dog keeps a round-the-clock vigil, rooster crows in the morning. If a person does not learn, how is the person called to be a person?
出处 source * 三字经
作者 author : 王应麟(名儒学家)
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝(960-1279年year)
作者 author : 王应麟(名儒学家)
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝(960-1279年year)
意思:劝勉人们要努力学习,才能做好自己分内的工作 。人如果不知道勤学,做个有用的人,就连小昆虫都不如了 。
Meaning : exhorted people to study hard in order to do their job well. If people don't study hard to be a good person, even lost to insects.
Meaning : exhorted people to study hard in order to do their job well. If people don't study hard to be a good person, even lost to insects.