2015年8月31日 星期一

( 117 ) 亲密的人之间往往有太多执着 Between the closest people often have too much persistence

心里会有许多期望和要求,要求对方完全理解、欣赏、领受、符合我们的心意,不然便感觉失落、痛苦 。对亲近的人,我们并不缺少爱,而是缺少宽容和放松。
Between the closest people often have too much persistence, the heart will have a lot of expectations and requirements ( demands ), asking someone to fully understand, appreciate, accept and comply with our minds, otherwise feel loss, pain. To someone close, there's no shortage of love, but a lack of tolerance and relax.

即是有缘做一家人,就彼此珍惜、尊重,不要试图贪爱去束缚对方,由爱生怨,由怨生恨,枉自荒废珍宝人生 。
That was predestined to be a family, each other should cherish, respect, do not try and be greedy to restrict love each other, from love to hatred, from resentment to hate, abandoned treasures of life in vain.

持久的快乐源于内心的平和不在于名利的积累。真正能让我们远离匮乏孤独之苦的,不是金钱地位,而是懂得关爱、分享和宽容的心,这才是人生最宝贵的财富 。
Lasting happiness comes from inner peace is not the accumulation of fame. Really can keep us away from deficiency and loneliness, is not the money and position, but know a caring, sharing and forgiving heart, this is the most valuable asset in life.

◆ 匮乏 : deficiency 缺乏
◆ 财富 : asset / wealth
◆ 怨 : 怨恨 hatred = resentment
◆ 恨 : hate

◆ 宽容 : forgiveness
   宽容的心 forgiving heart

◆ 束缚 : restrict

[ 我很喜欢这文章,也很努力地在找这本书,如果你拥有这么一本书,请慷慨留言 。
I like this article so much here, also find this book very hard, if you own such a book, please give generously message. ] 

( 116 ) 你的力量在哪里 ? Where is your strength?

你的力量在哪里 ?
Where is your strength?

当有不足之处时,好好地努力栽培你的力量吧 !
When there are deficiencies, make efforts to cultivate your strength!

当遇到困难时,先累积你的力量才处理吧 !
When in trouble, first to accumulate your power, then to deal with it !

In this world,
Not much needs,
Too much demands,
But the soul must be pure to receive a good edification and review mistake,
Don't let too much demands...... to destroy pure heart,
Learn to make yourself living in good and happiness.

It doesn't matter the ordinary appearance,
The most important is listening to your heart ;
We have a powerful inner forces,
正面的力量 。

the positive forces.
The road does not come to an end,
而是时候要转弯了 !
but It's time to turn !

When you think no way to go,
其实还有一点点就来到前方的路了 !
In fact, there is little way may come to the front !

Don't let careless randomly ruin the future,
Careful and meticulous to save for your future troubles,
感恩的心能为你带来更多的正能量 !
Thanksgiving heart can bring you more positive power !

◆ 力量 : strength (实力的力量)
              forces ( 有影响力的力量)
               power = forces + strength

◆ 教诲 : edification

[ 这篇是为我孩子而写,也希望有一字一句能帮助到你和身边的朋友或他们的孩子 。]
[ This article was written for my children, also hope to have a word or a sentence can help you and your friends or their children. ] 

2015年8月17日 星期一

(115) 慧命的共同体 Wisdom Life of Community

Wisdom Life of Community

多了解不同种族的文化,很自然就会产生另一种慧命的共同体 ……
Learn more about different cultures of different races, it's natural that there would produce another kind of wisdom of the community --

不同种族的人们应以善智慧为生命的共同体,这样才能产生友族之间的爱和尊敬,爱是和谐的动力 !
People of different races should be based on kindness intelligence for the life of the community, so that they can produce love and respect between racial friends, love is the power of harmony!

人活在这世界上需要 :
People living in this world need :
Mutually assistance to survive,
Mutually beneficial to grow
Mutual respect will produce power,
Mutually love will turn into great harmony,
最终光明才能永续 ……
Ultimately light will be able to continue ---

For doing business...... will prosper,
For couples......harmonious family can lead to success of everything,
做领导的……也事半功倍 !
For leadership......yield twice the result with half the effort !

劝告 advice :
所以在我们的日常生活里不应对任何种族和宗教歧视 !
So in our daily lives should not deal with any racial and religious discrimination!

如果在生活上遇到态度恶劣的人时,请谨记这是他个人的修为德行问题而不是种族的问题 !
When you encounter a bad attitude guy  in life, to keep in mind that this is his / her personal virtue problems and is not a racial issue !

这里也指人类幸福的来源 ~爱,但不是指欲望的爱,欲望的爱并不是真正的爱 !
There is also the source of human happiness ~ love, but not the desire of love, desire of love is not real love !

比如 such as :
不应为了政治目的以某种理由来威胁到种族之间的和谐 。
Should not be for political purposes to threaten racial harmony with some reasons.

祝 wish :
Happy harmony

Video : 文化节目 ~ 马来舞蹈
             culture program ~Malay dance ( due to nnetworking problem, the video is to be ready in September 2015 )

地点 location : Center Market,
                          Kuala Lumpur,

(114 ) 说了又不听, have told but don't listen,

Ai ! Today, teaching the students to read Bahasa Malaysia dictation with Chinese meaning together, there are still such students, including my own son will be graduating from the primary school !
「 说了又不听,
have told but don't listen,
listened but don't know,
don't know but don't ask,
asked but don't work,
done but did wrong,
did wrong but denied,
admitted it but not change,
changed but disobeyed,
disobeyed but don't tell,
     说了还是原来的他 !
told but he is still him !」
在这样的情况下,短短15分钟里,心就宽恕了1000次 !
In this case, in as little as 15 minutes, the heart would forgive 1000 times !
还好,让他们看了这一则小启示后,还有点效用 !
All right, let them to watch this a little inspiration, there is still a little utility!
警惕 alert :
如果不改善这样的态度,以后也许会成了孩子日后的工作态度 !
If it does not improve such an attitude,it might be developed into the child's working attitude in future !
通常只要不顽固,孩子都会在学习上有所突破 !
Usually, if don't be stubborn, the child will make a breakthrough in learning!

2015年8月9日 星期日

( 113 ) 合武道是中国武术和其他的武术的混和体。 WUDO is a body of Chinese Martial art mixed with other martial arts.

WUDO is a body of  Chinese Martial art mixed with other martial arts.
让孩子学武不但能强身健体头脑敏捷,还能纠正孩子习武和用武的正确思维 。
Let the children learn martial art not only for physical fitness - prompt minded, but also to correct their concepts in terms of the practice and the usage of martial arts .
有学才艺的孩子办事也较有条理和有规律 ,孩子也得过有意义的生活,总好过让孩子虚度光阴在电脑游戏里 。
Children with learning art talents are more structured and disciplined when perform works, children have to live with a meaningful life, better letting them to waste time in video games.
Of course, the coach of the martial art is a very important link to pass the right concepts of the practice and the usage of martial arts to his or her apprentice.
经过调教的徒儿都不会以武伤人惹事生非 !
After the apprentice is trained up won't be going to hurt people and making mischief !