2015年11月23日 星期一

( 129 ) 生活小智慧 small wisdom of life :

生活小智慧 small wisdom of life :

Angry at someone for 1 minute, he/she may lose 60 seconds of delight in his/her life ;

失去了60秒的快乐,也许会令你失去了这一生的幸福和健康 !
Lose 60 seconds of delight, may make you to lose happiness and health in this life !

生气别人等于惩罚自己,所以我们要学着心中阔达、学着祝福他人 ……
Angry at someone else is to punish oneself, so we have to learn to mind broadness, learn to bless others ……

◆ 怒 : 生气 angry / get mad

◆狂怒 : furious

◆ 快乐 : delight / happiness

◆幸福 : happiness

2015年11月11日 星期三

( 128 ) 幸福美满人生 Happiness Life

幸福美满人生  Happiness Life……

Not that the more you possess, the more happiness you may have,

而是懂得造福他人,同时也造福自己 。
It is understood to give blessings to others, but also give blessings to your own. 

2015年11月10日 星期二

( 127 ) 谚语 Proverb : 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 Shouldn't have improper conduct when rich, shouldn't change moral conduct when poor, shouldn't give up/bow when under a coercive force.

谚语 Proverb :
Shouldn't have improper conduct when rich, shouldn't change moral conduct when poor, shouldn't give up/bow when under a coercive force.

朝代 Dynasty : 先秦 (公元前 221 年 / 221 B.C. )
作者 Author : 孟轲
出处 Source : 《 孟子 ●滕文公下 》

语译 Interpretation :
High position and great wealth cannot be caught to perplex in a person's mind, poor humble can't change a person's moral conduct, the coercive force cannot contuse a person's ambition.

劝告 Advice :
A person at all times is able to uphold integrity, will not change due to the environment.

For the future of coming generations, not to bow under a coercive force ( wicked force ) but to fight bravely.

2015年11月7日 星期六

( 126 ) 生命里的祝福将会带给您“祝福的奇迹” ! Blessings in Life Will Bring You Miracles of Blessings !

生命里的祝福     Blessings in Life
将会带给您         Will Bring You
“祝福的奇迹” ! Miracles of 
                            Blessings !

祝福怎么会有奇迹呢 ?……只要心诚则灵  !
Why would a wish / blessing come with miracle? -- as long as the spirit of sincere may lead to realization !

这里指的祝福与任何宗教信仰无关,因为自古以来没有任何人可以证明整个宇宙是否是同一个上帝在听人们的祝福或祈祷 !但我相信只要真诚真挚地祝福或祈祷,真的会有奇迹出现 !
The blessings are mentioned here have nothing to do with any religion, since ancient time no one can prove whether the whole universe is the same God listening to people's wishes/blessings or prayers ! But I believe that as long as sincere blessing or prayer in good faith, really a miracle may appear !

◆ 祝福 : wishes / blessings

(当然自己的努力也很重要,但是这里不指任何迷信的成分 ! Of course, oneself's effort is always important, but it does not refer to any element of superstition here ! )

成语 idiom :
a sincere heart leads to  realization

相信只要以真诚的心去祝福他人, ……祝福会灵显 !
Believe that as long as have a sincere heart to bless others, …… blessings may realize !

◆ 灵 : 灵显 realize
          心灵 spirit / soul
          灵魂 soul

无论是收到最多的祝福或是祝福的人越多, 自己都会快乐 !
However is to receive the most blessings or the more people you bless / wish will be happy to yourself !

祝福人是无需花任何一分钱,为何不多祝福他人呢 ?
Blessing people is no need to spend any money, why not do more blessings to others?

Blessing does not distinguish rich or poor, religions, races, both man or woman --

只要 不做亏心事,当你或您真的很需要有人为你或您祝福时,我都会站在世界的某个角落为你或
As long as doesn't do guilty, when you need someone to wish or give you blessing, I will stand in a corner of the world to give you my sincerest blessings / wishes.

在人生的旅途里,别害怕面对困难,你或您不再是孤独的人。如不能拥有祝福,但愿能祝福更多的人,让我们的心灵更阔达和快乐 ……
In the voyage of life, don't be afraid to face with difficulty, you are no longer lonely. If can't be able to have blessings, but can be able blessings to more people, make our hearts a wider reach and happy……

祝 wish :
“幸福美满人生 Happiness Life ”

◆ 你 : you ( for younger than yourself / same age )
◆您 : you ( for older than yourself )

小小分享 little sharing :

记得亲身经历过,有位男校工,不知为何常常就是喜欢见到我就骂 ?……自问没得罪他,也没犯什么校规,但是他总是喜欢见到我就骂,真是莫名其妙 !
Remember my experience, a male school janitor, somehow he always liked to scold me when saw me ? …… I asked myself never offend him, also had no violation of school rules, but he always liked to scold me,  it was really baffling !

起初我还会骂回他,结果每次都会变成斗骂,一点意义都没有 。直到有一天,当他要骂我时,我也懒得跟他斗骂及一般见识。我马上心理祝福他好,很奇怪,他竟然停住了嘴不骂我啦 !……更奇迹,后来每天他都不再找我来骂啦 !……其实
Initially, I will scold him, however it always ended with a fighting, had no any significant. Until a day, when he scolded me, I was too lazy to fight with him and didn't wanna bother myself arguing with the likes of him. I wished him good immediately, so weird, he even stopped up to scold me ! ...... more miracles, then every day he has no longer to scold me anymore ! …… he does not know that I exactly wish him well in my heart.

从那天开始,我就知道祝福的力量,也继续用在我的生活里,感觉美妙极了 !
From that day on, I knew the power of blessing, also continue to use it in my life, feels great wonderful !

◆ 极 : very / great

成语 idioms :
◆ 莫名其妙 : baffling

◆ 一般见识 : behave like someone / bother yourself arguing with the likes of someone

Guitar music : Romance De Amor
played by my daughter ( she's a beginner )