2016年5月29日 星期日

(146)人嘛,要过得较轻松和快乐就别总是挤在一个不属于自己的世界里,这样才不会不知不觉迷失了自己! Well people, wanna live to be more relaxed and happy just don't always squeeze in a world not his/her own , so as not to unwittingly lost oneself!

Well people, wanna live to be more relaxed and happy just don't always squeeze in a world not his/her own , so as not to unwittingly lost oneself!

The problem can be resolved by money is not a problem;

可以用钱买到的快乐虽是一种快乐,但却不是真真的快乐 !
The pleasant can be bought by money although is a type of happy but it is not the true happiness!

(145)您知道从鬼门关逃出生天的那一刻是什么滋味吗 ? Do you know what's the feeling that escape from a door of hell ?

您知道从鬼门关逃出生天的那一刻是什么滋味吗 ?
Do you know what's the feeling that escape from a door of hell ?

几年前,我就是曾经有过这么的一场经历 !
Few years ago, I just have had such an experience of it !

有许多人活着的时候会买了许多价值高的保险,但是这些东西对我来说一点都不重要了,尤其是生命面临结束的那一刻 !
There are many people will buy a number of high-value insurance for their lives, but all these things are not important to me anymore, especially at that moment facing the end of life !

其实在生命遇到紧急求救的那一刻,根本不会再去想到什么保险或财务,在那一刻我只会想到生命是多么的宝贵,我是孩子们的生命,我希望天能给我机会活过来去做更多有意义的事。。。。。。非常感恩我真的活过来了 !(我的佛救了我回来。 )
In fact, at the moment of life in emergency to get help , won't think of what kind of insurance or financial anymore, at that moment I just think of how precious life is , I'm the life of  my children, I hope God will give me the opportunity to live up again to do more meaningful things . . .very grateful that I could live up again!
(My Buddha saved my life back. )

当生命还好时,真的要好好把握您的每一天,珍惜您自己和身边每个人的生命。。。别再尔虞我诈了 !
When life is still good there, really want to cherish your every day, cherish your own life and the people around you... don't intrigue anymore!

When any of the people around us is  in danger, we should save his/her life , because want to see the people around are alive and to live well . . .want to see their lives still alive!

(144 )修身养心 Self  - Cultivating Body and Heart

修身养心 Self  - Cultivating Body and Heart

Self-cultivating body and heart, take care of body and spirit well;
Can not be without desire at all, but should be selfless;
Life lives in spirit, competence should  live in moral virtues;
Purification of the mind to meet the physical and mental health together .

Do not want annoyance , don't want to vex, the more annoyance the more easy to aging ;
Human things are rare to be perfection, fuss about gains and losses will add trouble.

Annoyance / worry always is from human  mind's distracting thoughts , especially emotionally:

某些人的心里(尤其是年纪轻轻的时候)比较容易产生 :
妒忌、恨、妄想 、爱慕虚荣导致感情破裂;
In some people's mind (especially when young age) is relatively easy to produce:
Jealousy, hatred, delusion, vanity causes emotional breakdown;

(要知道忘年之恋,比如男比女的相差十多年或二十多年的年龄, 无论吃喝玩乐、衣食住行、生理需求 、朋友和社交圈子都有很大的差距。。。到了最后还是留着许多苦恼。。。  )
There are some men in the middle age, but the greed to fell in love with young lady, and lead to broken families;
( Should know that the love of such as male older than the female is more than 10+ years or 20 years of age, basic necessities of life, regardless of the physiological needs, idle away in seeking pleasure, friends and social circles are have a big different gap...  In the end there is still keeping a lot of trouble....)

也有的男士在烦恼希望娶一位“旺夫相“的妻子,要知道有智慧,有才干,有定力的男子汉又怎么需要靠什么“旺夫相“的妻子呢 !能娶到一位善良又顾家,真心爱自己丈夫的妻子已是男人最大的福报了!
Some men are annoying in hopes to marry a wife who has  "flourishing appearance ", should know that a man who has wisdom, competency and composure character don't need to rely on what's the "flourishing appearance " of a wife ! Could marry with a wife who is goodness and take care of family, true love to his own husband,  this already brings great blessings to the man!

要知道夫妻同心,家运才会更兴旺 !
Should know that husband and wife to work hard together, a home will become more prosperity!

People live in this world originally have a lot of troubles, as long as to get rid of distraction mind, our spirit of soul will be clean, the body naturally will get relax, so that to achieve the realm of physical and mental recuperation.....

•性 :本性 nature of spirit (性 here do not mean sexual )

2016年5月5日 星期四

(143)您们知道海洋生物,由其是鲸鱼对海洋生态的平衡是多么重要吗 ? Do you know the marine life, especially the  whale is so important to the marine ecological balance ?

您们知道海洋生物,由其是鲸鱼对海洋生态的平衡是多么重要吗 ?
Do you know the marine life, especially the  whale is so important to the marine ecological balance ?

您们看了这个就会知道环保的重要性 !
You are reading this will know the importance of environmental protection !

如果每个人都注重环保,就不会发生这样的事,地球的生态也不会受到破坏,天灾也不会一年比一年严重 !
If everyone pay attention to environmental protection (recycling items ) , it will not happen such thing, the Earth's ecology will not be destroyed , the natural disasters will not become progressively more severe year by year !

地球不可能只属于人类,地球的生态需要地球的智者(人类)来爱护 !
The earth cannot only belong to  human, the earth's ecological needs the earth's wiser (human) to love it !

我希望每个人都能成为地球的智者 !
I hope everyone can be the earth's wiser! 


(142)努力不成功,但是有其存在的价值。 Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value


Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value

~Albert Einstein ~


Who never fails , afraid that he/she has never succeeded.

谚语 proverb :

Failure is the mother of success.