2015年11月10日 星期二

( 127 ) 谚语 Proverb : 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 Shouldn't have improper conduct when rich, shouldn't change moral conduct when poor, shouldn't give up/bow when under a coercive force.

谚语 Proverb :
Shouldn't have improper conduct when rich, shouldn't change moral conduct when poor, shouldn't give up/bow when under a coercive force.

朝代 Dynasty : 先秦 (公元前 221 年 / 221 B.C. )
作者 Author : 孟轲
出处 Source : 《 孟子 ●滕文公下 》

语译 Interpretation :
High position and great wealth cannot be caught to perplex in a person's mind, poor humble can't change a person's moral conduct, the coercive force cannot contuse a person's ambition.

劝告 Advice :
A person at all times is able to uphold integrity, will not change due to the environment.

For the future of coming generations, not to bow under a coercive force ( wicked force ) but to fight bravely.

