出处 source : 《 大学 》
作者 author : 曾子 /(孔门七十子后学者所作)
朝代 dynasty : 春秋战国时期 (公元前770年 - 公元前221年)又称东周时期
作者 author : 曾子 /(孔门七十子后学者所作)
朝代 dynasty : 春秋战国时期 (公元前770年 - 公元前221年)又称东周时期
4) 古 之 欲 明 明 德 於 天 下 者, 先 治 其 国;
欲 治 其 国 者,先 齐 其 家;
欲 齐 其 家 者,先 修 其 身;
欲 修 其 身 者,先 正 其 心;
欲 正 其 心 者,先 诚 其 意;
欲 诚 其 意 者,先 知 其 知。
致 知 在 格 物。
5) 物 格 而 后 知 至, 知 至 而 后 意 诚,
意 诚 而 后 心 正, 心 正 而 后 身 修,
身 修 而 后 家 齐,家 齐 而 后 国 治,
国 治 而 后 天 下 平。
意思 meaning :
4 )
The ancients want to enable the people's moral virtues of the world to be bright and clear, have to fix their own country first;
The ancients want to enable the people's moral virtues of the world to be bright and clear, have to fix their own country first;
Want to cure own country, first have to heal own family ;
Want to cure own country, first have to heal own family ;
Want to cure own family, the first to cultivate own moral virtue ;
Want to cure own family, the first to cultivate own moral virtue ;
Want to cultivate own moral virtue, must be first to keep own soul free from emotional disturbances ;
Want to cultivate own moral virtue, must be first to keep own soul free from emotional disturbances ;
Want to keep soul free from emotional disturbances, must be the first to be honest in own thoughts ;
Want to keep soul free from emotional disturbances, must be the first to be honest in own thoughts ;
Want to be honest in own thoughts, must be the first need to enhance own knowledge ;
Want to be honest in own thoughts, must be the first need to enhance own knowledge ;
To enhance knowledge is lie in to research and study the truth of everything.
To enhance knowledge is lie in to research and study the truth of everything.
Research and analysis have tact to understand the truth of all things, knowledge will be to everything there;
Research and analysis have tact to understand the truth of all things, knowledge will be to everything there;
To all knowledge, ideas / thoughts are to be honest and no false ;
To all knowledge, ideas / thoughts are to be honest and no false ;
ideas / thoughts are to be honest and no false, then the soul will not be affected by emotional disturbance ;
ideas / thoughts are to be honest and no false, then the soul will not be affected by emotional disturbance ;
the soul will not be affected by emotional disturbance, then could promote / improve own moral virtues ;
the soul will not be affected by emotional disturbance, then could promote / improve own moral virtues ;
Only after to promote / improve own moral virtues ; then could govern the family well ;
Only after to promote / improve own moral virtues ; then could govern the family well ;
Only govern the family well, then could administer the country well;
Only govern the family well, then could administer the country well;
Only administer the country well, then could make world in peace.
Only administer the country well, then could make world in peace.
From the emperor down to the civilians, all want to be cultivated by the moral virtues as the fundamental.
From the emperor down to the civilians, all want to be cultivated by the moral virtues as the fundamental.
例子 example :
Tai Chi can help to keep heathy and keep peace of mind for spiritual practice.
Tai Chi can help to keep heathy and keep peace of mind for spiritual practice.
劝告 advice :
最基本的修身养性都做到,那才能够走出更好的路达成人生目标 。
The most basic self-cultivation are all done, it will be able to make better way to reach goals in life.
最基本的修身养性都做到,那才能够走出更好的路达成人生目标 。
The most basic self-cultivation are all done, it will be able to make better way to reach goals in life.
好的德性是终身财产 …
Good moral virtue is a lifelong property ...
Good moral virtue is a lifelong property ...