2014年12月10日 星期三

( 32 )谚语 proverb :出淤泥而不染。Came from mud but it is not stained.


Came from mud but it is not stained.

出处 source * 爱莲说
作者 author : 周敦颐 (1017 - 1073年year )
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝(960 - 1279年year)
语译explaination :
莲花从烂泥中长出来却没被污染 。
Lotus grows out of the mud but it is not stained by the mud.
意思 :
品格高尚的人不被恶劣的环境所影响,不与世俗同流合污,而能洁身自爱 。
Meaning :
Moral noble-minded person who is not affected by the harsh environment, not in cahoots with the secular, but can love himself or herself.

