Carry a case of books to visit a good teacher, no matter how far the way.
出处 source : 《 资治通鉴 》
作者 author :司马光 ( 1019 - 1086 )
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279年 year )
作者 author :司马光 ( 1019 - 1086 )
朝代 dynasty : 宋朝 (960 - 1279年 year )
意思 meaning :
carrying a case of books drop thousand miles of way to seek / visit a good teacher to acquire knowledges, no matter how far the way / journey.
carrying a case of books drop thousand miles of way to seek / visit a good teacher to acquire knowledges, no matter how far the way / journey.
劝告 advice :
a determined person will go for visiting good teachers to learn craft ( / trade ) or knowledges, not afraid of how far and how hard the journey, must learn from him or her.
a determined person will go for visiting good teachers to learn craft ( / trade ) or knowledges, not afraid of how far and how hard the journey, must learn from him or her.
( 喜欢读书和学习知识@技能都与肤色,种族和宗教无关,在此没有任何的偏见)
(love to study @ learn knowledges @ skills are regardless with any skin colour, race and religion, here without any prejudice)
(love to study @ learn knowledges @ skills are regardless with any skin colour, race and religion, here without any prejudice)
负 = 背 carry
笈 = 书箱 case of books
拜访 visit
寻找 seek
老师 teacher
不管 no matter
多么遥远 how far
路途 way / journey
怕 afraid 不怕 not afraid
艰辛 hard
学习 learn
求取 / 获取 acquire
知识 knowledge
技能 skill = 手艺craft / trade
学艺 to learn craft / trade
笈 = 书箱 case of books
拜访 visit
寻找 seek
老师 teacher
不管 no matter
多么遥远 how far
路途 way / journey
怕 afraid 不怕 not afraid
艰辛 hard
学习 learn
求取 / 获取 acquire
知识 knowledge
技能 skill = 手艺craft / trade
学艺 to learn craft / trade
艺can be used to match as 艺术 = art