2014年12月10日 星期三

( 10 ) 谚语 proverb : 小时了了,大未必佳。Intelligent in childhood, when grow up is not always better.


Intelligent in childhood,  when grow up is not always better.

出处 source * 世说新语 * 言语
作者 author : 刘义庆,
朝代 dynasty : 南北朝 (420 - 589年year)
意思 meaning :
A child is very smart in his or her childhood but when he or she grows up will not be the person of outstanding talents.
劝告 advice :
A talented person is also needed to be cultivated and with his or her own efforts, then he or she will have excellent performance when they grow up .
天资 talent                   他 he     他的 his
聪颖 intelligent            她 she   她的 her
栽培 cultivate
本身 own = 自己 self
特出 / 优秀 outstanding
卓越 excellent
表现 performance

