2015年2月21日 星期六

(94) 华人新年祝贺语 the words of Chinese New Year wishes

华人新年祝贺语 the words of Chinese New Year wishes

在农历新年期间,当你有机会拜访你的华人朋友时,你可以祝贺他们如下 :
During Lunar New Year, as you have the chance to visit your Chinese friends who are celebrating Lunar New Year ( Chinese New Year ), you can wish them as the following :

成语 idioms :

新春飞扬 …… 在新年兴奋得意,精神饱满 
                       焕发 。
                       Excitement in the New Year,
                       glow with full of energy.

三阳开泰 ……  寓意吉祥,有好运即将降临
                        Auspicious, the meaning of
                        good luck is about to befall.

喜气洋洋 …… 充满了欢喜的神色或气氛 。
                       Filled with joy look or

洋洋得意 …… 称心如意和开心 。
                      One's heart is in
                      accordance with wish and

名扬四海 …… 荣誉名声传遍全国各地。
                       Honor fame spreads all over
                       the country.

扬眉吐气 …… 吐出怨气,摆脱了压力,
                       高高兴兴 。
                       Spit out grievances, get rid of
                       the pressure, to be happy.

如意吉祥 …… 如意 : 美满称心 happy in heart
                       祥:祥瑞 auspicious
                       吉 : 吉利祥和 auspicious and peaceful

恭喜发财 …… 恭贺他人喜事开心,恭祝
                       Congratulations to others
                       happy with good things,   
                       wish earn money.
Note :
Chinese : can be interpreted as 中国人 but also 华人for the Chinese people which are non-China citizens.

农历 : Lunar calendar
农历新年 = 华人新年 : Lunar New Year = Chinese New Year

春 Spring
新春 : 初春 = 早春,春节过后的一二十天。
the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year’s Day .

