2015年2月8日 星期日

(89)生活里的魔鬼与天使 :The devils and angels in life :


生活里的魔鬼天使 :
The devils and angels in life :

在日常生活里,有些人就是偏偏选择听了魔鬼讲的话,结果还不清醒 !
Some people just choose to listen to the devil's spoken words, the result is still do not aware of it !


例子 examples :
 1)天使告诉他/她买那间屋子很快升值,结果他听了魔鬼的话买了间升值低的屋子 !
The angel told him / her that to buy a house with upvaluation soon, he / she listened to the devil, then buy a house with low valuation!

2)天使告诉他们要买那些会赚钱又稳的基金,结果他们却听魔鬼的话去买了不赚钱的投资基金 !
The angel told them to buy those funds which will be profitable and steady, but they listened to the devil to buy the investment fund does not make money!

 3)天使劝别走那条危险的路,却还是走上那条邪恶的路,最终还得付出悲惨的代价 !
Angel advised do not go through the way which is dangerous but still go down that road of evil, finally had to pay a miserable price!

Angel's good advice, but those advices are biased as malicious advices !


只要魔鬼转用天使般的语气去诱惑和说服人们,人们就以为他/她是天使了 !
As long as the devil with an angelic tone switch to temptation and convince people that people will think he / she is the angel!


劝告 advice :

这里是暗喻指 Here the metaphor means :
The devils are also people, but to prejudice, first for himself / herself, selfish, jealous, slander others ......with the heart of the villain with suspicious mind to treat people !

( 可疑的不良动机对他人 )
( suspiciously bad motives to others )
 当这样的小人一但有了钱和势力,将会害人不浅 !
When such a villain has money and power, will do infinite harm to people !

天使也是人,但是以善意、通达、感恩、宽恕……君子之心待人 !
Angels are people too, but in good faith, accessible, gratitude, forgiveness ...... treat people with the heart of a gentleman!
(魔鬼或天使可以是你的家人或朋友, 当然明智地选择、宽恕和祈祷才是最重要的……)
(devil or angel can be your family or friends, of course wisely choose, forgiveness and prayers are the most important ……)
 要听取魔鬼还是天使的话只有一条细线之差 !
To listen to the devil or an angel, then only a thin line of difference!


生词 vocabulary :

偏偏 just / only
选择 choose
讲 speak / 说 say
讲的话 spoken words
结果 result
还 still
清醒 / 反省 / 觉悟 aware
升 go up X 降 go down
值 : 价值 value
升值 upvaluation X 降值 devaluation
低 low
赚钱 profitable
稳 steady
投资 investment
基金 funds
被当成偏见 are biased as
恶意 malicious
诱惑 temptation
说服 convince
转用 switch to
天使般的语气 angelic tone
想 / 以为 think
偏见 prejudice
多疑 / 可疑 suspicious
小人 / 恶棍 villain
自私 selfish
妒忌 jealous
中伤 / 诽谤 slander
无限 infinite
害 : 伤害 harm
势力 / 力量 power
善意 good faith
通达 accessible / reasonable / good sense
感恩 / 感激 gratitude
宽恕 forgiveness
君子 gentleman
祈祷 prayers
明智 wise
明智地 wisely
悲惨 / 痛苦 miserable
代价 price ( if used as selling price : 售价)
最 most
重要 important
细 / 瘦 / 薄 thin
细线 thin line 
差 : 相差 difference 
别 do not
别人 / 他人 others

