2015年2月4日 星期三

( 88 ) 你想知道中国远祖(大约4500年前)是怎样教导他的后裔吗?Do you want to know the Chinese distant ancestors (about 4,500 years ago) was how to teach his descendants?


Do you want to know the Chinese distant ancestors (about 4,500 years ago) was how to teach his descendants?

Traditional Chinese sages education can be traced back to 4500 years ago, passed from generation to generation.
在汉武帝时代 { 汉武帝刘彻 (前157年-前87年)},正式将儒家学说确立为教育政策。
In the era of Emperor {Han dynasty (157 years ago - 87 years ago)}, Confucianism was formally established as education policies.
Unfortunately, until about 70-80 years ago, this educational policy was gradually abrogated away.
What does the Confucian sages education teach us?
Teach people how to obey the laws of  nature, the humanity's fundamental morality, do not violate the principles of life, this is called as morality. (here without forcing mind to learn virtues.)
人与人之间,不论贫富贵贱或任何种族,都会自然产生五种关系 :
Between people, no matter rich, poor or any races, will naturally produce five relationships :
(一)父子:父慈子孝 (是指父母和孩子之间的关系,父母对孩子的爱及孩子对父母爱和孝顺。)
( 1 ) father and son: father is mercy, son is filial piety (refers to the relationship between parents and children, the love from parents to the children and the children's love and filial piety to their parents.)
( 2 ) the monarch and vassal : between the leaders and the people are led, the monarch treats his vassal with courtesy, the vassal treats his monarch with loyalty.
( 3 ) couples: men and women are different, the couple can do the best of their each part.
(4)Brothers: seniority, brothers and sisters live in harmony and fraternity.
(Five) Friends: the interaction between people, keeping promises / credit, talk about the moral honor.
This is the human relations avenue, is also the human fundamental virtues.
这五种关系也都不能航离 “德行教育” :
These five relations could not flight from the "moral education":
孝:孝顺父母 filial piety to parents
悌:尊敬 (敬爱哥哥 / 尊敬长辈)respect (respect brother / elders)
忠:忠诚 faithfulness / 忠实 loyalty
仁:仁慈 仁爱 merciful and kindness
爱:爱心 the heart with love
礼:守礼 keep courtesy /
        礼义廉耻 sense of propriety, justice, honesty and honour;proprietym, righteousness, probity and the sense of shame ;
智:明智、睿智: 通达,分清是非黑白。
Wise, sagaciousness : Mastery, to distinguish between right and wrong.
信:信用 keep promise / trusty/credit
义:正义 righteous
和:和平、和睦共处、温和 peace, harmony, mild
平:平定 = 平稳安定 (可以指平稳个人情绪、秩序或社会的安定)Pacification = smooth stability (can refer stable emotional, or social order)
While we can't do our best to 100%, but if contrary to the five natural relationships and the virtues of education, people would be difficult to conduct themselves in society; family discord; social disorder; moral turpitude; the stability and prosperity of the country will lose the root.
劝告advice :
Any formal religious education can not teach people to flight from the five natural relations and the moral education.
Religious education is a diversified education are advocating love and peace, so that the World of Great Harmony will need everyone's efforts.
Although people believe in different religious, compliance and faithful to their religion, there is a lot when come to not just use a simple explanation will be able to understand the truth, the most important thing is that we respect each other, do not forget the fundamental virtues of human relations, and advocate for great harmony and peace in the world is not difficult ah!

