2015年4月12日 星期日

( 103 ) 小小的分享 small sharing :

小小的分享 small sharing :
很感恩今天的有缘人邀请我和孩子来到这个地方——静思堂 ……让我上了宝贵的一堂课 !
Today, very grateful to someone who has invited me to this place, Meditation Hall ! ……let me to learn a precious lesson !

静思堂里的桌椅是采用了幼儿般的桌椅,坐下去时,让人感觉回到幼儿时期,感受到那难买可贵的童心 ——赤子之心 !
The furniture like tables and chairs are used as well as in early childhood, when you sit down there, make a person feeling to be a young child, feel the precious innocence heart can't be bought by money-- A new born baby's heart !

虽然这里是由佛教创办,却设有让不同宗教敬拜的地方,融化了不同宗教信仰的那份大同世界的心,但是并没有针对或要任何人改变本身的宗教信仰,反而还能互相学习,真是难得的好地方 !无论是佛教,回教或基督教 的信徒都能到这里来静思 哦 !
Although here is founded by Buddhist, but
provides the places which are available for different religious worship, melting of different faiths share of the world's heart, but not  to ask for anyone to change their religious beliefs, in contrast can learn from each others, it's a good place ! Whether Buddhist, Muslim or Christian believers are welcome to come and meditate here !

由于上半世纪,许多国家的领袖都忽略提供子民不同宗教信仰互相融洽相处的教育,导致今天世界角落嚎啕种族歧视及宗教歧见 !
Since the last half century, leaders of many countries have ignored provide education for people of different faiths get along to live in harmony with each other, leading to the corners of the world today crying due to the discrimination against the different racial and religious !

不同宗教的信徒必须明白尊重和了解基本不同宗教信仰的分别以便避免冲突 !
The believers of different religions must understand that respect and understand the basic difference between the different religious beliefs to avoid conflict !

例如 : 佛教徒有如素的,还没如素的也有如荤的但不吃牛肉;回教徒不能吃猪肉的;基督教徒也有许多食物可以享用及不能喝动物的血 ……
( 请宽恕及留言如我有哪里说错了)
Example : there are vegetarian Buddhists but some who are not yet to be vegetarian still having meat but do not take beef; Muslims do not take pork; Christians could take many types of food but do not take animal's blood .....
( pardon me and give comments if I have mentioned any mistake )

哈哈,我吃到今天41岁了才知道 “浴佛节”的真正意义 !
Haha, I eat until today the age of 41 then just got to know the real meaning of  Buddha bathing festival !

……浴佛的真意义: 洗涤我们这些凡夫俗子的心,好让我们谨记观自反省自己的心,从而得到清净的心 !
佛的心已是清净,又何须要我们来洗涤呢 !
-- the true meaning of the Buddha bathing : washing the rest of our such mortal hearts so that educate us to remember to view and aware our own heart, resulting to gain a pure heart! Buddha's heart is already pure, that why  we shouldn't wash it !

劝告 advice :
检讨反省自己的错误才是最重要的,自己才能进步,但是责怪别人、责怪宗教对自己、对社会都没有任何的帮助 !
Review and aware upon own mistakes is the most important thing, so can give self-progress, but to blame others, to blame religious, nothing could help to ownself and the society !

大同世界是来自每个人的努力 ——爱 : 尊敬 : 宽恕 !
The world of Great Harmony is from everyone's effort, love : respect : forgiveness !

