谚语 proverbs :
十 年 树 木, 百 年 树 人
shí nián shù mù,bǎi nián shù rén
Take ten years to cultivate trees, a hundred years to nurture people.
出处 source : 《管子·权修 第三》
作者 author : 管仲 (645 - 716 / 723 年 year ), 政治家 politician
朝代 dynasty : 春秋战国时代 (221 - 770 年year)
作者 author : 管仲 (645 - 716 / 723 年 year ), 政治家 politician
朝代 dynasty : 春秋战国时代 (221 - 770 年year)
意思 meaning :
培植树木需要十年时光,而培养人需要百年的时光 。
It takes ten years to cultivate a trees, but a hundred years to nurture people.
It takes ten years to cultivate a trees, but a hundred years to nurture people.
To nurture talent is not a very easy thing to do, take a very long time.
To nurture talent is not a very easy thing to do, take a very long time.
名句 famous phrases :
一 年 之 计, 莫 如 树 谷;
yì nián zhī jì, mò rú shù gǔ
十 年 之 计, 莫 如 树 木;
shí nián zhī jì, mò rú shù mù
终 身 之 计, 莫 如 树 人。
zhōng shēn zhī jì, mò rú shù rén
语译 meaning:
A year's program, there is nothing can be comparable to grow crops ( nothing can't be compared with the program to grow crops );
A year's program, there is nothing can be comparable to grow crops ( nothing can't be compared with the program to grow crops );
A decade's plan, there is nothing can be comparable to plant trees ( nothing can't be compared with the plan to plant trees ) ;
A decade's plan, there is nothing can be comparable to plant trees ( nothing can't be compared with the plan to plant trees ) ;
一生的计划,没有比不上 培养选拔才。
A life's plan, there is nothing comparable to the training and selection of talents ( nothing can't be compared with the plan of the training and selection of talents ) .
A life's plan, there is nothing comparable to the training and selection of talents ( nothing can't be compared with the plan of the training and selection of talents ) .
劝告 advice :
除了培植一棵树或培养一个人需要很长的时间,也需要爱心、耐心、细心 ……等等 。
Besides to cultivate a tree or nurture a person needs a very long period but also needs the heart of love, patient, chariness......etc.
除了培植一棵树或培养一个人需要很长的时间,也需要爱心、耐心、细心 ……等等 。
Besides to cultivate a tree or nurture a person needs a very long period but also needs the heart of love, patient, chariness......etc.
We should care the earth and treasure the life walking in the bright road. Do not do wicked things, and simply ruin own precious lives and others.
We should care the earth and treasure the life walking in the bright road. Do not do wicked things, and simply ruin own precious lives and others.
生词 vocabulary :
计 : 计 划 plan
( jì ) ( huà )
( jì ) ( huà )
选 拔 : selection
( xuǎn ) ( bá )
树 tree but here means:
培 植 cultivate, 培 养 nurture
( péi ) (zhí ), ( péi ) ( yǎng )
1) 树木 : tree, but used as verb means : cultivate plants;
2) 树人 : (verb) means : nurture people
莫 : 没 (méi )有( yǒu ) = 无 ( wú ) : 没有 = 无 nothing
莫如 : 不 ( bù ) 能 ( néng ) : 不能 can't