2015年7月31日 星期五

( 112 ) 做为人生友谊纪念 : As a friendship memorial in life :

做为人生友谊纪念 :
As a friendship memorial in life :

我和这位朋友十多年没见面了,我昨天终于能抽身出来见她了 !
My friend and I hadn't seen for more than 10 years,  I could finally get out to see her yesterday!

记得我们以前见面时我的孩子还是婴儿,现在我的孩子们都长得这么高了才见面 !
Remember when we used to meet, my children was a baby, now my kids grow  tall, we just met together !

……是她让我觉悟真正的友谊,真友谊不会因为少联系或少见面而被岁月淘汰 !
-- She made me realize the true friendship, true friendship will not be eliminated by the time because of little contact or less meeting of each other!

……很庆幸相隔了十多年,我们还能如此带着浓厚的友谊一起拍照哦 !
-- Luckily, although more than 10 years apart, we can still take a strong friendship with pictures !

真感恩老天爷赐我们这样真诚的友谊在我们的生命中 !
Really thanks god for giving us such a sincere friendship in our lives!

[ 要离开时when have to leave,
我 : 我们也不会再十多年才见面了 !
I : We will not meet again until more than 10years !

友 : 如果还要等十多年才见面,到时我们五十多岁要拿着拐杖出门见面 !
Friend : If you have to wait more than 10 years to meet, we may use walking stick out to meet each at 50+ years old !

我和友 : 哈哈 !哈哈 !]
Me and my friend : Haha! Ha ha! ]

其实我感到很惭愧,因为身为她的朋友,我却没她做得好 !
Actually I feel very ashamed because as her friend, I don't do better than her !

如今许多人都向“ 钱 ”看的时代,但是
这世界最可贵的就是能和对自己无心机、无目的、偶尔还会关心你的朋友在一起谈天说地 !
Today is the century that many people to look at  " money ", but the most valuable thing in the world is able to have chatting with the friend who is without any purposes to oneself, occasionally will give careness too !

……能真正坐下来听你说了许多无聊的话,也是真正发自内心尊敬你的朋友 !
-- can actually sit down and listen to you saying a lot of boring things, this is the friend really respect you !

……能在你面对困难时给你雪中送炭及问候,也是真担心你的朋友 !
-- can give you help when you face difficulties and send greetings to you, those are the friends really worried about you!

真心朋友不讲求是专业人士或是平平凡凡的人士,有钱或贫寒……都只讲真心诚意 !
A true friend is not pursuing a friend either a professional or an ordinary person, either rich or poor --  only speak in good faith!

真心朋友是希望你过得好,所以偶尔会给你一份简单的祝福, 在心理 或 通过讯息 ……
A true friend is hope you to live well, so will occasionally give you a simple nice blessing in the heart or through messages ......

也许跟钱扯不上关系的一句祝福语,对某些人来说是不值钱,但对我来说是宝贵的一句,因为这一句是发自真心的祝福 !
Although a word of blessing may be not related with money and worthless for someone but it is very valuable for me because it comes from a real heart !

珍惜感恩那些真心朋友对自己不离不弃的问候、祝福和关怀 !
Cherish and thanksgiving those true friends for never give up their greetings, blessings and careness !

Cherish & thanksgiving

祝 wish
True friendship is everlasting and unchanging


( 原来这世界还真是有这么美的花 — 鸢尾花,为那些真心友谊而开!
In fact, the world really have such a beautiful flower - iris flower, open to those sincere friendship!

这花的意思是祝福 : 纯洁真诚的友谊永固。
The blessing of this flower is : pure and sincere friendship is being everlasting. )


2015年7月15日 星期三

( 111 ) 警惕 alert : 有时候修道久了也会忘了“尊重” ! sometimes accompanied in religion doctrines for long period will also forget "respect" !

警惕 alert :
有时候修道久了也会忘了“尊重” !
sometimes accompanied in religion doctrines for long period will also forget "respect" !
尊重能让人感觉舒服和自在 。
Respect can make people feel comfortable and at ease.
尊重从心开始 ……
Respect begins from the heart……

2015年7月1日 星期三

( 110 ) 心正或心邪 ……就看您的心了 !……而不是眼睛的问题 ! 如果肉眼是贼,那就是心叫眼睛做贼 ! Heart or mind is right or evil, just watch your heart! -- is not instead of eyes' problems ! If eyes are  thieves, so is the heart / mind to call eyes to be thieves !


心正或心邪 ……就看您的心了 !……而不是眼睛的问题 !如果肉眼是贼,那就是心叫眼睛做贼 !Heart or mind is right or evil, just watch your heart! -- is not instead of eyes' problems ! If eyes are  thieves, so is the heart / mind to call eyes to be thieves !

由于不同宗教信仰及文化的衣着概念出现了差距!尤其是今年,以往不怎么敏感的衣着课题,但是现在在某个宗教立场却变得似乎敏感极了 !
Because of the gap in clothing and the culture concepts emerged in different faiths ! Especially this year, clothing is not very sensitive topic in the past, but now it seemed very sensitive in a religious position !

我本身是绝对尊重其他种族的信仰和文化,也不反对衣着上的配合如有需要的情况下,所谓 : “ 入乡随俗 ” !
I am absolute respect to the beliefs of other races and cultures, and have no objection to match clothes if necessary, which is known as ' wherever you are, follow local customs ' !

[ 成语 idiom : 
" 入乡随俗 " = “ 随乡入乡 ” : 
' wherever you are, follow local customs ' ]

但是如果衣着影响到全国上下,那是不是同时也在对其他的宗教信仰和文化有了歧视 ?
But if the clothes are affecting the country, at the same time, is there discrimination to other religion beliefs and cultures ?

心邪,无论穿什么,眼睛看到的都是邪淫的 !…… 不然,怎么还会有强奸犯呢 ? ……如果全国或全世界的人都穿长袖长裤,真的能确保不再有淫贼或强奸犯了吗 ?
Mind / heart is evil, no matter what to wear, what you see is immoral ! 
-- otherwise, why would still emerge rapists now? -- if the people in the country or the world are wearing long sleeved shirts, long pants, really can you make sure that no more thieves of lewd acts or rapists?

心正,无论穿什么,眼睛看到的都是以平常心看待, 没有邪恶之意 !
The heart is right, no matter what to wear, what you see are based on common sense to look at without evil mind !

最重要的是今日的人们是有受教育,学懂礼节,知道什么场合应有什么样得体的衣着,至少勿以裸体示众人或过于暴露 !
The most important thing is that people today are educated, learn manners to know what kind of clothing for what occasion, at least not to show naked body to people or too revealing !

我们是文明人,不是原始人 !
We are civilized people, not the primitive people !

国家或宗教信仰的责任应该要好好地教育人们的心念——教育人们要拥有健康快乐坚定的道德文化信念,而不是设法去管制他人的文化和生活习惯 !
Responsibility of national or religious beliefs should be to educate people's mind, -- to educate people to have a firm belief in the moral culture of healthy and happy, is not instead of trying to control others' cultures and customs!

温馨警惕 warm alert :

衣着代表了种族文化,个人的修养,而不是被利用挑衅斗争的课题 !
Clothing represents ethnic culture, personal cultivation but it's not taken advantage of provocative subject of the struggle!

如果每个人每天只利用少许的空档去想如何教育人心迈向大同的世界,那和平就会越近,那该多好啊 !…… 总好过设法去管制他人的文化和生活习惯 !
If everyone only uses little space to think about how to educate people towards Great World, that peace will be the closer, and that will be too much nice ! ……it's better than trying to control others' cultures and customs!

和平来自大同的世界,和睦共处,大同世界来自你我, 每个人的一小份努力,无战争,无血腥 !……请别让宗教信仰和文化成为斗争的导火线 !
Peace is from the Great World, harmony, the Great World is of a little effort from you and me, everyone's effort, no war, no blood!
-- please don't let religion and culture become a flashpoint in the struggle!

◆ 心 : heart 
◆ 心念 : thought arising and sudising with mind

◆ 淫 :  lewd acts 
◆ 贼 : thieves / thief
◆ 淫贼 : thieves of lewd acts

◆ 挑衅的 : provocative

◆ 斗争 ,抗争,挣扎 : struggle

◆ revealing 袒胸露背的
◆ 过于暴露 too revealing

◆ 个人 : personal 
◆ 修养 : cultivation
◆ 个人修养 : personal cultivation / self-cultivation / self-accomplishment