心中阔达,自然心中可以容下别人不能所容的事物,可以有别人所没有的机会;可以有别人所没有的快乐 !
Broader in Heart, naturally heart can allow a room for others' things that others can't allow, there can have the opportunities that others do not have ; there can have the happiness that others may not have !
Broader in Heart, naturally heart can allow a room for others' things that others can't allow, there can have the opportunities that others do not have ; there can have the happiness that others may not have !
The heart cannot be widen, it is naturally for some people, some things will be prejudiced, opportunity will slip away even it comes to the front, you can never see another piece of world that accomplish yourself while helping others !
{ 这里指心中容纳的不是邪恶的事物。 Here is not a room in the heart for evil things. }