2018年1月28日 星期日

(154)怎样才是一个正真的一个人? 而且还是个君子... What is a real man? And is a gentleman

(154)怎样才是一个正真的一个人? 而且还是个君子...
What is a real man? And is a gentleman ...

人有五常, 人的灵性所必修最基本的五常 -------- 仁•礼•智•义•信
Human beings have 5 constant virtues, the most basic 5 constant virtues of human spirituality which should be cultivated with benevolence, propriety, wisdom, righteous and trust.

If a person only posses a human body without these 5 constant virtues, will do something of tyrannical inhuman behavior.

所谓:不如畜生,就是说当一个人的行为变得残忍无人性时,做动物都不配! 为什么呢?
The so-called: Worse Than A Brute, that means when a person's behavior becomes cruel and inhuman, even do not deserve to be an animal ! And why?

Because, some animals at least stick to a regular virtue, such as:-

乌鸦 - 会孝敬照顾老乌鸦。
Crow - will honor and care for the Old Crow.

羊儿 - 会感恩跪地吸母奶。当知道母亲要被斩杀时也会为母亲跪地流泪。
Goat / Sheep - will be grateful to kneel on their mother's milk. They will tear for their mother when they know that their mother will be slaughtered.

狗狗 - 会对主人坚守"忠心"
Canines - keep "Royalty" to their master.

蚂蚁 - 勤劳
Ants - Diligent

企鹅 - 坚守"亲情"
Penguin - stick to "family / kinship love".

鸿雁 - 坚守"团队的精神"
Geese - stick to "Team Spirit"'.( please refer to Geese Theory in YouTube.)

No matter how much people have the ability or advance knowledge, as a human being without posses the 5 constant virtues can not be considered as a real man, the heart will be eroded by evil gradually.

When the intelligent human being has invented  the smart robot with independent thinking will only bring endless disaster, because the smart robot is impossible to have such 5 constant virtues------benevolence, propriety, wisdom, righteous and trust.

仁 : 仁爱,对家人相亲相爱,对外人有慈爱,对动物有爱心。还有孝 : 孝顺父母和孝敬长辈。
所谓:孝悌仁恕 -------孝,指对父母还报的爱;悌,指兄弟姊妹的友爱。
Benevolence: Compassion Love, not only love to your family but also love to others, and treat the animals with a loving heart,  and be filial piety to parents and respect elders.

The so-called: Filial Piety & Fraternity-----

Filial piety, refers to repay love to the parents ;
Fraternal, refers to the fraternity love between brothers and sisters .

礼 : 对人和事都要懂得以礼相待。夫妻之间相敬如宾, 父母和孩子之间的礼仪,晚辈和长辈之间的礼仪等等。。。
Propriety Courtesy: Be respectful to people and things. Be always respect to each other between husband and wife, the etiquette between parents and children, the manners between the young and elders and so on.

对事 : 不是征服别人, 而是征服自己内心的弱点。坚持礼仪和礼貌的原则。培养努力的精神。使心灵拥有更完美的耐心。
Treat Matters : Not to conquer others but to conquer the weaknesses within oneself. Uphold the principles of propriety and courtesy. Cultivate the spirit of effort. Perfect a mind of patience.

智 : 心不会被迷惑,做事明智,是非黑白分明。如果把聪明用在错误的地方就是愚痴。做错了就要懂得自我改善。
Wisdom: Mind will not be confused / indused, do things wisely, distinguish right and wrong. Use wisdom in the wrong place is foolishness. Know to get improvement from your own false.

义 : 不会因为个人的利益去做招损他人的事。做事不马虎,有责任心,有担当,不会见死不救。(当然要救人也要顾及自己的安全,但不代表见死不救。)
Righteousness: Do not do harm things to others because of your personal interests. Do not do things carelessly, have a sense of responsibility, shoulder with responsibility, will not do nothing to save life (Of course, to save people also have to take into account of your own safety, but does not mean to do nothing.) Couples or husband and wife should not be tempted by some temptations to betray someone who love in you.

信 : 对人要有信用,不信口开河。
Trust : Should have trust to people, do not talk recklessly.

In addition, people should have to learn more virtuous knowledge, so will not let this world to be eroded by the evil force.

People's 5 constant virtues and the virtuous knowledge should be cultivated from an early age.

不如畜生 : Worse Than A Brute
孝悌仁恕 : Filial Piety & Fraternity
见死不救 : do nothing to save life
信口开河 : Talk recklessly


