2015年10月11日 星期日

(124) 读圣贤书能提升个人的智慧和修为,但是领悟错误圣经书中的真理和道理,会让更多的人走向窄路,而不是向着广阔的路走下去 ! Read doctrine or bible to enhance people's wisdom and sage, but perceived errors in the truth and the reason of doctrine or bible, will allow more people walking to the narrow way rather than towards the broad way !

读圣贤书能提升个人的智慧和修为,但是领悟错误圣经书中的真理和道理,会让更多的人走向窄路,而不是向着广阔的路走下去 !
Read doctrine or bible to enhance people's wisdom and sage, but perceived errors in the truth and the reason of doctrine or bible, will allow more people walking to the narrow way rather than towards the broad way !

( 这里谈论人性 。
Here talk about humanity.)

你知道怎样才被称之为人吗 ?
Do you know what would be called as a man?

真理是让我们知道怎样才是真正的人 !
Truth lets us to know how to be a real man !

……不是你我拥有五脏六腑就是被称之为人或人类,天让人类有五脏六腑 + 慈悲仁爱 ……这才是真正的人啊 !没有了慈悲仁爱还能被称之为人吗 ?
……not you and I possess internal organs are called as people or humans, heaven lets humans possess internal organs + compassionate love, this is being called the real person ! Without compassionate love, can be called as the real person ?

真理本来无错,错的是人心 。
当你看到别人或动物受伤,你会有同感心痛伸出援手,因为你拥有真正属于人的慈爱之心 !
The truth has no false, the false is due to the heart of human. When you see someone or animal get hurt, you'll also feel the pain to help because you possess a real mercy heart of a real human.

当你看到别人或动物受伤流血都无动于衷,…如果还伸出残忍的手去陷害人 ……那应该是入魔之人了 ! 这样的人应该被称之为真人吗 ?
When you see someone or animal bleeding but has no mercy on it, and if you extend the cruel hands to frame one……so should be a person who has obsessed to be evil ! This kind of person should be qualified as a real human ?

错误诠释真理 + 盲目的心 ==>害人无数
Missed interpretation of the truth + blind heart ==> hurt many people

活在这个世界里,总会面对不同的宗教信仰、种族和文化 ……还有贫穷或富有 !
Living in this world will always face different religions, races and cultures……some more poor or rich !

(这篇文章并无针对任何宗教而是劈开宗教问题去帮助需要的人 。
This article is not aimed to prejudice at any religion but split the religious issues to help people in need.)

爱是和谐的动力,可以让这个世界变得温暖 (参考:慧命的共同体 )!
Love is the power of harmony can make the world warmer ( refer to : The Wisdom of Community Life )!

If really want to have a Great Harmony World, any conflict with ethnic or religious theories in whole world should be prohibited because those will make thousands of innocent people to be victims living in dire straits !

那肯定也有魔介和地狱 !
“ 不做亏心事,不怕三更鬼敲门 !”
If you believe that there's heaven in this world, sure that there are Demons and hell too !
“Don't do bad thing so do not afraid ghost to knock the door at midnight ! "

人们在还没学习追随上帝的圣经时,是不是应该先学会人性化呢 ?
Before people are learning to follow the doctrine or Bible of God, should learn about humanity, right ?

……这真的值得我们去反省 !
……this is really worthy of our reflection !

……不然就不会有宗教引起的战争 !
……otherwise, there would not cause religious war !

……人无论成功到了极点都要有良知 !
……people should have a conscience regardless of the success to the extreme !

希望这里的字句能让有力量的您去帮助那些活在水深火热边缘的人 !
Hope the words here could  let you to help the people who live at the edge of an abyss with your strong forces !

……因为他们不是只需要祈祷就能度过难堪处境悲惨的命运,而是需要有力量的人去帮助他们,不是排挤他们 !
Because they're not just only need praying to get through the tragically embarrassing situation of fate, but they need someone with strong power to help them, do not exclude them !

同时,是谁造成他们有如此悲惨的命运的呢 ?“ 解铃还需系铃人 "
Meanwhile, who have made them facing such a tragic fate ? " The ones who tied the bell on, the ones who should end it "

……是不是有责任用您的力量停止如此悲惨的命运呢 ?
……don't you have a responsibility to stop such  a tragic fate with your strong forces ?


谚语 proverb : 【 解玲还需系玲人 】

“The one who tied the bell on, the one who should end it "

释义 Meaning :
Who causes the troubles, and who is going to solve.

发音 Pronunciation :
解  铃   还  需  系  铃  人
jiě líng hái xū  jì líng rén

出处 source :  明·瞿汝稷《指月录》

