可以凭凡人的心去诠释某个宗教的圣经,然后去判罪给他人吗 ?
Can go to a religious interpretation of the [ Holy Scriptures ] with mortal heart ( mortal mind ), and then go to make the conviction to other people?
( Here without any prejudice to any religion or race, just wish everyone to have accessibility of wise ideas.)
在这个文明的世纪里,如果人人都诠释了圣经后,再凭自己(凡人的心)把他人判罪,那就会搞到人心惶惶 ……
In such a civilized century, if everyone has interpretated the [ Holy Scriptures ] , and then making the convictions to others with their own ( mortal heart ), it will get everyone else in jittery ......
甚至某些宗教极端分子也以此理由启动了杀机......不知还要死多少的人或还会有多少人会受到伤害 ?
Even some religious extremists have launched a murderous with this reason…… still do not know how many people will be died or harmed?
试以平静的心想一想 :
千古以来,有哪位圣人曾经取代上帝判罪于他人,而自己却是满手鲜血罪恶的人吗 ?。。。这样真的是一条通往天国的捷径吗 ???
Try to think with the calm mind :
Since thousands of ages, are there any saints who had replaced God's conviction in others, while they are acting as the evil people with full of blood on hands ? ...is this a swift passage to heaven ???
The thousands of ages of the world is compared to the world of now are two completely different worlds, and there is also a large gap compared with the people's growth environment of now, so the [ Holy Scriptures ] left by the saints can not be really 100% interpreted, understood, comprehended by you and me !
有谁真的能100%知道和体会到当时圣人在写下圣经时的境遇、情况、环境吗 ?
Does anyone really 100% know and realize that the saints' situation, circumstances, environment during the time writing the [ Holy Scriptures ] ?
也许在那个时候是战乱时代,国家治国无法,所以圣人的使命除了要教导人心,也制定了治国的法律和刑法,但是千古所留下来的法律和刑法真的适合现在的社会使用吗 ?这些法律和刑法真的无须再经过检讨和改善吗?(我相信许多人的心中早有了答案。)
Perhaps at that time was the war era, the country had no law for governing the country, so in addition to the saint's mission to teach the people's heart, but also to develop the rules of laws and the criminal laws, but all these laws had left for thousands of ages is really rightness for the nowaday's society to use them? All these laws have no requirement to be reviewed and improved ?
( I believe that many people already have the answer in heart.)
警惕 alert :
如果人人读过及诠释了[ 圣经 ] 就能代替上帝为他人判罪,那世界就会变成了人间地狱!
If everyone has read the [ Holy Scriptures ] could be instead of God to convict others, then the world will become a living hell !
请静心想一想 :
如果站在自己的角度认为那个人该死(但是他或她并没有害人或去杀人),那杀他的人( 那杀人犯 )是不是更该死 ?
Try to think with the calm mind :
If you stand on own point of view to think that person should die (but he or she does not do any harm or kill), and the one ( the murderer ) who has killed him or her is to be more damned?
What is the spiritual significance of religion? . . . ( here is without any prejudice to any religion, but merely hope everyone could be wide reach in thought.)
1 ) 伊斯兰教的精神是 [ 至仁、至慈、至恕、至睿 ] 的,这些都是人类优良的标志。
Spirit of Islam is the [ most gracious, most merciful, advanced forgiveness, wise and farsighted ( sagaciousness) ] , these are the excellent signs of humans.
2 ) 基督的精神就是 [ 神爱世人 ],不分族群,能相互包容、普爱世间一切人类。
The spirit of Christ is [ God ] so loves the people of the world ], regardless of ethnic, tolerant of each other, universal love to all the world of mankind.
3 ) 佛陀教育就是教人要觉——觉而不迷,能清楚明白宇宙人生的道理,知道人生的方向,了解生命的意义;
Buddha education is to teach people to be awareness -- awareness without disorienting, can clearly understand the truth of the universe and life, know the direction in life, understand the meaning of life;
要正 ——正而不邪,思想纯正,观念纯正,心地纯正,行为纯正;
To be positive -- positive and not evil, pure thoughts, ideas pure, pure heart, pure behavior;
要净 ——净而不染,能明辩是非,不迷惑颠倒( 真理),能约束自己,不被染着。
To be lustration - clean but not dyed, could distinguish right and wrong, do not confuse and reverse ( the truth ), could restrain oneself, is not dyed.
例子 example :
1)净而不染 clean but not dyed :
偷东西的人犯了偷窃罪,如果你杀了他或打死他,那你就犯了杀人罪 !
切记 : 别因为他人犯下的罪而使自己犯下更严重的罪行 !!!
Stealing guilty of theft, if you kill him or beat him to death, then you are guilty of murder!
Remember: Do not let yourself commit the more serious crime due to someone's committed crimes ! ! !
2)正而不邪 positive and not evil :
Do not compel the will and faith of others. It is particularly easy to learn and absorb the truth in a comfortable ( happy ) environment, but in contrast ...... how can learn and absorb the responsibility to fulfill the morality of gentleman under the coercion in the environment ?
有些人“挂羊头,卖狗肉 ”……这是指某些人挂着宗教的口号,但是却是为了掩盖其真正邪恶的目的 ……欺骗了许多人宝贵生命的奉献 ……
为此人的目标而战斗,真的能通往天国吗 ???
Some people "hanging sheep's head, sell dog meat." ...... This refers to some people wearing religious slogan, but it is actually to conceal his or her evil purposes ...... deceived many people to dedicate their lives ......
To fight for the goals for this person, is really it lead to heaven? ? ?
当个人的杂念或邪念与诠释圣经混合一起时,那已不是单纯圣经的真理了,而是个人的道理……个人的道理也会变成邪理的啊 !
When personal thoughts or evil thoughts mixed together with the interpretation of the [ Holy Scriptures ] , it is not a pure truth, but is the individual sense ...... personal sense will become evil's principles too!
So there will be many believers have been misled to the definitions and standards of misconduct points.
Heart of evil thought and its reflection to be evil; heart of rightness thought and its reflection is to be positive, but also be able to correct the evil or negative situation.
在此有一点是肯定的……那就是当善意的人读了圣经后,所诠释出来的是正面的道理,能帮助很多人 !
Here, one thing is for sure ...... that is when the well-intentioned people have read the [ Holy Scriptures ], the interpretation of the truth is positive, can help a lot of people!
相反,带着恶意、邪意、野心、贪心的人所诠释出来的道理是邪恶的,将会到处害人 !
In contrast, the interpretation of truth is being evil from the malice, evil intent, wild ambition, greedy people will harm people everywhere!
Today's society is civilized, possess advanced technology. Most of the people have access to education, country gonvering with the state law of the land, the judge also need legally to convict prisoners .
We are all mortal, but do not put the charges to the fault of others due to forget the meaning of truth taught by the saints.
宗教信仰的目的地是什么 ?
What is the destination of religion belief ?
Love and help each other in order to maintain harmony and tranquility,peace is very precious.
任何正统的宗教都是引导徒儿们远离罪恶和烦恼…… 由于罪恶和烦恼本来就在我们的四周,所以为何还要去招惹或加重它呢 ?
Any orthodox religious disciples who are guided away from sins and troubles ...... due to sins and troubles are around us, so why do to provoke or aggravate it?
伊斯兰教徒,基督教徒,佛教徒,兴都教徒或其他的教徒……大家都是人 !!!
Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus or others ...... we are all human beings! ! !
Love has no limitation on a single religion or race, we should unite with each other to rescue this world, should not be obsessive with fighting between ethnic or religious!
先进科技把人们的距离拉近,现在要互相了解不同种族的文化也不难 ……互相尊敬种族之间的文化、宗教信仰、生活空间都很重要!
Advanced technology could narrow the gap between people, to understand each other's cultures of different races is not difficult now ...... mutual respect of inter-ethnic in cultural, religious faith, living space are very important!
大同的世界来自大家的努力,而不是通过伤害、压逼、威胁、厮杀彼此 ……
The World of Great Harmony is from everyone's efforts, rather than through injury, persecution, threats, fighting each other ......
面对不同的宗教和种族,更需要您至高尚的 [ 宽恕与爱 ] ……
Facing with different religions and races, the more is to need your noble [forgiveness and love] ......
( Here, my knowledge is shallow, if there is something mentioned incorrect need your forgiveness and leave a message, thank you for your reading.)