2015年12月22日 星期二

( 132 ) 冬至快乐 Happy Winter Solstice

Happy Winter Solstice

Today (in Chinese's Lunar Calendar : November 12 ) is a Chinese traditional festival to celebrate Happy Winter Solstice . It's meaning is to wish you and your family Happy Winter Solstice and having reunion dinner. To eat rice balls or dumplings symbolize  reunion...…

This celebration is not about religion, but is a traditional culture, a traditional custom !

诗歌 Poetry:

winter is chill but there is a thick warm in heart

All your loved family and friends gathered together to celebrate

Pleasure rippling between the feast

Happily together enjoying the happiness of a family union

2015年12月14日 星期一

( 131 ) 成语 idiom : 感恩戴德 [gǎn ēn dài dé]... Grateful brings Virtues

成语 idiom :
感恩戴德  [gǎn ēn dài dé]...
Grateful brings Virtues

一般人都认为“感恩戴德” 的英文意思如下 Commonly people consider the English meaning of “感恩戴德” as below :

- be [feel] grateful for; bear a debt of gratitude for past kindness; be deeply grateful for sb.'s kindness; be thankful for sb.'s goodness; feel a debt of gratitude for some kind act; I shall never forget your kindness.; One's heart is filled with gratitude.; with one's heart overflowing with gratitude; Your kindness was engraved on my heart.

但是经过仔细体会,我认为应该是 :
But after much experience, I think it should be :

感恩戴德  [gǎn ēn dài dé]
Grateful brings Virtues

因为懂得感恩……也就是这份感恩的心牵引出您的德行,令您的磁场更有力量 !
Because of knowing thankfulness ……this also means that the gratefulness heart is pulling out your virtues, make your magnetic field more powerful !

无论是逆境或是顺境都会感恩,德行就会稳固在您身上 !
Should be thankgiving no matter is adversity or prosperity, the virtue is getting entrenched inside of your body !

懂得感恩别人、家人、宠物,不分大小的事情……就是给自己不只一份很好的礼物 !
Grateful to people, family, pets, regardless of the size of things…… is not only a good gift for yourself !

祝 : 好
Wish : Good

2015年12月6日 星期日

(130) 孔子说 Confucius said : 我十五岁时,便立定志向于学习之上; When I was 15 years old, standing above the ambition to learn;

孔子说 Confucius said :

When I was 15 years old, standing above the ambition to learn;

At the age of 30, able to establish and manage to get on in life in society;

At the age of 40, can avoid confusing;

At the age of 50, have been able to learn the truth of fate;

At the age of 60, able to follow the kismet of gGod ;

At the age of 70, was finally able to do arbitrary line, and can conform to the rules in the bourn.

2015年11月23日 星期一

( 129 ) 生活小智慧 small wisdom of life :

生活小智慧 small wisdom of life :

Angry at someone for 1 minute, he/she may lose 60 seconds of delight in his/her life ;

失去了60秒的快乐,也许会令你失去了这一生的幸福和健康 !
Lose 60 seconds of delight, may make you to lose happiness and health in this life !

生气别人等于惩罚自己,所以我们要学着心中阔达、学着祝福他人 ……
Angry at someone else is to punish oneself, so we have to learn to mind broadness, learn to bless others ……

◆ 怒 : 生气 angry / get mad

◆狂怒 : furious

◆ 快乐 : delight / happiness

◆幸福 : happiness

2015年11月11日 星期三

( 128 ) 幸福美满人生 Happiness Life

幸福美满人生  Happiness Life……

Not that the more you possess, the more happiness you may have,

而是懂得造福他人,同时也造福自己 。
It is understood to give blessings to others, but also give blessings to your own. 

2015年11月10日 星期二

( 127 ) 谚语 Proverb : 富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 Shouldn't have improper conduct when rich, shouldn't change moral conduct when poor, shouldn't give up/bow when under a coercive force.

谚语 Proverb :
Shouldn't have improper conduct when rich, shouldn't change moral conduct when poor, shouldn't give up/bow when under a coercive force.

朝代 Dynasty : 先秦 (公元前 221 年 / 221 B.C. )
作者 Author : 孟轲
出处 Source : 《 孟子 ●滕文公下 》

语译 Interpretation :
High position and great wealth cannot be caught to perplex in a person's mind, poor humble can't change a person's moral conduct, the coercive force cannot contuse a person's ambition.

劝告 Advice :
A person at all times is able to uphold integrity, will not change due to the environment.

For the future of coming generations, not to bow under a coercive force ( wicked force ) but to fight bravely.

2015年11月7日 星期六

( 126 ) 生命里的祝福将会带给您“祝福的奇迹” ! Blessings in Life Will Bring You Miracles of Blessings !

生命里的祝福     Blessings in Life
将会带给您         Will Bring You
“祝福的奇迹” ! Miracles of 
                            Blessings !

祝福怎么会有奇迹呢 ?……只要心诚则灵  !
Why would a wish / blessing come with miracle? -- as long as the spirit of sincere may lead to realization !

这里指的祝福与任何宗教信仰无关,因为自古以来没有任何人可以证明整个宇宙是否是同一个上帝在听人们的祝福或祈祷 !但我相信只要真诚真挚地祝福或祈祷,真的会有奇迹出现 !
The blessings are mentioned here have nothing to do with any religion, since ancient time no one can prove whether the whole universe is the same God listening to people's wishes/blessings or prayers ! But I believe that as long as sincere blessing or prayer in good faith, really a miracle may appear !

◆ 祝福 : wishes / blessings

(当然自己的努力也很重要,但是这里不指任何迷信的成分 ! Of course, oneself's effort is always important, but it does not refer to any element of superstition here ! )

成语 idiom :
a sincere heart leads to  realization

相信只要以真诚的心去祝福他人, ……祝福会灵显 !
Believe that as long as have a sincere heart to bless others, …… blessings may realize !

◆ 灵 : 灵显 realize
          心灵 spirit / soul
          灵魂 soul

无论是收到最多的祝福或是祝福的人越多, 自己都会快乐 !
However is to receive the most blessings or the more people you bless / wish will be happy to yourself !

祝福人是无需花任何一分钱,为何不多祝福他人呢 ?
Blessing people is no need to spend any money, why not do more blessings to others?

Blessing does not distinguish rich or poor, religions, races, both man or woman --

只要 不做亏心事,当你或您真的很需要有人为你或您祝福时,我都会站在世界的某个角落为你或
As long as doesn't do guilty, when you need someone to wish or give you blessing, I will stand in a corner of the world to give you my sincerest blessings / wishes.

在人生的旅途里,别害怕面对困难,你或您不再是孤独的人。如不能拥有祝福,但愿能祝福更多的人,让我们的心灵更阔达和快乐 ……
In the voyage of life, don't be afraid to face with difficulty, you are no longer lonely. If can't be able to have blessings, but can be able blessings to more people, make our hearts a wider reach and happy……

祝 wish :
“幸福美满人生 Happiness Life ”

◆ 你 : you ( for younger than yourself / same age )
◆您 : you ( for older than yourself )

小小分享 little sharing :

记得亲身经历过,有位男校工,不知为何常常就是喜欢见到我就骂 ?……自问没得罪他,也没犯什么校规,但是他总是喜欢见到我就骂,真是莫名其妙 !
Remember my experience, a male school janitor, somehow he always liked to scold me when saw me ? …… I asked myself never offend him, also had no violation of school rules, but he always liked to scold me,  it was really baffling !

起初我还会骂回他,结果每次都会变成斗骂,一点意义都没有 。直到有一天,当他要骂我时,我也懒得跟他斗骂及一般见识。我马上心理祝福他好,很奇怪,他竟然停住了嘴不骂我啦 !……更奇迹,后来每天他都不再找我来骂啦 !……其实
Initially, I will scold him, however it always ended with a fighting, had no any significant. Until a day, when he scolded me, I was too lazy to fight with him and didn't wanna bother myself arguing with the likes of him. I wished him good immediately, so weird, he even stopped up to scold me ! ...... more miracles, then every day he has no longer to scold me anymore ! …… he does not know that I exactly wish him well in my heart.

从那天开始,我就知道祝福的力量,也继续用在我的生活里,感觉美妙极了 !
From that day on, I knew the power of blessing, also continue to use it in my life, feels great wonderful !

◆ 极 : very / great

成语 idioms :
◆ 莫名其妙 : baffling

◆ 一般见识 : behave like someone / bother yourself arguing with the likes of someone

Guitar music : Romance De Amor
played by my daughter ( she's a beginner )

2015年10月20日 星期二

( 125 ) 乘虚而入 take advantage of the weak oversight.

成语 idiom :             
                                           乘 虚 而 入
发音 pronunciation : chéng xū ér rù

释义Interpretation :
乘:趁 take chance / take advantage
take advantage of the weak oversight.
出处 source :《去笈七签》
示例Example :
If each saves own opinions, can't live in harmony, is the first to keep self-solitary, people will take advantage of the weak oversight.

出处 source:
成语近义词 Idiom Synonyms :
there is a crack to take use of
take advantage of others' difficulties

成语反义词 Idiom Antonyms :
Don't miss the boat / don't miss the chance
there is no crack to take use of
{ 乘人之危
take advantage of others' difficulties } this is not a good moral attitude.
Only the villains may do that. 

2015年10月11日 星期日

(124) 读圣贤书能提升个人的智慧和修为,但是领悟错误圣经书中的真理和道理,会让更多的人走向窄路,而不是向着广阔的路走下去 ! Read doctrine or bible to enhance people's wisdom and sage, but perceived errors in the truth and the reason of doctrine or bible, will allow more people walking to the narrow way rather than towards the broad way !

读圣贤书能提升个人的智慧和修为,但是领悟错误圣经书中的真理和道理,会让更多的人走向窄路,而不是向着广阔的路走下去 !
Read doctrine or bible to enhance people's wisdom and sage, but perceived errors in the truth and the reason of doctrine or bible, will allow more people walking to the narrow way rather than towards the broad way !

( 这里谈论人性 。
Here talk about humanity.)

你知道怎样才被称之为人吗 ?
Do you know what would be called as a man?

真理是让我们知道怎样才是真正的人 !
Truth lets us to know how to be a real man !

……不是你我拥有五脏六腑就是被称之为人或人类,天让人类有五脏六腑 + 慈悲仁爱 ……这才是真正的人啊 !没有了慈悲仁爱还能被称之为人吗 ?
……not you and I possess internal organs are called as people or humans, heaven lets humans possess internal organs + compassionate love, this is being called the real person ! Without compassionate love, can be called as the real person ?

真理本来无错,错的是人心 。
当你看到别人或动物受伤,你会有同感心痛伸出援手,因为你拥有真正属于人的慈爱之心 !
The truth has no false, the false is due to the heart of human. When you see someone or animal get hurt, you'll also feel the pain to help because you possess a real mercy heart of a real human.

当你看到别人或动物受伤流血都无动于衷,…如果还伸出残忍的手去陷害人 ……那应该是入魔之人了 ! 这样的人应该被称之为真人吗 ?
When you see someone or animal bleeding but has no mercy on it, and if you extend the cruel hands to frame one……so should be a person who has obsessed to be evil ! This kind of person should be qualified as a real human ?

错误诠释真理 + 盲目的心 ==>害人无数
Missed interpretation of the truth + blind heart ==> hurt many people

活在这个世界里,总会面对不同的宗教信仰、种族和文化 ……还有贫穷或富有 !
Living in this world will always face different religions, races and cultures……some more poor or rich !

(这篇文章并无针对任何宗教而是劈开宗教问题去帮助需要的人 。
This article is not aimed to prejudice at any religion but split the religious issues to help people in need.)

爱是和谐的动力,可以让这个世界变得温暖 (参考:慧命的共同体 )!
Love is the power of harmony can make the world warmer ( refer to : The Wisdom of Community Life )!

If really want to have a Great Harmony World, any conflict with ethnic or religious theories in whole world should be prohibited because those will make thousands of innocent people to be victims living in dire straits !

那肯定也有魔介和地狱 !
“ 不做亏心事,不怕三更鬼敲门 !”
If you believe that there's heaven in this world, sure that there are Demons and hell too !
“Don't do bad thing so do not afraid ghost to knock the door at midnight ! "

人们在还没学习追随上帝的圣经时,是不是应该先学会人性化呢 ?
Before people are learning to follow the doctrine or Bible of God, should learn about humanity, right ?

……这真的值得我们去反省 !
……this is really worthy of our reflection !

……不然就不会有宗教引起的战争 !
……otherwise, there would not cause religious war !

……人无论成功到了极点都要有良知 !
……people should have a conscience regardless of the success to the extreme !

希望这里的字句能让有力量的您去帮助那些活在水深火热边缘的人 !
Hope the words here could  let you to help the people who live at the edge of an abyss with your strong forces !

……因为他们不是只需要祈祷就能度过难堪处境悲惨的命运,而是需要有力量的人去帮助他们,不是排挤他们 !
Because they're not just only need praying to get through the tragically embarrassing situation of fate, but they need someone with strong power to help them, do not exclude them !

同时,是谁造成他们有如此悲惨的命运的呢 ?“ 解铃还需系铃人 "
Meanwhile, who have made them facing such a tragic fate ? " The ones who tied the bell on, the ones who should end it "

……是不是有责任用您的力量停止如此悲惨的命运呢 ?
……don't you have a responsibility to stop such  a tragic fate with your strong forces ?


谚语 proverb : 【 解玲还需系玲人 】

“The one who tied the bell on, the one who should end it "

释义 Meaning :
Who causes the troubles, and who is going to solve.

发音 Pronunciation :
解  铃   还  需  系  铃  人
jiě líng hái xū  jì líng rén

出处 source :  明·瞿汝稷《指月录》

2015年9月28日 星期一

(123) 走过的路,才知道有起有伏, Has walked through the paths, then know that there are wave ups and downs,

Has walked through the paths, then know that there are wave ups and downs,

Has passed over the things, then know that there are happiness and sadness,

Who has tried, then know that there are true and false,

Whatever can be waived off ,

but innermost sincerity can't be waived off,

Whatever can be lost ,

but oneself's conscience can't be lost.

劝告 advice :

人可以去高处,当然也能去底处,但是无论是在哪处一定要洁身自爱和永不失良心 。
People can go to high place, of course also can go to low place, but however which place to go must keep oneself's purity away from evil influence and don't lose conscience forever.

无论美或丑、 穷或富、 成功或失败都要洁身自爱和有良心 。
Whether beautiful or ugly, poor or rich, the success or failure should keep oneself's purity and conscience.

When people fail can't live without conscience, in the success of vertices shouldn't live without conscience.

【 成语 idiom 】 :
洁身自爱 = 洁身自好
keep oneself's purity away from evil influence 保持自己的纯洁远离邪恶势力/ 影响 。

◆洁 : 纯洁 : purity
◆live : 生活,过活
◆without : 无,没有

◆conscience : 良心,良知
◆良知 : intuitive knowledge
◆良知良能 : innate knowledge and ability instinct
◆ability instinct : 天性的本能

(122) 光阴不惜过时悔, Don't cherish time, you may regret when it is past,

Don't cherish time, you may regret when it was past,

Don't learn during black hair, you may regret when hair has turned white,

Drinking and gambling, you may regret when troubles come,

Don't take care of health, you may regret when you are sick,

As officer is having Crime of Bribery, you may regret when the crime is convicted,

Don't live frugally when rich, you may regret when you need,

Don't show filial piety to parents,  you may regret when you are old,

遇难不帮有事悔 ,
Don't help when people meet difficulties, you may regret when you meet difficulties, /
Stand aloof / aside when people suffer, you may regret when you suffer,

Do things don't think in thrice, you may regret in the end,

Hasty decisions blindly,you may regret when an error occurs.

劝告 advice :

如果在自身的能力范围,不应该看到别人受难时而袖手旁观 。
If in own capability, should not stand aside to see people in suffering.

【成语 idiom : 袖手旁观 stand by, stand aside, stand aside to see 】

◆ 受苦 / 受难 : suffer / suffering

2015年9月24日 星期四

(121) 真正的耳聪是能听到心声,真正的目的是能透视心灵 。 The real keen sense of ears is the real voices can be heard, the real goal is able to penetrate seeing the soul.

真正的耳聪是能听到心声,真正的目是能透视心灵 。
The real keen sense of ears is the real voices can be heard, the real eyes are able to penetrate seeing the soul.

See, is not equal to fathom ;

Fathom, is not equal to know;

Know, is not equal to penetrate seeing;

Penetrate seeing, is not equal to open vision;

看开,不等于看破 !
Open Vision, is not equal to see through !

For doing everything as best as endeavor,

一生只需做对三件事 :
Life merely requires to do three right things :

don't all day bustle ( busy blindly),

……don't be greedy @ hate,

……不要自欺欺人 !
……don't deceive oneself and as well as others ( a gross deception ) !

例子 example :
1) 过于或极端的宗教迷信会使人迷失更多,自欺欺人 !
Over or extreme religious superstition may make people lose too much,  deceive oneself and as well as others !

2) 花心,不能以真诚的心对待感情,不但欺骗了别人的感情,也欺骗了自己的心灵 !
Play heart, not with a sincere heart to love, not only lied to people's feelings / affection but also lied to oneself's heart !

【成语 idiom : 自欺欺人 deceive oneself and as well as others ( a gross deception ) 】


2015年9月23日 星期三

(120) 问路不如问心; 找路不如找心, To ask the way to is better to ask for the heart; to find the way is better to find the heart,

问路不如问心; 找路不如找心,
To ask the way to is better to ask for the heart; to find the way is better to find the heart,

Vipassana of oneself ( prakrti) is the most beautiful scenery.

[ vipassana 自观: meditation aims at concentrating on mind of self-body

[ prakrti 自性 ]

◆ 看自己的内心能让你找到自己的弱点和优点,去更多了解自己。
to view the inner of oneself can let you to find out your weaknesses @ strengths, to know more about yourself.

劝告 advice :
当了解自己后,对自己说 :“你是最棒的!” ……你就会是最棒的 !
After knowing about yourself and say, " You Are The Best! " ……So You Will Be The Best ! 

……因为你懂得如何改善自己,不再迷惑了 !
……because you know how to improve yourself, no longer confused anymore !

…… 心中的杂念也同时被扫净。
……thoughts also were swept cleanly.

2015年9月22日 星期二

2015年9月16日 星期三

(118) 人生就是 一边拥有,一边失去 一边选择,一边放弃 Life is One side possess, one side loses One side option,one side to give up

Life is
One side possess, one side loses
One side option,one side to give up

Where have all the best in life ?
Where have everything go best way in living ?

Don't dispute with others because don't wanna be hurt
Don't dispute with the past because there is no significance
Don't dispute with reality because wanna continue

Cheer up
Let our life more meaningful

2015年8月31日 星期一

( 117 ) 亲密的人之间往往有太多执着 Between the closest people often have too much persistence

心里会有许多期望和要求,要求对方完全理解、欣赏、领受、符合我们的心意,不然便感觉失落、痛苦 。对亲近的人,我们并不缺少爱,而是缺少宽容和放松。
Between the closest people often have too much persistence, the heart will have a lot of expectations and requirements ( demands ), asking someone to fully understand, appreciate, accept and comply with our minds, otherwise feel loss, pain. To someone close, there's no shortage of love, but a lack of tolerance and relax.

即是有缘做一家人,就彼此珍惜、尊重,不要试图贪爱去束缚对方,由爱生怨,由怨生恨,枉自荒废珍宝人生 。
That was predestined to be a family, each other should cherish, respect, do not try and be greedy to restrict love each other, from love to hatred, from resentment to hate, abandoned treasures of life in vain.

持久的快乐源于内心的平和不在于名利的积累。真正能让我们远离匮乏孤独之苦的,不是金钱地位,而是懂得关爱、分享和宽容的心,这才是人生最宝贵的财富 。
Lasting happiness comes from inner peace is not the accumulation of fame. Really can keep us away from deficiency and loneliness, is not the money and position, but know a caring, sharing and forgiving heart, this is the most valuable asset in life.

◆ 匮乏 : deficiency 缺乏
◆ 财富 : asset / wealth
◆ 怨 : 怨恨 hatred = resentment
◆ 恨 : hate

◆ 宽容 : forgiveness
   宽容的心 forgiving heart

◆ 束缚 : restrict

[ 我很喜欢这文章,也很努力地在找这本书,如果你拥有这么一本书,请慷慨留言 。
I like this article so much here, also find this book very hard, if you own such a book, please give generously message. ] 

( 116 ) 你的力量在哪里 ? Where is your strength?

你的力量在哪里 ?
Where is your strength?

当有不足之处时,好好地努力栽培你的力量吧 !
When there are deficiencies, make efforts to cultivate your strength!

当遇到困难时,先累积你的力量才处理吧 !
When in trouble, first to accumulate your power, then to deal with it !

In this world,
Not much needs,
Too much demands,
But the soul must be pure to receive a good edification and review mistake,
Don't let too much demands...... to destroy pure heart,
Learn to make yourself living in good and happiness.

It doesn't matter the ordinary appearance,
The most important is listening to your heart ;
We have a powerful inner forces,
正面的力量 。

the positive forces.
The road does not come to an end,
而是时候要转弯了 !
but It's time to turn !

When you think no way to go,
其实还有一点点就来到前方的路了 !
In fact, there is little way may come to the front !

Don't let careless randomly ruin the future,
Careful and meticulous to save for your future troubles,
感恩的心能为你带来更多的正能量 !
Thanksgiving heart can bring you more positive power !

◆ 力量 : strength (实力的力量)
              forces ( 有影响力的力量)
               power = forces + strength

◆ 教诲 : edification

[ 这篇是为我孩子而写,也希望有一字一句能帮助到你和身边的朋友或他们的孩子 。]
[ This article was written for my children, also hope to have a word or a sentence can help you and your friends or their children. ] 

2015年8月17日 星期一

(115) 慧命的共同体 Wisdom Life of Community

Wisdom Life of Community

多了解不同种族的文化,很自然就会产生另一种慧命的共同体 ……
Learn more about different cultures of different races, it's natural that there would produce another kind of wisdom of the community --

不同种族的人们应以善智慧为生命的共同体,这样才能产生友族之间的爱和尊敬,爱是和谐的动力 !
People of different races should be based on kindness intelligence for the life of the community, so that they can produce love and respect between racial friends, love is the power of harmony!

人活在这世界上需要 :
People living in this world need :
Mutually assistance to survive,
Mutually beneficial to grow
Mutual respect will produce power,
Mutually love will turn into great harmony,
最终光明才能永续 ……
Ultimately light will be able to continue ---

For doing business...... will prosper,
For couples......harmonious family can lead to success of everything,
做领导的……也事半功倍 !
For leadership......yield twice the result with half the effort !

劝告 advice :
所以在我们的日常生活里不应对任何种族和宗教歧视 !
So in our daily lives should not deal with any racial and religious discrimination!

如果在生活上遇到态度恶劣的人时,请谨记这是他个人的修为德行问题而不是种族的问题 !
When you encounter a bad attitude guy  in life, to keep in mind that this is his / her personal virtue problems and is not a racial issue !

这里也指人类幸福的来源 ~爱,但不是指欲望的爱,欲望的爱并不是真正的爱 !
There is also the source of human happiness ~ love, but not the desire of love, desire of love is not real love !

比如 such as :
不应为了政治目的以某种理由来威胁到种族之间的和谐 。
Should not be for political purposes to threaten racial harmony with some reasons.

祝 wish :
Happy harmony

Video : 文化节目 ~ 马来舞蹈
             culture program ~Malay dance ( due to nnetworking problem, the video is to be ready in September 2015 )

地点 location : Center Market,
                          Kuala Lumpur,

(114 ) 说了又不听, have told but don't listen,

Ai ! Today, teaching the students to read Bahasa Malaysia dictation with Chinese meaning together, there are still such students, including my own son will be graduating from the primary school !
「 说了又不听,
have told but don't listen,
listened but don't know,
don't know but don't ask,
asked but don't work,
done but did wrong,
did wrong but denied,
admitted it but not change,
changed but disobeyed,
disobeyed but don't tell,
     说了还是原来的他 !
told but he is still him !」
在这样的情况下,短短15分钟里,心就宽恕了1000次 !
In this case, in as little as 15 minutes, the heart would forgive 1000 times !
还好,让他们看了这一则小启示后,还有点效用 !
All right, let them to watch this a little inspiration, there is still a little utility!
警惕 alert :
如果不改善这样的态度,以后也许会成了孩子日后的工作态度 !
If it does not improve such an attitude,it might be developed into the child's working attitude in future !
通常只要不顽固,孩子都会在学习上有所突破 !
Usually, if don't be stubborn, the child will make a breakthrough in learning!

2015年8月9日 星期日

( 113 ) 合武道是中国武术和其他的武术的混和体。 WUDO is a body of Chinese Martial art mixed with other martial arts.

WUDO is a body of  Chinese Martial art mixed with other martial arts.
让孩子学武不但能强身健体头脑敏捷,还能纠正孩子习武和用武的正确思维 。
Let the children learn martial art not only for physical fitness - prompt minded, but also to correct their concepts in terms of the practice and the usage of martial arts .
有学才艺的孩子办事也较有条理和有规律 ,孩子也得过有意义的生活,总好过让孩子虚度光阴在电脑游戏里 。
Children with learning art talents are more structured and disciplined when perform works, children have to live with a meaningful life, better letting them to waste time in video games.
Of course, the coach of the martial art is a very important link to pass the right concepts of the practice and the usage of martial arts to his or her apprentice.
经过调教的徒儿都不会以武伤人惹事生非 !
After the apprentice is trained up won't be going to hurt people and making mischief ! 

2015年7月31日 星期五

( 112 ) 做为人生友谊纪念 : As a friendship memorial in life :

做为人生友谊纪念 :
As a friendship memorial in life :

我和这位朋友十多年没见面了,我昨天终于能抽身出来见她了 !
My friend and I hadn't seen for more than 10 years,  I could finally get out to see her yesterday!

记得我们以前见面时我的孩子还是婴儿,现在我的孩子们都长得这么高了才见面 !
Remember when we used to meet, my children was a baby, now my kids grow  tall, we just met together !

……是她让我觉悟真正的友谊,真友谊不会因为少联系或少见面而被岁月淘汰 !
-- She made me realize the true friendship, true friendship will not be eliminated by the time because of little contact or less meeting of each other!

……很庆幸相隔了十多年,我们还能如此带着浓厚的友谊一起拍照哦 !
-- Luckily, although more than 10 years apart, we can still take a strong friendship with pictures !

真感恩老天爷赐我们这样真诚的友谊在我们的生命中 !
Really thanks god for giving us such a sincere friendship in our lives!

[ 要离开时when have to leave,
我 : 我们也不会再十多年才见面了 !
I : We will not meet again until more than 10years !

友 : 如果还要等十多年才见面,到时我们五十多岁要拿着拐杖出门见面 !
Friend : If you have to wait more than 10 years to meet, we may use walking stick out to meet each at 50+ years old !

我和友 : 哈哈 !哈哈 !]
Me and my friend : Haha! Ha ha! ]

其实我感到很惭愧,因为身为她的朋友,我却没她做得好 !
Actually I feel very ashamed because as her friend, I don't do better than her !

如今许多人都向“ 钱 ”看的时代,但是
这世界最可贵的就是能和对自己无心机、无目的、偶尔还会关心你的朋友在一起谈天说地 !
Today is the century that many people to look at  " money ", but the most valuable thing in the world is able to have chatting with the friend who is without any purposes to oneself, occasionally will give careness too !

……能真正坐下来听你说了许多无聊的话,也是真正发自内心尊敬你的朋友 !
-- can actually sit down and listen to you saying a lot of boring things, this is the friend really respect you !

……能在你面对困难时给你雪中送炭及问候,也是真担心你的朋友 !
-- can give you help when you face difficulties and send greetings to you, those are the friends really worried about you!

真心朋友不讲求是专业人士或是平平凡凡的人士,有钱或贫寒……都只讲真心诚意 !
A true friend is not pursuing a friend either a professional or an ordinary person, either rich or poor --  only speak in good faith!

真心朋友是希望你过得好,所以偶尔会给你一份简单的祝福, 在心理 或 通过讯息 ……
A true friend is hope you to live well, so will occasionally give you a simple nice blessing in the heart or through messages ......

也许跟钱扯不上关系的一句祝福语,对某些人来说是不值钱,但对我来说是宝贵的一句,因为这一句是发自真心的祝福 !
Although a word of blessing may be not related with money and worthless for someone but it is very valuable for me because it comes from a real heart !

珍惜感恩那些真心朋友对自己不离不弃的问候、祝福和关怀 !
Cherish and thanksgiving those true friends for never give up their greetings, blessings and careness !

Cherish & thanksgiving

祝 wish
True friendship is everlasting and unchanging


( 原来这世界还真是有这么美的花 — 鸢尾花,为那些真心友谊而开!
In fact, the world really have such a beautiful flower - iris flower, open to those sincere friendship!

这花的意思是祝福 : 纯洁真诚的友谊永固。
The blessing of this flower is : pure and sincere friendship is being everlasting. )


2015年7月15日 星期三

( 111 ) 警惕 alert : 有时候修道久了也会忘了“尊重” ! sometimes accompanied in religion doctrines for long period will also forget "respect" !

警惕 alert :
有时候修道久了也会忘了“尊重” !
sometimes accompanied in religion doctrines for long period will also forget "respect" !
尊重能让人感觉舒服和自在 。
Respect can make people feel comfortable and at ease.
尊重从心开始 ……
Respect begins from the heart……

2015年7月1日 星期三

( 110 ) 心正或心邪 ……就看您的心了 !……而不是眼睛的问题 ! 如果肉眼是贼,那就是心叫眼睛做贼 ! Heart or mind is right or evil, just watch your heart! -- is not instead of eyes' problems ! If eyes are  thieves, so is the heart / mind to call eyes to be thieves !


心正或心邪 ……就看您的心了 !……而不是眼睛的问题 !如果肉眼是贼,那就是心叫眼睛做贼 !Heart or mind is right or evil, just watch your heart! -- is not instead of eyes' problems ! If eyes are  thieves, so is the heart / mind to call eyes to be thieves !

由于不同宗教信仰及文化的衣着概念出现了差距!尤其是今年,以往不怎么敏感的衣着课题,但是现在在某个宗教立场却变得似乎敏感极了 !
Because of the gap in clothing and the culture concepts emerged in different faiths ! Especially this year, clothing is not very sensitive topic in the past, but now it seemed very sensitive in a religious position !

我本身是绝对尊重其他种族的信仰和文化,也不反对衣着上的配合如有需要的情况下,所谓 : “ 入乡随俗 ” !
I am absolute respect to the beliefs of other races and cultures, and have no objection to match clothes if necessary, which is known as ' wherever you are, follow local customs ' !

[ 成语 idiom : 
" 入乡随俗 " = “ 随乡入乡 ” : 
' wherever you are, follow local customs ' ]

但是如果衣着影响到全国上下,那是不是同时也在对其他的宗教信仰和文化有了歧视 ?
But if the clothes are affecting the country, at the same time, is there discrimination to other religion beliefs and cultures ?

心邪,无论穿什么,眼睛看到的都是邪淫的 !…… 不然,怎么还会有强奸犯呢 ? ……如果全国或全世界的人都穿长袖长裤,真的能确保不再有淫贼或强奸犯了吗 ?
Mind / heart is evil, no matter what to wear, what you see is immoral ! 
-- otherwise, why would still emerge rapists now? -- if the people in the country or the world are wearing long sleeved shirts, long pants, really can you make sure that no more thieves of lewd acts or rapists?

心正,无论穿什么,眼睛看到的都是以平常心看待, 没有邪恶之意 !
The heart is right, no matter what to wear, what you see are based on common sense to look at without evil mind !

最重要的是今日的人们是有受教育,学懂礼节,知道什么场合应有什么样得体的衣着,至少勿以裸体示众人或过于暴露 !
The most important thing is that people today are educated, learn manners to know what kind of clothing for what occasion, at least not to show naked body to people or too revealing !

我们是文明人,不是原始人 !
We are civilized people, not the primitive people !

国家或宗教信仰的责任应该要好好地教育人们的心念——教育人们要拥有健康快乐坚定的道德文化信念,而不是设法去管制他人的文化和生活习惯 !
Responsibility of national or religious beliefs should be to educate people's mind, -- to educate people to have a firm belief in the moral culture of healthy and happy, is not instead of trying to control others' cultures and customs!

温馨警惕 warm alert :

衣着代表了种族文化,个人的修养,而不是被利用挑衅斗争的课题 !
Clothing represents ethnic culture, personal cultivation but it's not taken advantage of provocative subject of the struggle!

如果每个人每天只利用少许的空档去想如何教育人心迈向大同的世界,那和平就会越近,那该多好啊 !…… 总好过设法去管制他人的文化和生活习惯 !
If everyone only uses little space to think about how to educate people towards Great World, that peace will be the closer, and that will be too much nice ! ……it's better than trying to control others' cultures and customs!

和平来自大同的世界,和睦共处,大同世界来自你我, 每个人的一小份努力,无战争,无血腥 !……请别让宗教信仰和文化成为斗争的导火线 !
Peace is from the Great World, harmony, the Great World is of a little effort from you and me, everyone's effort, no war, no blood!
-- please don't let religion and culture become a flashpoint in the struggle!

◆ 心 : heart 
◆ 心念 : thought arising and sudising with mind

◆ 淫 :  lewd acts 
◆ 贼 : thieves / thief
◆ 淫贼 : thieves of lewd acts

◆ 挑衅的 : provocative

◆ 斗争 ,抗争,挣扎 : struggle

◆ revealing 袒胸露背的
◆ 过于暴露 too revealing

◆ 个人 : personal 
◆ 修养 : cultivation
◆ 个人修养 : personal cultivation / self-cultivation / self-accomplishment

2015年6月21日 星期日

( 109 ) 谚语 proverb : 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛 People inherent in a death, or be weightier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather of Anser Cygnoides.

谚语 proverb :
人  固  有 一 死,或    重   于  泰   山,或   轻  于   鸿    毛

rén  gù  yǒu  yì   sǐ,     huò  zhòng  yú  tài  shān,  huò  qīng  yú  hóng  máo

People inherent in a death, or be weightier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather of Anser Cygnoides.


Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather than a feather of Anser Cygnoides .

◆ 鸿毛 = 鸿雁的羽毛 feather of Anser Cygnoides
◆ 鸿雁 Anser Cygnoides ( goose family )

出处 source : 《 报任安书 》
作者 author : 司马迁
朝代 dynasty : 汉朝 (202 — 220 年years )

语译 interpretation :
People will die, some people get very valuable dead, heavier than Mount Tai ;

Some people died for nothing, lighter than a feather.

劝告 advice :
每个人都有生命终结的一天,然而每个人的生命价值有别。我们应该好好把握有限的生命,创造一个有价值的人生 。
Everyone has to die one day, however, the value of life is different for everyone. We should make good use of limited life, creating a valuable life.

无论你是来自贫穷或富有、缺爱或幸福的家庭、幸运或不幸……但是你的生命是宝贵的 !
Whether you are from poor or rich,
the family with lack of love or with happiness, fortune or misfortune …… but your life is precious !

如果生命死于嬉戏或自杀性的,那就辜负了你自己和关爱你的人了 !
If life is death due to play games or suicide, then failed yourself and the people who care about and love you !

◆ 嬉戏 : playing games
◆ 辜负 : failed / fail to live up to expectation / disappoint
◆ 关爱 : 关心 care
               爱 love

2015年6月16日 星期二

( 108 ) 情谊无价 关怀无价 Friendly sentiment is priceless, care is priceless.

情谊无价    关怀无价
多一分的关怀,多一分的内心平和 !
Friendly sentiment is priceless         care is priceless
A little more care, a bit more of inner peace!

情谊 friendly sentiments
内心 inner
无价 priceless

2015年6月2日 星期二

(107)成语 idiom : "孺子可教 Child could be taught "

成语 idiom : "孺子可教 Child could be taught "
孺 子 可 教
[rú zǐ kě jiào]
出处 source:西汉·司马迁《史记·留侯世家》
语译 interpretation :
[ 孺子 : 小孩子 child ]
[ 教: 教诲 = 教导 teach ]
Children can be taught and also described the young man with good  prospects, talent is able to be cultivated .
【近义词 Synonyms】:
成语 idioms :
尊师重教 = 程门度雪  respect teacher and his / her teaching .
拼音 Pinyin :
   尊   师     重     教
zūn  shī  zhòng  jiào
   程      门      度   雪
chénɡ mén  dù  xuě
【反义词 Antonym】:
朽木不雕 rotten wood cannot be carved / fool grows without watering .
不堪造就 Can't be trained.
拼音 Pinyin :
朽  木  不   雕
xiǔ mù bù diāo
不  堪   造   就
bù  kān zào jiù
故事 story :
One day, Zhang Liang took a walk and came to a bridge which was near to Xia Pei, he met an old man on the bridge, who wore coarse clothes. The old man walked to the front of Zhang Liang, he directly throw a shoe under the bridge, then he asked Zhang Liang : ' Hi! Young man, you go and pick me the shoe ! '
Zhang Liang was surprised, want to hit that old man . But seeing the old man was very old so he refrained himself. He picked up the shoe off the bridge, then he reverently kneel down to put on the shoe for the old man. As the old man's shoes were on his feet, then he smiled and turned away.
Zhang Liang was even more surprised and stared at the back of the elderly leaving away . The old man walking in the road, then turned back to said, ' You are a very good boy, worth me to teach . Come to meet me at the bridge in the morning 5 days later. ' Zhang heard, hurriedly agreed.
On the fifth day's morning, Zhang Liang arrived on the bridge. The old man had first arrived, said angrily, ' appointment with old man but is late, what's the deal? Five days later,  come again to see me earlier! '
Five days later, the rooster crowing,  Zhang Liang go to the bridge. But, the old man had arrived first, the old man said, ' You are late again, what's the deal? Five days later to come ahead.'
Five days later again,  Zhang Liang arrived at the bridge to wait at midnight . After a while, the old man came and said happily : ' Boy, that's it! '
老人说着,拿出一本书交给张良,说:“你要下苦功钻研这部书。钻研透了,以后可以做帝王的老师。十年后有大成就。十三年后,小子你将再见到我,济北谷城山下的黄石就是我啦。” 然后老人就离开不见了。
The old man took out a book to Zhang Liang and said : " You have to work hard to study this book. Once after studying hard, you can work as an emperor's teacher. You will have great success ten years later. 13 years later, you will see me again,  located at the city of the valley yamashita, Jibei ( Jibei Gokseong foot of Yellowstone) the Yellowstone is mine. " Then the old man had left away and gone.
The next morning, Zhang read the book, The Grandfather's Military Strategy and Tactics. Zhang Liang thought this was peculiar, so he studied hard on this book.
Later, Zhang Liang got a great effectiveness for his success from studying hard on  this book, The Grandfather's Military Strategy and Tactics, became the important advisor of Han emperor Liu Bang,
has achieved a lot of contribution and established the dynasty of Han for Liu Bang.
《太公兵法》 : The Grandfather's Military Strategy and Tactics ==> [ The  Grandfather's Art of War ]
[ 太公 : Grandfather ]
{I have a little knowledge, if there is any translation error, please leave a message and hope that your magnanimous.}

2015年5月25日 星期一

(106 ) 谚语 proverb : 多行不义必自毙。He / she who is unjust is doomed to destruction .

谚语 proverb :

多行不义必自毙。 He / she who is unjust is doomed to destruction .

             多     行      不    义   必   自   毙
拼音: duō   xínɡ    bù    yì    bì    zì    bì

出处 source : 《 左传 ● 隐公元年 》
朝代 dynasty : 先秦 (前 before 221 年 years )

语译 interpretation :
时常做坏事的人,最后必定会害了自己 。
Those who often do evil things, finally bound to end up by ruining himself.

[ 多 : many / much ]
[ 行  : here means " do 做" ]
[ 不义 :没道义的事 no moral things / evil things ]
[ 毙 : 死亡 death ]

劝勉 advice :
人们不可做坏事,否则便会招惹不好的下场 。
People do not do bad things, otherwise it will incur bad end.

[ 招惹 : incur ]

警惕 alert :
做坏事不但会害了自己,还会害了无辜的人,也会带灾祸给家人 。
Do bad things, not only harm oneself, will harm innocent people and also bring disaster to the family.

不断做没道义的事,最终有一天会被自己的罪恶焚尽 !
Keeping to do no moral things, eventually,  himself / herself to be burned down by his or her sins on a day !

[ 坏事 : bad things / evil things ]
[ 害 : harm, 陷害 frame up ]
[ 无辜 : Innocent ]
[ 灾祸 :  disaster, scourge ]

[ 焚 : burn ]
[ 尽 : exhausted ]
[ 焚尽 : finish to be burned / burn down ]

小小的做人原则分享 Small shared principles :

今天无论有无宗教信仰,人类都不应该做不符合道义的事 !
Today, with or without religion, humans should not do the things of  inconsistent with the moral!

……不为任何理由、不为任何委屈、不为任何利益、不为任何目标 ……就是不做没有道义的事 !
Not for any reason, not for any injustice, not for any benefits, not for any goals …… Just don't do the evil things !

( I think this is not easy for many people to apply this principle, but also not difficult to follow ! )

我本人是绝对不会为了任何利益去做没有道义的事,只要肯工作是不会饿死的 !
I am definitely not to do the evil things for any benefit, as long as willing to work is not going to starve !

也许有些人伤害及杀害了无数的无辜者,理由是为了伸张正义 ……这只是一个安慰自己的理由,难道为了伸张正义就能滥杀无辜吗 ???
别再迷失人生的方向了 !
Maybe some people have harmed and murdered countless innocents, the reason is to do what's right, this is just a comfort in their own reasons, could kill the innocents for doing what's right ? ? ?
Don't ever lose life direction again!

人生短暂,有得吃、有住的、睡得安乐、家人能团聚 ……这些已是一种幸福和快乐,别为了任何一种理由而去做伤天害理的事,搞到连睡觉都不能安眠,那又何苦呢 ?
Life is short, has food to eat, has nice place to sleep, has a place to live in peaceful, has family reunion
……these are the kinds of happiness,  don't make the terrible thing for a reason, can't get to sleep tightly, why so bother?

……做了伤天害理的事情后,还会招惹了许多的灾祸, 导致自己最基本所拥有的都失去了又有何用呢 ?
…… After doing evil deeds,will incur the scourge cause losing the most basic things owned, what use is it ?

人是万物之灵应该感到骄傲,但是做了许多亏心事,伤害及滥杀无辜生物或人,那还有什么值得骄傲的呢 ?
Man is the soul of the universe should be proud of, but has done a lot of evil things and indiscriminate killing of innocent creatures or people, is there anything to be proud of ?

[ 滥杀 : indiscriminate killing ]

( 我相信你我心中都有了答案,希望你的答案是正面的 !)
( I believe that there is  the answer in you and my heart, I hope your answer is positive ! )

谚语 proverb :
 所  谓  : “ 不  做  亏  心  事,三   更   不  怕  鬼  敲  门 !”

suǒ wèi :   bú zuò kūi xīn shì, sān gēng bú pà guǐ qiāo mén

Predicate : " don't do evil things, conscience is not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door at midnight !

[ 三更 :半夜 midnight ] 

……死前的心不能平静,死后灵魂又怎么能带走平静呢 ?
-- heart can't be calm down before dead, how can the soul take peace after dead ?

……死后带不走任何财物,只有心中的平静才是死后的财宝 !
Death can't take away any property,  creates the inner peace is the only treasure of death!

……只有心中纯正的平静才能让你看见上帝的曙光 !
……Only pure peace of mind to make you see the light of god!

*图片的意义 :
当一只野狗在外咬伤了人将会有杀身之祸,但是那些滥杀无辜的人却逍遥法外自以为傲,那不是畜牲都不如吗 ?
*Meaning of pictures : 
A wild dog to be killed when it has bitten a man, but a murderer, who did the indiscriminate killing of innocent people is impunity and feel proud of himself or herself, is that behavior worse than an animal , isn't ? 

2015年5月18日 星期一

( 105 ) 谚语 proverb : “孺子不可教也” “ Child couldn't be taught ”

谚语 proverb :


“ Child couldn't be taught ”

“Child couldn't be taught” is originally from “Child could be taught.”
也与……《论语》里 “朽木不可雕” 的意思相近 。
Its meaning is closer to the “rotten wood cannot be carved" in the《Confucian Analects》.

“孺子不可教也 child couldn't be taught ”
出自source from :《史记·留侯世家》

语译 Interpretation :
Foolished child, cannot draw inferences about other cases from one instance, so it was casting pearls before swine to talk sense into him.

[ 孺子 : 孩子 child ]
[ 朽木 : rotten wood ]
[ 雕 : carved ]

成语 idioms :
[ 举一反三 : draw inferences about other cases from one instance ] ,
[ 对牛弹琴 : cast pearls before swine ]
“朽木不可雕 rotten wood cannot be carved ”
出处 source from:《论语·公冶长》

Confucius said “ Rotten wood cannot be carved, nor a wall of dried dung be trowelled.”

语释 Interpretation :
这句谚语也在成语里被称为的“朽木粪土”,比喻人已经败坏到“不可救药”的 地步 。
This proverb is also known as “ rotten wood and worthless soil ≈ a worthless person " in the idiom, means people have been corrupted to the point where hopeless.

[ 粪土 : dried dung / worthless soil ]
[ 圬 : 抹 wipe, 粉刷 paint ]
[ 败坏 : corrupted ]

成语 idioms :
[ 不可救药 : beyond cure / incorrigible / hopeless ]
故事 story :
The saint, Confucius 孔圣人,497 - 551 年year .
His disciple 弟子 ( student 学生 ) named 宰予 Zai Yu.

孔子的弟子宰予,言辞美好,说起话来娓娓动听。起初,孔 子很喜欢这个弟子,以为他一定很有出息。可是不久,宰子暴露出懒惰的毛病。
Zai Yu, a disciple of Confucius, nice in saying beautiful words, talked with eloquence. Initially, Confucius very liked this disciple, thought he must have great performance. But soon,  the child exposed the problem of laziness.

一天,孔子给弟子讲课,发现宰予没有来听课,就派弟子去找。 一会儿,去找的弟子回来报告说,宰予在房里睡大觉。
One day, Confucius gave his disciples lecture, discovered that Zai Yu was absent, so he sent a disciple to find him. After a while, the disciple came back and reported that Zai Yu was sleeping in the room.

孔子听了伤感他说: “腐烂的木头不能雕刻,粪土一样的墙壁不能粉刷。最初我听到别人的话,就相信他的行为一定与他说的一样;现在我听别人的话 后,要考察一下他的行为。就从宰子起,我改变了态度。”
Confucius heard and sadly said : " Rotten wood cannot be carved, the wall likes the worthless soil can't be painted. At first, I heard from what people saying, so believed his behavior must be the same as what he said. Now when I heard from what people said, have to investigate his conduct. Since the case of Zai Yu, I have changed my attitude."
警惕 alert :
由于现代大多数的孩子都是来自物质满足的环境,习惯性的娇生惯养,再加上不良的社会风气及负面资讯的影响,要教好这类的学生对老师们来说真的不容易啊 !
Nowadays, because most of the children are from the materialistic environment, habitual pampered and spoiled, coupled with the adverse social atmosphere and the impact of negative information, is really not easy for teachers to teach well this kind of students !

When some teachers are provoked to the fullest point, may be in punishing students will make mistakes, but the teachers will reflect and review in good conscience.

可是要知道犯错的学生如果不但没反省和检讨过错,还变本加厉,这将形成他日后的恶习,恶习惯将形成他将来的命运 !
If the student himself or herself has made mistakes do not reflect and review his or her faults, but is intensified, this will form his later bad habits, the bad habits will form his future destiny !

起念 ==>> 观念==>> 行动 ==>> 数次行动后 ==>> 习惯 ==>> 个性 ==>> 命运
Up ideas ==>> concept ==>>  operation[ action ] ==>> several operations ==>> habits ==>> personality ==>> fate / destiny

◆ 善心不一定有好的命运,但是恶性的习惯肯定会形成恶性的命运 。
Kindness is not necessarily to have a better fate, but bad or evil habits sure will form the malignant fate.

老师选择不去教顽固的学生以免惹祸影响了其他好的学生。 老师本身也不希望误人子弟
Although " No children left behind,  be fair to teach them ", but the teachers choose not to teach a stubborn student to avoid mishaps affecting other good students. The teachers themselves do not want to mislead and cause harm to the students .

“有教无类,一视同仁” 对懂得
尊敬和感恩老师的学生就管用,不分种族,而对顽固不化的学生却不管用。……过于顽固不化的学生, 如 : 臭骂老师、打或威胁老师 ……,应该交由国家特别来管教,以免长大后害人害己!
" No children Ieft behind,  be fair to teach them ", this rule is effectiveness when it is applied to those students could respect @ gratitude teachers, but is not effectiveness to the recalcitrant student . …… too recalcitrant student, example : scold teachers rudely, hit or threaten teachers ……, should be sent and disciplined by the State, so as not to harm himself / herself and others when he grows up!

如果父母本身也不能以好的身教来引导自己的孩子,任由孩子放纵,坏的行为会随着孩子成长形成恶性的种子而毁掉他自己将来的前途 !
If the parents themselves are not a  good example to guide their children, Iet the kids in indulgence , bad behavior will grow to form the malignant seeds in the child and  destroy his or her future !

所谓 : 别等到孩子走在“ 多行不义必自毙 ”的道路上,才知道后悔 !
The so-called : don't wait until the kids go on the road of the " injustice  is doomed to destruction " , then know to regret it!

[ 激怒 : provoked ]
[ 放纵 : indulgence ]
[ 身教 : parents themselves act as a good or bad example ]

成语 idiom :
[ 误人子弟 : mislead and cause harm to the students ]

[ 娇生惯养 : pampered and spoiled ]

[ 变本加厉 : intensified ]

[ 顽固不化 : recalcitrant / never discipline and listen to advise ]

[ 有教无类 : fair to teach ]

[ 一视同仁 : act fairly, make no exception ]

[ 有教无类,一视同仁 :  " No children Ieft behind,  be fair to teach them " ]

谚语 proverb : 多行不义必自毙  injustice  is doomed to destruction ]

2015年4月29日 星期三

( 104 ) 谚语 proverb : 王者以民为天,而民以食为天 。 King's life depends on people, people's life depends on food .

谚语 proverb :

王者以民为天,而民以食为天 。

King's life depends on people, people's life depends on food .

出处 source :  汉书 * 郦食其传
作者 author : 班固
朝代 dynasty : 汉朝 (202 - 220 年years)

语译 interpretation :
君王要得到人民的拥护才能拥有天下,人民要有足够的食物才能养家糊口 。
King wants to get the supporting of people to own the world, need  to have enough food for people to feed their family.

意义 significant :
君王要关心人民的疾苦,让人民要安居乐业,国家才能安定富强 。
King should concern about the sufferings of the people, let the people to live and work in peace, so the country will be in stability and prosperity.

生词 vocabulary :

王者 : king / 国家领袖 country leaders

以 : can be used as : 用 use,
                                    依靠 depend
                                    可以 can

民 : 人民 citizens / people

食 : 食物 food

天 : sky / day
but here means : 依靠的对象 objects that depend on

养家 / 养家糊口 feed family ( earn money to feed family )

关心 : concern / care for

疾苦 : sufferings

安居 :live in peace
乐业 :enjoy works
安居乐业 :live and work in peace / live a prosperous and contented life

安定 / 稳定 :stability
富强 :rich and strong = 兴隆 / 兴旺 prosperity
安定富强 :stability and prosperity

劝告 advice :
建立一个多元化的国家也很重要,只要不同种族的权益没受到边缘化,民心就很自然地归向他 !
The establishment of a pluralistic nation is also very important, as long as the rights and interests of different races do not be marginalized, the hearts of people will naturally turn to him!

……人民的眼睛永远都是雪亮的,而身为国家领导者千万别还迷失在政治混杂的局里 !……而是应该关注人民的食物、教育、房屋提供、环境安全措施 ……
People's eyes are always sharp, and as the national political leaders don't get lost in the sophisticated political game  !
It's about getting to care about people's food, education, housing provided, environmental security ……

带领不同的种族和宗教信仰能和睦相处,不但能提升人民之间的心态容能度、知识和智慧也会随着增加 ……,而且国家还能继续繁荣昌盛 !
Guide different races and religions can live in harmony, not only can enhance people's mentality of tolerance, will also increase along with the knowledge and wisdom -- and the country can continue to prosper!

经过不同宗教信仰和文化熏陶下的环境,奶育出来的孩子们与不同种族在语文沟通表达及态度上也与众不同——温和、中庸、尊敬的态度 !
Under the environment which is after the influence of different religions and cultures nurturing out of the children expressing in language communication and attitudes to different races are also distinctive ---the attitudes of mild, moderate and respect !

但是如果只顾及单一的宗教信仰,渐渐地将会更容易奶育更多的宗教极端分子 !
But if you take into account only a single religion, gradually it would be easier nurturing more religious extremists !

当人民对其他宗教缺乏认知,人民在生活上渐渐地也将会对其他宗教不经意的事项感到更敏感,导致互相斗争,最终破坏了国家的安宁,国家又怎能繁荣昌盛呢 ?
When people are lack of knowledges against other religious, in the life of the people will also gradually be more sensitive to the non-purposes of other religious , this  may lead to fight each other, ultimately destroy the tranquillity of the country, how does the country get to prosper ?

Religious education is to teach the hearts of the people to be peaceful coexistence, rather than being used in political objectives, interference with the rights of others or spaces!

身为君王或国家领导者必须明白,要人民的心自然地归向他,就不应该以强逼的方式掠夺人民的权益,而是带领不同种族互相爱护及尊重人民的意愿才是上策 !
As a king or the state leaders must understand that, want the hearts of the people naturally turn to him or her, should not  plunder the people's rights and interests by the ways of compelling , but guide different races to love each other and respect the will of the people is the best policy !

一个人或少数的人认为是错的,也许他们判断错误,但是当大众都不认同的事项,那大众都不可能全都判断错误 !
A person or a small number of people consider it's wrong, may be their judgement is wrong, but when all people do not agree a certain thing, the public is impossible to have it all wrong !

君王或国家领导者都希望拥有天下,但是他要知道利用强权并不是得到民心最好的方法。有谁会喜欢过被强逼或个人空间受到威胁的日子呢 ?
King or state leader hopes to own the world but he must know that the use of forced power is not the best way. Does anyone like to be forced or their space to be threatened in their living ?

一位睿智的明君成为国家的领袖……是人民的福报,很自然民心也会归向他 !
A sagacious, wise and farsighted man become a national leader -- is the blessing of the people, naturally people's hearts would turn to him!