谚语 proverb :
“ Child couldn't be taught ”
“Child couldn't be taught” is originally from “Child could be taught.”
也与……《论语》里 “朽木不可雕” 的意思相近 。
Its meaning is closer to the “rotten wood cannot be carved" in the《Confucian Analects》.
“孺子不可教也 child couldn't be taught ”
出自source from :《史记·留侯世家》
语译 Interpretation :
Foolished child, cannot draw inferences about other cases from one instance, so it was casting pearls before swine to talk sense into him.
[ 孺子 : 孩子 child ]
[ 朽木 : rotten wood ]
[ 雕 : carved ]
成语 idioms :
[ 举一反三 : draw inferences about other cases from one instance ] ,
[ 对牛弹琴 : cast pearls before swine ]
“朽木不可雕 rotten wood cannot be carved ”
出处 source from:《论语·公冶长》
Confucius said “ Rotten wood cannot be carved, nor a wall of dried dung be trowelled.”
语释 Interpretation :
这句谚语也在成语里被称为的“朽木粪土”,比喻人已经败坏到“不可救药”的 地步 。
This proverb is also known as “ rotten wood and worthless soil ≈ a worthless person " in the idiom, means people have been corrupted to the point where hopeless.
[ 粪土 : dried dung / worthless soil ]
[ 圬 : 抹 wipe, 粉刷 paint ]
[ 败坏 : corrupted ]
成语 idioms :
[ 不可救药 : beyond cure / incorrigible / hopeless ]
故事 story :
The saint, Confucius 孔圣人,497 - 551 年year .
His disciple 弟子 ( student 学生 ) named 宰予 Zai Yu.
孔子的弟子宰予,言辞美好,说起话来娓娓动听。起初,孔 子很喜欢这个弟子,以为他一定很有出息。可是不久,宰子暴露出懒惰的毛病。
Zai Yu, a disciple of Confucius, nice in saying beautiful words, talked with eloquence. Initially, Confucius very liked this disciple, thought he must have great performance. But soon, the child exposed the problem of laziness.
一天,孔子给弟子讲课,发现宰予没有来听课,就派弟子去找。 一会儿,去找的弟子回来报告说,宰予在房里睡大觉。
One day, Confucius gave his disciples lecture, discovered that Zai Yu was absent, so he sent a disciple to find him. After a while, the disciple came back and reported that Zai Yu was sleeping in the room.
孔子听了伤感他说: “腐烂的木头不能雕刻,粪土一样的墙壁不能粉刷。最初我听到别人的话,就相信他的行为一定与他说的一样;现在我听别人的话 后,要考察一下他的行为。就从宰子起,我改变了态度。”
Confucius heard and sadly said : " Rotten wood cannot be carved, the wall likes the worthless soil can't be painted. At first, I heard from what people saying, so believed his behavior must be the same as what he said. Now when I heard from what people said, have to investigate his conduct. Since the case of Zai Yu, I have changed my attitude."
警惕 alert :
由于现代大多数的孩子都是来自物质满足的环境,习惯性的娇生惯养,再加上不良的社会风气及负面资讯的影响,要教好这类的学生对老师们来说真的不容易啊 !
Nowadays, because most of the children are from the materialistic environment, habitual pampered and spoiled, coupled with the adverse social atmosphere and the impact of negative information, is really not easy for teachers to teach well this kind of students !
When some teachers are provoked to the fullest point, may be in punishing students will make mistakes, but the teachers will reflect and review in good conscience.
可是要知道犯错的学生如果不但没反省和检讨过错,还变本加厉,这将形成他日后的恶习,恶习惯将形成他将来的命运 !
If the student himself or herself has made mistakes do not reflect and review his or her faults, but is intensified, this will form his later bad habits, the bad habits will form his future destiny !
起念 ==>> 观念==>> 行动 ==>> 数次行动后 ==>> 习惯 ==>> 个性 ==>> 命运
Up ideas ==>> concept ==>> operation[ action ] ==>> several operations ==>> habits ==>> personality ==>> fate / destiny
◆ 善心不一定有好的命运,但是恶性的习惯肯定会形成恶性的命运 。
Kindness is not necessarily to have a better fate, but bad or evil habits sure will form the malignant fate.
老师选择不去教顽固的学生以免惹祸影响了其他好的学生。 老师本身也不希望误人子弟。
Although " No children left behind, be fair to teach them ", but the teachers choose not to teach a stubborn student to avoid mishaps affecting other good students. The teachers themselves do not want to mislead and cause harm to the students .
“有教无类,一视同仁” 对懂得
尊敬和感恩老师的学生就管用,不分种族,而对顽固不化的学生却不管用。……过于顽固不化的学生, 如 : 臭骂老师、打或威胁老师 ……,应该交由国家特别来管教,以免长大后害人害己!
" No children Ieft behind, be fair to teach them ", this rule is effectiveness when it is applied to those students could respect @ gratitude teachers, but is not effectiveness to the recalcitrant student . …… too recalcitrant student, example : scold teachers rudely, hit or threaten teachers ……, should be sent and disciplined by the State, so as not to harm himself / herself and others when he grows up!
如果父母本身也不能以好的身教来引导自己的孩子,任由孩子放纵,坏的行为会随着孩子成长形成恶性的种子而毁掉他自己将来的前途 !
If the parents themselves are not a good example to guide their children, Iet the kids in indulgence , bad behavior will grow to form the malignant seeds in the child and destroy his or her future !
所谓 : 别等到孩子走在“ 多行不义必自毙 ”的道路上,才知道后悔 !
The so-called : don't wait until the kids go on the road of the " injustice is doomed to destruction " , then know to regret it!
[ 激怒 : provoked ]
[ 放纵 : indulgence ]
[ 身教 : parents themselves act as a good or bad example ]
成语 idiom :
[ 误人子弟 : mislead and cause harm to the students ]
[ 娇生惯养 : pampered and spoiled ]
[ 变本加厉 : intensified ]
[ 顽固不化 : recalcitrant / never discipline and listen to advise ]
[ 有教无类 : fair to teach ]
[ 一视同仁 : act fairly, make no exception ]
[ 有教无类,一视同仁 : " No children Ieft behind, be fair to teach them " ]
谚语 proverb : [ 多行不义必自毙 injustice is doomed to destruction ]