2015年1月11日 星期日

( 76 ) 谚语 proverb :劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君惜取少年时。Advise you don't cherish the gorgeous clothes of golden silk, advise you to cherish the time of a teenager.


谚语 proverb :

Advise you don't cherish the gorgeous clothes of golden silk, advise you to cherish the time of  a teenager.

出处 source : 《金缕衣》
作者 author : 杜秋娘
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 ( 618 - 907 年 year)
意思 (语译) meaning :
Advise you do not to cherish the golden silk into the gorgeous clothes, advise you should take good care of juvenile time.
劝勉 advice :
People should cherish the precious moments of teenager, to study hard, aggressive progress.

生词 vocabulary :

 劝 : advice
君 : 君主 monarch (you)
莫 : don't
惜 : 珍惜 cherish
取 : take         惜取 : cherish to take
                       进取 : progress
金缕衣 : the gorgeous clothes of golden silk
金 : gold
缕 : 线 thread / silk       金缕 : golden silk
衣 : clothes
华丽 : gorgeous
少年 : teenager / juvenile
时 : 时光 time  /  时刻 moment
宝贵 : precious
积极 : aggressive

努力 : strive
学习 : study / learn
努力学习 : study hard

