2015年1月13日 星期二

( 81 ) 谚语 proverb :富贵本无根,尽从勤里得。Rich is originally rootless, all do get from efforts.


谚语 proverb :

Rich is originally rootless, all do get from efforts.

出处 source :《醒世恒言 * 徐老仆义愤成家》
作者 author : 冯梦楼
朝代 dynasty : 明朝 (1368 - 1644 年 year)
意思 (语译)meaning :
Wealth and rich are not born, all are based to diligent then can gain.
劝告 advice :
No unearned things in this world, only to work hard in order to be successful, enjoyed great wealth.
警惕 alert :
天下没有白吃的午餐 !
There is no free lunch in this world !
那只有爱你的父母才会提供给你免费地生活 !
That only your parents who love you will give you a free in life!
However in long term, you will develop idle, if you do not learn any life skills!


生词 vocabulary :

 富 : 富贵 rich
本 : 本来 / 原本 originally
无 : 没有 has no
无根 : rootless
尽 : all
从 : from
得 : 获得 gain
       得到 get
不劳而获 : unearned
勤 : 勤劳 hard work / efforts / diligent
努力 : efforts
财富 : wealth
荣华富贵 : splendour /wealth and rich / wealth and rank
与生俱来 : are born with(birthright)
成就 / 成功 : successful
享受 / 享有 : enjoyed
长期 : in long term
游手好闲 : idle
养成 / 发展 : develop

