名句 famous phrases :
To make the best of big responsibility, have big joy;
To make the small of responsibility, have small joy.
出处 source : 《最苦与最乐》
作者 author : 梁启超
朝代 dynasty : 清朝 (1638 - 1911年year)
作者 author : 梁启超
朝代 dynasty : 清朝 (1638 - 1911年year)
意思 (语译)meaning :
People should act responsibly and do the best, because of the responsibility and the resulting happiness is directly proportional.
People should act responsibly and do the best, because of the responsibility and the resulting happiness is directly proportional.
觉悟 awareness :
Large happiness is accumulated from the small joys;
Large happiness is accumulated from the small joys;
Big responsibility is honed from small responsibilities;
Big responsibility is honed from small responsibilities;
Achievement is accumulated by the knowledges and experiences.
Achievement is accumulated by the knowledges and experiences.
生词 vocabulary :
尽 : 尽力 to do the best of one's ability
责任 : responsibility
大 : big / large
责任 : responsibility
大 : big / large
快乐 : fun / happy/ joy / happiness
( happiness 幸福 )
( happiness 幸福 )
累积 : accumulated
磨炼 : honed
成正比 : proportional
直接 : directly
成就 : Achievement
知识 : knowledges
经验 : experiences
磨炼 : honed
成正比 : proportional
直接 : directly
成就 : Achievement
知识 : knowledges
经验 : experiences