谚语 proverb :
Qingming Festival rain heavily, pedestrians feel deep sorrow.
出处 source : 《清明》
作者 author : 杜牧
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 ( 618 - 907 年 year )
作者 author : 杜牧
朝代 dynasty : 唐朝 ( 618 - 907 年 year )
意思 (语译)meaning :
When the rain fell across the festival non-stop, the pedestrians were moved by the occasion to thought of deep sorrow.
When the rain fell across the festival non-stop, the pedestrians were moved by the occasion to thought of deep sorrow.
意义 significance :
People miss the deceased loved ones with sad mood during the Chingming festival to sweep the grave.
生词 vocabulary :
清明时节 : Qingming Festival
( is the day marking the beginning of 5th solar term (April 4, 5, or 6 ) traditionally observed as a festival for worshipping at ancestral grave) ----technically known as "sweeping the graves"
雨纷纷 : rain heavily
路上行人 : pedestrians
不停 : non-stop
路上行人 : pedestrians
不停 : non-stop
断 : break / broke
魂 : soul
断魂 : deep sorrow (sadness)
魂 : soul
断魂 : deep sorrow (sadness)
触景生情 : moved by the occasion to thought ( the sight strikes a chord in one's heart )
悲痛欲绝 : deep sorrow(very sad)
已故 / 已死去 : deceased
已故 / 已死去 : deceased
坟墓 : grave
扫墓 : sweep the grave
扫墓 : sweep the grave
怀念 / 想念 : miss
If ' miss' in such a phrase : I have missed the bus .
Here 'miss' means 错过
Here 'miss' means 错过